Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11750: Leader Suspicion

"Boom!" In an instant, Ruotao's whole body burst out with body-protecting spiritual energy, and this powerful impact suddenly spread outward in ripples, "Bang!" This was the rat skull evil wasp that tried to attack Ruotao with its tail stinging needle. Immediately, it was knocked into the air.

"Pfft—" The next moment, this guy spit out a blood mist, and almost fell to the ground, but then, the evil wasp with a strong desire to survive flapped its wings frantically, and swayed into the air again. .

"Yo, this guy really worked hard to survive, but unfortunately, you can escape from my hands, but you can't avoid its pursuit." After speaking, Ruotao said with a smile: "Wenbao, this guy will reward you. Here's to you!"

"Chirp, chirp!"

In an instant, a screeching sound suddenly sounded in the air, and the swift shadow of the golden wren chick flew up in an instant. The injured rat-skull evil wasp was so frightened when it saw the aggressive ferocious bird attacking, it still wanted to use its rapid speed. Escaped, but unfortunately the injury broke out, making this guy powerless.

"Whoo, whoo!" In the blink of an eye, the golden wren chicks suddenly released more than ten lines of electric energy, which were woven into a net in the air, and suddenly covered the hapless injured bee. The moment the electric energy erupted, the rat skull demon The bee fainted instantly.

Afterwards, the delightful little golden wren grabbed the evil bee in one bite, and ate all of them in three or two strokes.

"Uh, little greedy ghost, I just asked you to kill it, but I didn't let you eat it." Ruo Tao couldn't help crying, and then asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Tweet, Tweet." Hearing Ruotao's question, the golden wren chick hummed and nodded, and Ruotao sighed, "Oh, okay, okay, just eat."

At this time, Guan Heng said, "How about it, little girl, these guys are fast, right?"

"Well, it really is exactly the same as what the son said. In terms of speed, I can't compare with them."

Ruo Tao nodded very convinced, and then continued: "It's easy for this guy to avoid my attack, if it hadn't attacked me rashly, but was injured by my protective aura, Wren Bao would have to catch it. It will take some effort.”

"Tao Tao's words are quite right." Qian Xin nodded her head at this time, and continued, "I just looked at it, and it would be very difficult to capture the other party's traces with my own eyesight alone."

"Well, if the worm mother didn't trap them with a filament fire net, once these guys escaped, it would be very difficult to catch them." Gusang girl also said: "But it seems that attacks such as the power of lightning and fire aura are very difficult to catch. , should be fatal to them, right?"

"That's right, that's it." Guan Heng said: "That's why I let the mother insect trap the other party first, and it will be difficult for the other party to escape."

"Hehehe, this is indeed a good idea." An Yan smiled beside him: "As expected of a big brother."

"Sister, it's a shame." Guan Heng said so, but there was still a hint of joy on his face.

But Qing Huang next to him said, "Hey, A Heng, don't be complacent, have you forgotten something important?"

"Eh? Important thing?" Hearing this, Guan Heng scratched his head, and then smiled: "It seems that I forgot something, should you kindly remind me?"

"Hmph, if you weren't by my side, you'd be a fool." Qing Huang said angrily, and then continued: "Didn't you just mention that although these rat-skull bees are numerous, they don't have a leader. Does something like that look weird?"

"Well, I did say so." Guan Heng nodded, and then continued: "Now this kind of doubt seems to be even bigger."

Qianxin, Ruotao and the others asked in unison, "Why is this?"

"It's very simple, think about it now, the appearance of these dozens of evil bees seems to be to attract us here."

When he said this, Guan Heng squinted his eyes slightly, and then said slowly: "I think, this seems to be inspired by the leader of the evil bee, what do you think?"

"Well, there is indeed a possibility." Hearing these words, Qianxin's eyes flashed a thoughtful look, and then she asked, "Guan Heng, do you want to find the leader of the evil bee?"

"It does mean that."

Guan Heng nodded, and then continued: "And I have already started to take action, just when we were dealing with these rat-skull evil wasps, I had let the evil slug mother take the golden sting king and the stinger to go out, looking for That is where the evil bee leader might hide."

After a brief pause, Guan Heng turned his head and glanced into the distance, then continued, "It is estimated that they have already set their sights on each other, and will come back soon to report the news."

On the other side, the three insects searched for the trace of the leader of the evil bee, and flew through many tunnel areas in more than ten breaths.

Suddenly, Jin Qi Dynasty pointed to the front and whispered, "Boss, look over there."

"Huh?" Hearing this, the mother of evil slugs fixed her eyes and said in a low voice, "It seems to be the trace of the rat-skull evil wasp, but they are two little scumbags, and they are probably looking for the leader to report the news to the other party. , let's just follow each other and quietly stare at them."

"Okay, listen to the boss." King Jinzhang and Guhuang Houzhe agreed, and immediately followed the evil slug mother to the front.

At the same time, the worm mother also called out a mutant scorpion, and asked the other party to use the stealth ability to cover the body of herself and her companions, so as to hide it from the enemy's eyes and ears.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, the two rat-skull evil wasps in front of them fluttered their wings. They turned left and right in the tunnel, and they came to a hidden hole. The two guys were about to plunge into the hole. There was a sharp and urgent cry: "Squeak!"

This sound seemed extremely ferocious, and when the two evil bees heard it, they were so frightened that they trembled all over, their bodies were like sieves, and they did not dare to fly into the cave. Immediately afterwards, one of the rat-headed evil bees whispered towards the cave, with a trembling voice, very frightened.


In an instant, the guy who heard the other party's narration was furious, and then rushed out of the hole with a roar, "Crack!" This huge rat-skull evil wasp penetrated the opponent's body with its forelimbs, and then tore it into several pieces aggressively. The meat fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

At this time, another evil bee saw that the situation was not good, and turned around to escape.

"Pfft!" In the blink of an eye, the forelimbs of the leader of the evil bee had already pierced the guy's skull, and the other party didn't even snort, and was killed by the leader. He took a bite, and then kept chewing.

"Hmph, cannibalism? This guy isn't a good thing either." The Evil Insect Mother, who was observing secretly behind a nearby rock, sneered, and then sent a few oysters to tell Guan Heng and the others to come over.

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