Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11752: grey troll

"Whoosh whoosh!"

In an instant, the Mu Xuan aura lingering on the head of the evil bee leader healed the guy's injury again, Guan Heng said lightly at this time: "Now, I will ask you again, do you want to continue to be tortured, or tell me about the loess ore crystals? Where was the stone found?"

"Squeak... Squeak..." The tormented leader of the evil bee could only let out a weak cry, expressing his willingness to tell Guan Heng where things were.

"Hmph, that's right, if you confessed earlier, you wouldn't have to suffer so much."

Guan Heng said, threw the other party on the ground, and then said: "Your injury is not serious, honestly lead us to find loess ore and spar, you can still do this, if you dare to play Fancy, the young master has the means to make your life worse than death, get out and lead the way!"

Hearing this, the self-confessed leader of the evil bee fluttered his wings and swayed into the air, swept forward, and Guan Heng and the others followed closely behind.

On the way, Guan Heng finally asked about the origin of the loess ore spar. It turned out that there was a secret passage leading to the upper area in the depths of this cave.

At the same time, there is also a secret path where the leader of the evil bee often goes in and out. He knows that there is a place full of rich minerals in the upper area. It stands to reason that this area has a lot of spiritual energy and is a living area. If you can move there, of course it is good thing.

Once, the leader of the Rat Skull Evil Bee also had the idea of ​​relocating to this place, but unfortunately the monsters living in this mine are really powerful. The fight was so sloppy that on several occasions, the leader of the evil bee almost lost his life.

From then on, the leader of the evil bee was afraid of being beaten. At most, he had the courage to walk around the entrance of the mine for a few times, like picking up leftovers, quietly absorbing some of the spiritual energy emanating from the cave. It is also delicious and delicious, so it is worth its repeated adventures.

The loess ore spar powder on the wings of the evil bee leader was stained near the hole. After listening to the narration of the leader of the evil bee, Guan Heng and the others also rushed to the entrance of the huge mine with the other party.

"Ha, we don't need to look for it, and we can actually encounter such a large mine, not bad." Seeing this place, King Jia Yao almost laughed out loud.

"Lord Guan, look." The magic man looked around near the entrance of the cave, immediately picked up a shard of ore spar, handed it to Guan Heng, and said, "The quality is excellent, but we rarely see such a good spar. What about the stone?"

"Well, you're right." Guan Heng nodded, then said: "There are ore spar fragments at the entrance of the cave. It can be seen that the reserves of loess ore and ore spar are not small. Let's go and have a look."

When he said this, Guan Heng was about to step forward, but found the leader of the evil bee shivering beside him, not daring to continue to lead the way, so he winked at the demon.

"You bastard, why don't you get up and lead the way for the grandpas?"

"Crack!" Before the words of the demon could finish, he slapped the evil bee leader's face with a slap in the face, causing the guy to spit out a blood mist from his mouth.


The next moment, the leader of the evil bee collapsed to the ground, and the guy made a squeaking sound, which seemed to mean: "If you kill me, I don't dare to go in, because the monsters inside are too powerful. When I see them, it's a must die."

"Hmph, since you're so scared, then you're useless to us, we don't need to keep you." After saying this, Guan Heng waved his hand: "Demon, throw this beast into the hole, I will Let's see, what monster will come out and kill it."

"Squeak, Haw!" Hearing this, the leader of the evil bee was so frightened that the leader of the evil bee was utterly frightened. Take a ride, go!"


"Plop!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The evil-headed rat-skull wasp leader suddenly fell into the mine in front of him and rolled on the ground one after another. This guy was so painful that he opened his mouth and screamed.

"Whistle-huhuhu-" But at the next moment, more than ten huge figures suddenly appeared from the depths of the cave.

Everyone looked closely, and it turned out to be a group of giant monsters with gray sharp hairs. They all had tiger backs, long arms and thick waists, and they looked menacing. The gray-haired giant monster at the head saw the leader of the evil bee rolling on the ground, and suddenly became furious. .

"Bang!" The next moment, the gray-haired giant monster lifted his foot and kicked the body of the evil bee, and the guy immediately fell on the rock wall, and immediately fell to the ground with broken bones and tendons.

Rao was seriously injured, the leader of the evil bee was still alive, but the blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and he was in danger of dying at any time.

"Ow, ooh!"

After such a long time, one of the trolls found Guan Heng and them, and immediately roared and roared. This guy was rude and bloodthirsty, with a simple mind. He only knew that invading his own territory was not a good thing, so he rushed towards everyone with a stride. come over.

"Beasts are courting death!" Seeing this scene, the Demon Mandrill strode forward to meet him, "Hoohoo! Ping ping pong pong!" In an instant, the Demon Mandrill shook his fists and collided with the opponent more than ten times.

The gray-haired giant monster became more and more frightened as he fought. Never would he have imagined that the skinny little devil mandrill had such great physical strength, and his fist strength was even more ferocious and heavy!

"Go away!" "Bang!" In the flash of lightning, the magic mandrill's heavy fist suddenly exerted force and slammed into the monster's belly.

"Pfft—" This guy suddenly felt a strong surge, and his thoracic vertebrae and ribs were severely hit by the impact of the punch, and he didn't know how many were broken. At the moment of madly spraying blood mist, the body of this unfortunate monster passed many companions. overhead.

Under the "escort" of everyone's surprised and horrified eyes, they slammed into the rock wall.

"Ow!" Seeing this scene, the companion who usually had a good relationship with this troll suddenly screamed.

But at this time, the devil did not forget to draw hatred. At this moment, he said with a grinning smile: "Hey hey, beasts, Guikulanghao has nothing to do with it. If you have the ability, come and take revenge. Grandpa is waiting for you."

"Boom!" Hearing these words, the two gray-haired monsters flew over like a madman. The magic mandrill squeezed his fists and was about to make a move, when he suddenly stretched out a paw from behind and patted his shoulder.

It turned its head and looked back, and it turned out to be an excited white-browed old monkey. The monkey pointed to himself and then to the other side.

Knowing that arguing with the other party is useless now, the devil is better to be friendly, so he nodded and said, "Okay, let's kill each other faster than anyone else, okay?"


"Huhuhu!" After hearing this, the extremely excited white-browed old monkey rushed over immediately.

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