Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11753: Abundant harvest (the fifth outbreak)

"Bang!" The old white-browed monkey rushed towards the gray-haired monster with lightning speed, hitting the opponent's chest with his own shoulder, only to hear the sound of cracking bones, and the guy immediately sprayed blood and fell. Go out, but the white-browed old monkey does not intend to stop there.

"Baby!" The next moment, the old monkey threw himself on the troll who didn't have time to land, and punched him.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

"Crackling!" The thunderous sounds came one after another, one after another. When the gray-haired monster fell to the ground with the plop, it had been beaten all over and died tragically on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the white-browed old monkey shook off the minced meat and blood stains on his hands, and turned his head to watch the battle on the other side of the magic mandrill.

"Pfft!" A sharp icicle suddenly appeared on the surface of the demon's fist, and it immediately penetrated the heart of the gray-haired troll, and then went in and out a few times with the popping sound, stabbing the guy's heart into a honeycomb colander, and a lot of blood The fog sprang out with the sound of "whoosh, whoosh".

"Hey, seeing the two of you having such a good time, Master Yao's hooves are also itchy. You have to step on them to death."


While speaking, King Jia Yao rushed over with big strides and hit the gray-haired monster who was about to escape. , "Boom!" The next moment, the troll was covered in bruises, and then turned into minced meat.

At the same time, the earth palace toad, the one-horned ice dragon, the big-headed scorpion, and the mad poisonous ant queen all flew forward and killed the other trolls. Where can the giant hairy monster stop its footsteps towards extinction? One by one they all ended tragically.

"There are only a dozen trolls, obviously this is impossible." Guan Heng touched his jaw at this time and analyzed: "I think the rest of the guys should be hiding in the depths of the mine, let's continue our search, You don't need to stay alive after encountering it, just kill it."

"It's because these guys have evil spirits, right?" Qianxin smiled and said.

"That's right." Guan Heng said, "In the face of the guy who is about to become completely evil, there is no need to spare him."

"Well, let's go." When she said this, Qin Xin and the others were already eagerly rushing to the front.

Guan Hengxin said, "It's rare that everyone is so interested, so don't disturb their happiness." Then he told the magic mandrills: "I'll let the girls do it first, if they get tired of playing, everyone will pick up the other prey. ."

"Hey hey, Master Guan, don't worry, we'll understand."

"Yes, the princess and the others have to be served first, and other things can be left alone." King Jia Yao said with a bit of flattery beside him.

"Okay, you guys are getting better and better, not bad." Guan Heng waved his hand after saying this: "What are you still doing, hurry up and follow, remember, and act according to chance."

"Okay, Master Guan, don't worry." As soon as these words came out, the demons and the others ran forward, and at the same time, Guan Heng called the seven ghosts and three insects over.

He casually instructed: "It seems that in addition to the gray-haired giant monster that is about to be evil, there are other sources of evil entrenched in this cave. Your task is to be responsible for finding such things, and after finding them, either capture or Kill yourself and deal with it as appropriate."

"Yes, Master, we know."

"Don't worry, Lord Guan, make sure to complete the task."

"Well, be more careful and go." Guan Heng said these words, and the seven ghosts and three insects immediately rushed towards the outside.

After a short while, Guan Heng, the girls and other companions arrived in the middle of the mine.

"There are loess mines that can be seen everywhere, and mines like this that don't need to be dug are really rare." Seeing the ores all over the ground, the magic mandrill said in surprise.

"It won't be too late to talk about feelings later." Guan Heng instructed: "Magic, call the gray-brown monster hedgehog, the round-eared monster, and the ice gluttonous beast, and I'll send you Mo Shiwei, puppet soldiers, and others. Crystal ore people, let them help organize the ore, is that enough?"

"Enough is enough."

Hearing Guan Heng's words, the demon laughed and rubbed his palms, then continued: "With these helpers, I can guarantee that all the ores in the middle area will be collected in a short time."

"You don't have to stay, let everyone finish the work by themselves, just hand the ore to the little Toad toad and transfer it to the toad tripod." Guan Heng hooked his finger at it and said, "Let's go."

"Yes, listen to you."

Thinking that it would be better not to supervise the work by himself, the demon nodded and hurriedly followed behind Guan Heng. While everyone walked, they were looking for loess ore. Although this huge mine had no associated ore types, it was better than the high yield of ore, and A lot.

Along the way, every place I went, there would be some mining helpers. Later, Guan Heng's earth spirit warriors and Gusang women's wood spirit soldiers used them, and many were summoned to help collect ores.

"It's really strange. After walking for so long, I didn't see any other gray-haired monsters or loess spar." At this moment, Ruo Tao raised her own question and continued: "Young master, what do you say? Woolen cloth?"

"As for the gray-haired troll, as I said just now, it's very likely that he noticed that we were coming in, so he would find a place to hide, but it doesn't matter, we will find each other soon."

After a brief pause, Guan Heng continued, "As for the spar, it..."

"Boom-boom-boom-" Before Guan Heng's words were finished, a series of loud noises suddenly came from the front, and everyone looked over there in surprise.

"Ah, ah-" In an instant, the Shuangmei ancient donkey galloped from the opposite side with the treasure-armored dry turtle and the stubborn stone turtle.

It turned out that the three of them just sneaked up to the front to investigate the situation, because they were not too far away from everyone, and they could see it when they looked up, so everyone didn't pay much attention, but they didn't know what trouble the three guys got into at this time.

"Squeak!" It was too late, but it was fast, and the ancient donkey Shuangmei rushed to Guan Heng, and then stopped urgently.

"Uuuuu!" The next moment, Baojia dry turtle hummed in a low voice, and suddenly jumped into Guan Heng's arms, he said: "Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you frightened? What's going on? Brother said, there is nothing I can't solve."

"Spit!" At this moment, the Baojia dry turtle spewed something out of its mouth and landed in Guan Heng's hand.

"Uh, what is this?"

For a while, Guan Heng didn't see the use of this round, yellow-brown thing, but at such a time, the rumbling noise on the opposite side had gradually moved from far to near, Guan Heng didn't lift his head, and said casually: " Toad, go and fix it."

"Okay." "Boom!" Hearing this, Tugong Toad suddenly flew and ran towards the other side.

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