Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11751: New discovery (third more)

Just after more than ten breaths, Guan Heng led the girls and other companions to this place, and the mother of evil slugs immediately greeted them and whispered: "Master, you are here."

"Well, where is the leader of the evil bee?"

"It's in the cave ahead."

The Insect Mother said, pointed to the cave in front of her, and continued: "The guy thought that the two little minions who reported to him might reveal his whereabouts, so he killed them all, and then indented. Inside the cave, there is no other movement."

Hearing this, Qianxin frowned slightly, and then asked: "That guy retracted into the cave, is it possible to take the opportunity to escape from other passages in the cave?"

"I expected this possibility to happen, and I have already sent a stealth mutant scorpion lurking in the cave to spy on that guy." The Evil Insect Mother replied.

Guan Heng nodded: "Very good, you have done a good job, let's go, let's go to find the leader of the evil bee now." After speaking, he led everyone towards the cave.

After a short while, Guan Heng and the others had sneaked into the outer area of ​​the cave, but they did not see the shadow of the leader of the evil bee. The mother of insects felt a little embarrassed, and then issued a whistle, calling out the scorpions lurking here. come over.

Just as she was about to ask the other party what was going on, the mother of evil slugs found that there were two missing Zibing, so she changed her mind and asked, "Where are the two brothers Zibing?"


The rest of the scorpions hurriedly gathered around and narrated what had happened just now. It turned out that the leader of the rat-skull wasp returned to the cave, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became. , trying to find another way to escape.

Seeing this scene, the five-colored worms did not dare to neglect, so they sent two companions to stare at each other, followed closely behind the guy, and left to inform the worm mother and Guan Heng of what happened.

"It turns out that, I understand." Guan Heng nodded, then waved his hand and said, "Lead the way, lead us to catch up with that guy immediately."

"Buzz-buzz--" Hearing this, a few cockroaches immediately rose into the air, leading Guan Heng and the others to swept forward.

At the same time, the leader of the evil bee has come to the end of the cave. There is a secret hole here, which is the only way out for this guy. .

"Squeak, squeak!" But at this moment, a sharp insect chirping suddenly sounded nearby, so frightened that the leader of the rat-skull evil wasp almost plunged into the hole, but the next moment, it saw that it was a screaming Small flying insects that exude spiritual energy all over their bodies.

This guy suddenly turned wicked, thinking that although this worm has never been seen before, the aura emanating from his body is very pure. I am on the way to escape, and I guess I have no time to eat for a long time. It is better to swallow it as an emergency.

"Whoosh!" The extremely ferocious leader of the evil bee flew towards the insect with the wind, but in an instant, the flying insect disappeared in its place, making the leader of the evil bee all of a sudden fly into the air.

"Squeak, squeak!" Just when the leader of the evil bee was a little surprised, the sound of flying insects appeared again in the position behind him. This guy suddenly blushed and rushed behind him, but then, The other party suddenly disappeared.

Then, there was a sound of insects in the front left, followed by the rear right... In this way, the insects sounded one after another, becoming more and more dense, causing the leader of the evil bee to rush left and right, constantly looking for the other party's traces, trying to catch them, but Always in vain.

"Hahahaha!" At this moment, the leader of the evil bee, who was angry from his heart, roared wildly, as if to vent his anger and dissatisfaction.

"Hahaha, I was just saying that I couldn't find your trace, but I didn't expect that you **** actually made a noise to lead us here. You are really impatient."

While talking, Guan Heng, who was laughing, had already led his companions away quickly. When he saw Guan Heng and them, the leader of the evil bee shrank his neck in fright. Only then did this guy know that due to his greed, he forgot to escape at the critical moment. , as a result, the enemy has now chased after him.

"Huh!" It was too late, but it was fast, and the leader of the evil bee, who was desperate to escape, turned around and flew away, planning to plunge into the hole to escape.

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" But at the next moment, two mutant mollusks appeared near the entrance of the cave. They spit out a large stream of original flames like lightning, one blocked the entrance of the cave, and the other moved towards the evil bee. The leader's face and body fell.

Seeing the fire coming, the leader of the evil bee was so frightened that he hurriedly dodged to avoid it, but he was still a step too slow, and he didn't dodge neatly, "Hey!" In an instant, this guy's wings were scorched by the sparks, and the guy was scalded to death. , lost his sense of direction in a panic, and slammed into the rock wall.

"Beast, I'll see where you're going!" In an instant, the magic mandrill flew over and stepped on the body of the leader of the evil bee. At this moment, the magic mandrill shook the ancient golden ice-breaker and said, "Master Guan, what should I do with this guy? ?"

"Kill it." Guan Heng waved his hand, and the demon nodded: "Okay... Huh?"

But just when it just raised its hand, it suddenly found something, and then suddenly reached out and grabbed the opponent's wing, "Hey!" Immediately, half of the evil bee leader's wings were torn apart by the demon.

"Hey, I just told you to kill it, why bother torturing this guy? Isn't it too much trouble?" Guan Heng said as he glanced at the leader of the evil bee who was screaming.

"Master Guan, you don't know something, first take a look at what I tore off this guy."

With that said, the demon handed this thing to Guan Heng, he took it over and took a closer look, then he whispered: "Powder of loess spar? And it looks like this, the quality is not bad."

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng strode up to the leader of the evil bee, picked him up, shook the spar powder in his hand and asked, "Tell me, where did you get this thing from?"

"Squeak... Squeak..." Knowing that he confessed truthfully is a dead end, this evil bee leader was extremely stubborn at this time and refused to confess, Guan Heng said with a sinister smile: "Don't say it? Then you want to die happily. It's impossible, try this first."

"Giggle... squeak..." It was too late, but it was fast. Guan Heng suddenly closed his fingers and squeezed the head of the leader of the evil bee.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning, we haven't finished playing yet."

"Huhuhu!" In an instant, Guan Heng released Mu Xuan's spiritual energy, quickly healed the head of the evil bee that was almost crushed by himself, and then sneered: "Now, the second time begins!"

"Creak!" The moment the voice fell, the guy's skull was crushed by Guan Heng again, 80%. This time, the leader of the evil bee simply fainted in pain.

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