Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11758: Consecutive battles (the fifth outbreak)

"咻咻咻!" While running, King Jia Yao suddenly heard the sound of the swift wind coming from the opposite side, dozens of dense swift shadows rushed towards him in an instant, and the demon screamed on its back: "No Well, there is a sneak attack!"

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

"Whoosh-whoosh-whoosh-" When he said this, King Jia Yao suddenly inhaled with a puff of cheeks, and then spit out a large amount of original flames, "whoosh ... crackling ..." The spikes released by the opponent's sneak attack instantly It was burnt to ashes.

"Hey!" At the same time, the unabated huge wave of fire continued to swept forward, hitting the attacker's body.

"Ow?! Oooooooo-" The screams suddenly sounded, and the yellow-skinned evil monster with spikes on its back rolled on the spot, howling and screaming. This guy tried to extinguish the flames on his body, but everything was It doesn't help, it just lets itself burn to ashes.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

But at such a time, the thorns that seemed to cover the sky and covered the ground again came from a few feet away from the opposite side, and fell to King Jia Yao and the Demon Mandrill like a rushing rain. Seeing this scene, the Demon Mandrill shouted: "You came just now, now Change me!"


As soon as the devil's words came out, he had already released the extremely lingering ice mysterious aura. They spun rapidly in mid-air, turning into frozen vortices one by one. The sealing vortex blocked it, all of them were frozen in mid-air, and then shattered into ice crystal powder.

"Kill!" King Jia Yao roared and dashed forward at this moment, the backstab yellow-skinned evil monsters who performed sneak attacks were so frightened that they turned their heads and ran away, but how could they run faster than King Jia Yao? Pushed up.


It's too late, it's too late, King Jia Yao opened his mouth and spit out a vortex of flame to surround these guys, cutting off their way, seeing that they had no hope of escape, these backstab yellow-skinned monsters were completely crazy, and they were desperate. , All of them turned around and came back, vowing to fight the enemy to death!

"Beasts, you dare to fight with your grandfather? Get out!"

"Ping ping pong pong!"

King Jia Yao sneered again and again, suddenly leaned over and rushed, knocking the other side up and down, all of them rolled and vomited blood, either dead or injured, and some unlucky ones fell directly into the area surrounded by flames, turned into fireballs, and screamed. Jumping and jumping, so embarrassed.

In an instant, these guys all died tragically, the magic mandrill looked left and right, and then said to his companions: "It seems that all those yellow-skinned evil monsters have been killed, let's go, go back to find Master Guan."

"Uh...Wait!" Suddenly, King Jia Yao whispered: "It seems that something is missing, Moji, come and listen to the movement on the ground."

"Is that necessary?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun shook his head, wanting to ridicule the other party for making a fuss.

But then, it was still lying on the ground, listening with its ears, Huo Di, the magic mandrill said: "Hey, you really said it, there seems to be some noise in the underground area, but it is far away from where we are, so I didn't find out just now."

"Look, I'll say that my hunch is correct." King Jia Yao frowned and said at this time: "It seems that the other party is digging a tunnel and intends to hide in the deep area of ​​the ground, so it is not easy to hunt them down."

"It doesn't matter, when it comes to digging tunnels, we also have many helpers who are good at this."

The magic mandrill rolled his eyes, and then hooked his fingers at the big-headed man. The other party came over, and the magic mandrill muttered a few words in his ear, and then said, "Hurry up and call them both."

"Squeak, squeak!" After hearing this, the big-headed Yongxiao agreed and ran to the back. Fortunately, it was not far from where Guan Heng and the other companions were. In the blink of an eye, the big-headed Yongxiao brought him with him. The helpers are back.


"Squeaky!" The pure land dry catfish and the subterranean sand catfish with their big heads on their backs screamed, and they came to the magic mandrill in an instant, and it laughed: "This time you two have to work hard, dive into the ground quickly, Help us drive the prey out."

Upon hearing this, the pure land dry catfish nodded, suddenly turned over and dived into the soil, followed by the subterranean sand catfish.

In just seven or eight breaths, the Demon Mandrill and the others felt the ground under their feet tremble, and there was a dull sound of "dong, dong, dong", and King Jia Yao laughed: "Haha, it looks like they are fighting with each other. "

"Well, it looks like it will come out soon..."


As soon as the magic mandrill said these words, the ground a few meters away suddenly swelled up with a lump of earth, and then it burst into pieces. The yellow-skinned monster, when the two of them landed, they also broke each other's bones and tendons.

"Ow!" The next moment, panicked one-horned yellow-skinned monsters and backstabbed yellow-skinned monsters all rushed out. There were probably dozens of them, and the three largest of them were much larger than their counterparts. At first glance, they were the leaders. level guy.

"Good job, dry catfish and sand catfish, you did a good job." The magic mandrill laughed at this time: "Come here, take a break at the side, and let our brothers settle the rest."

After hearing this, the subterranean sand catfish and the pure land dry catfish didn't hesitate, and moved abruptly to a distance of more than ten feet. The magic mandrill and the old monkey immediately rushed forward and slaughtered those yellow-skinned evil monsters one-sidedly.

"Pfft, hiss!" The man who took the most ferocious shot was the old white-browed monkey. It instantly grabbed the body of a yellow-skinned monster, tore the opponent into two pieces of meat, and then threw the corpse and beat it violently four times. other enemies around.

"Ping ping pong pong!"



Suddenly, seven or eight one-horned yellow-skinned monsters were swept away by the old monkey's "corpse stick". They either rolled on the spot, or their bones were broken and tendons were broken. However, the mere two evil corpses could not withstand the old age. The monkey tossed, and in the blink of an eye, it was already fragmented.

Seeing that the "toy" was damaged, the old white-browed monkey threw the minced meat flying in a fit of anger, pulled out his metal short stick and rushed over again.

At the same time, King Jia Yao stared at a demon leader and rushed over to stop the other party. The one-horned yellow skin monster leader was so angry that his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he had to bite the bullet and swing his claws to attack Jia Yao. King, try desperately.

"Useless waste dregs, you dare to fight with me? Dream!"


"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, King Jia Yao raised his hooves and kicked the opponent. The yellow-skinned monster leader immediately hit a dozen feet in a row. He was bruised all over by King Jia Yao, and kept howling and retreating.

"Bang dang!" The next moment, the yellow skin monster leader's back slammed into the rock wall. It turned out that this guy had no way to retreat, and there was no way behind him.

"Hahaha, I'll see where you're going this time!" The wild laughter burst out, and King Jia Yao was already approaching the other party aggressively.

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