Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11759: The Secret of Fossils (First Update)

"Hooooooh-" The yellow-skinned monster leader, who knew that he had no way to escape, immediately turned red, screamed and rushed to King Jia Yao, intending to fight to the death, but unfortunately, courage alone is not enough, it is still a problem Not helpful.


"Bang!" King Jia Yao kicked his foot angrily, and the other party flew out again, just hitting another yellow-skinned monster whose neck was stabbed by the devil. The two beasts immediately broke bones and tendons at the same time. Both killed.

This time, the magic mandrill was not happy, and it cursed loudly: "Damn, why did you rob my prey?"

"I-I didn't see this, I'm sorry." King Jia Yao shook his head in embarrassment and said casually, "I didn't mean it either, wait, I'll get another one for you to play with right away."


After saying this, as if covering its face, Jia Yao Dynasty rushed towards the leader of the yellow-skinned monster with a backstab on the left. , The backstab yellow-skinned monster shrank its neck in fright, and didn't dare to take it hard at all, and could only keep retreating and dodging.

"Pfft, puff, puff!" It's a pity that no matter how fast you hide, it's useless. When it's time to get hit, you can't miss it, just in an instant, the yellow-skinned evil monster's left eye and both shoulders were pierced by fire. The guy howled miserably and immediately fell forward.

"Go to hell!"


King Jia Yao flew towards him aggressively, and kicked the hapless yellow-skinned monster with a backstab. The opponent's body immediately drew an arc in mid-air, and fell heavily in front of the devil. King Jia Yao said with a smile at this time: "Master, this is Xiaopang's honor to your old man, please please."

"Uh, you are so polite all of a sudden, it makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

The demon scratched his head, and suddenly he punched the yellow-skinned evil monster in the face. The sudden coldness of his fist suddenly froze half of the guy's cheeks. To open his mouth and scream, without making any sound, he couldn't help being terrified.

"Beast, you can't live anymore looking at you like this. Grandpa will let you go."

"Pacha!" The demon's voice fell, and he swept the ice-breaker, and immediately knocked off the frozen head of the yellow-skinned evil monster. The head immediately flew out with blood and blood, leaving the headless body in place. The spray of red mist trembled a few times, and finally fell to the ground.

"Hahaha!" When the **** aura spread around, the Demon Mandrill and the King Jia Yao laughed wildly. This move was not only full of confidence in their own strength, but also extremely contempt for those yellow-skinned evil monsters who never died. meaning.

The old white-browed monkey and the big-headed Yongyou next to him even jumped up and down, screeching and screaming strangely, with a fierce look on their faces!

The remaining seven or eight yellow-skinned demon leaders and their minions were so frightened that their bodies trembled, and the mandrill suddenly stopped laughing and sank his face, and then roared: "Come on together, kill them all, or we will be closed later. Grandpa should urge again."



As soon as the magic mandrill finished speaking, the old white-browed monkey took the lead, waving the metal short stick and shield in his hand and dashing forward, followed by the big-headed yong ji with the scorpion claw and double sticks behind it.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Mandrill and King Jia Yao also rushed over with a grinning smile. What everyone could see at this time was the look of despair in the eyes of the evil monster!


After more than ten breaths, Guan Heng took the girls and other companions to the vicinity, and all they saw were the corpses on the ground, and they were already urging King Jia Yao to burn the corpse with flames.

"It's all over?" Qianxin took a few steps forward at this time and asked, "Are these evil monsters causing trouble just now?"

"Yes, princess." When the demon heard this, he immediately walked over and said with a smile: "But they are all insignificant little scumbags, and we have already settled them."

"Well, that's good." Qianxin nodded. At this time, the magic mandrill said: "In addition, when we killed the leader of the yellow-skinned evil monster, we also found some useful things."

Having said this, the devil turned his head and raised his voice: "Hey, monkey, don't hurry up and bring the things over to the princess and everyone to take a look."

"Ugh?!" Hearing this, the old white-browed monkey was still a little unhappy. He hurriedly put his hands behind his back and covered it up. Seeing this, Ruo Tao walked over and slapped the guy on the forehead. On: "Don't hide it, take it out!"

The old monkey, who was in pain, had to obediently hand over the thing in his hand to her, Ruo Tao snatched it away and looked at it, then said: "Isn't it just a fancy bone? Why don't you hide it from us? Be stingy!"

"This bone is..." At this moment, Guan Heng saw this thing, motioned Ruotao to bring it, and then said, "In my opinion, this thing seems a bit unusual."

"Hey hey, Master Guan, you have a good eye." When Mo Man said this, he found that Ruo Tao glared at himself. Seeing this scene, Mo Man shrank his neck in fright, and had to avoid the other's eyes, pretending As if not seen.

But Guan Heng didn't pay attention to the eye contact between the two. He just weighed the things in his hand and continued: "This should not be a monster's bone, but a bone fossil of an ancient beast."

"Yeah, Master Guan, Fatty and I both think so." Mo Xun said, "When we burned the body of a yellow-skinned demon leader, we found this object in the wreckage of the other party. After analysis, we guessed that it was It may have been swallowed by the other party."

"Well, and it was swallowed whole, without chewing or anything."

Guan Heng carefully observed the fossilized animal bone, and then said: "This thing contains a lot of pure spiritual energy, the yellow-skinned evil monster leader swallowed it, probably wanting to slowly refine the spiritual energy inside, but unfortunately, its ability is limited, and it is difficult to digest it. The aura is less than one percent."

"But there is only one bone remnant fossil, no amount of spiritual energy is limited." Guan Heng said casually: "If you can find the entire set of ancient beast bones, there may be more gains."

"Yes, the size of ancient beasts has always been too large, such a small fossil is not a gain, at least you have to see other bones."

Qinghuang, Qianxin and the other sisters also said the same thing. "In addition, there is one more thing, you should also be aware of the magic mandrill, right?"

Guan Heng said casually, "This animal bone fossil has another slight aura that can hardly be detected, and that is the smell of loess ore."

"Hey hey, what Master Guan said is." The corners of the devil's mouth were slightly raised, and a sly smile appeared on his face: "Because of this, I infer that where the entire set of ancient beast bones is located, there may be a large pit. ."

"Hehe, okay, then let's go look for it." After saying this, Guan Heng waved at everyone and shouted, "Let's go, let's find the burial place of the ancient beast, I think we may find A great gain.”

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