Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11768: Surprised Skeletons (The Fifth Explosion)

As Guan Heng said, he walked a few steps quickly and came to a large rock nearby, and said casually: "Have you seen it? This rock looks ordinary, but it actually hides a mystery."

"Uh?" "What do you mean?" Hearing this, the girls were a little surprised. Guan Heng immediately slapped his palm on the rock, "Bang!" , several evil beast souls flew out.

Everyone took a closer look. It turned out that the evil beast soul was hidden inside the rock. The stone was slowly corroded and corroded by their evil energy, and turned into a hollow area. This stone is also an empty shell.

"Where to go!"

"Bang!" The demon who flew over quickly grabbed it, "Crack!" The claws scattered in the sky one after another, and it immediately caught four evil beast souls trying to escape.

"Fatty, you come to exorcise their evil spirits."

"Small meaning, look at me!" Seeing that the demon threw the beast soul in his hand to himself, King Jia Yao suddenly opened his big mouth, "Huuuuuuu!" Suddenly, the fierce and fiery fire aura swept over and brushed past him. On the surface of the beast souls, they sizzled and sizzled.


In the blink of an eye, the screams continued one after another, but the beast souls that made the screams soon recovered their calm, because some of the evil energy in their souls was refined by the flames, and they had escaped the crisis of complete evil transformation. Things are more important than anything.

The next moment, the beast souls who had returned to normal were frightened and rushed to hide behind Guan Heng's team in a hurry, but these guys didn't leave for a while, they seemed to be watching what Guan Heng and the others were going to do next.

At this moment, Guan Heng and his companions have already walked more than ten feet away. At this time, the colorful cockroach who led the way made a squeak, and Guan Heng waved his hand to signal everyone to stop. At this time, everyone looked left and right, trying to Find out why Ziyu wants to stay here.

"Squeak, squeak!" Suddenly, the big-headed Yongxiao's eyes lit up in the group of beasts, and it screamed with great interest, and led the scorpion and claw to the front.


"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The next moment, the big double stick had already smashed into a rock wall in front of the wind with the wind, and it shattered a piece of it immediately. Guan Heng and his companions took a closer look, and suddenly looked surprised.

"Aha, this skeleton... It's very similar to that of the deputy king, Xianshi." Ruo Tao shouted at this moment.

"It's not just like it, it's two circles bigger than the skeleton of the vice king." The water mysterious beast next to him said: "It can be seen that it is very likely the skeleton of the lion king."

Guan Heng turned his head and said to the long-maned lion, "Come and see, is this the skeleton of the Lion King?" Hearing this, the long-maned lion stepped forward tremblingly and stared at him. He glanced at the skeleton in the broken rock wall with his eyes, and was silent for a long time.

Big bean tears slowly rolled from the dim old eyes. It opened its mouth, but couldn't make any sound because it was so grief-stricken. It just fell on the ground and bowed to the skeleton, unable to control itself for a long time.

"Looks like this is the Lion King." Guan Heng nodded after seeing the expression on the long mane lion, and said, "Since the remains have been seen, it proves that the beast soul is likely to be nearby. Everyone, look for it."

"Also, Demon Mandrill, Old Monkey, Ice Flood Dragon, Toad, you lead other companions to block all the places around you that can enter and exit. I feel that there are things around here that we have to destroy, but we can't let the other party slip away! "

"Yes, Lord Guan." Upon hearing these words, the group of beasts agreed, and immediately acted according to the words.

Guan Heng, on the other hand, walked up to the skeleton of the Lion King, stretched out his hand to rub the skeleton, and muttered to himself: "Killing the king of the same clan, what kind of change did you go through to be so cruel, cold-blooded and cruel? Crazy?"

"Buzzing - buzzing -" Guan Heng said these words, the animal bones shook a few times, and Qing Huang next to him whispered: "Is it possible that the animal soul is in the bones?"

"No, I didn't feel the existence of the soul body, but..." As soon as he said this, Guan Heng suddenly felt something abnormal at his hand. He lowered his head and noticed that there was a dark aura on the surface of the skeleton of the Lion King. It rushed towards his palm.

"Hahaha, these evil spirits left on the surface of the bones are a bit interesting, but they still want to invade my body? Okay, come and come, I will fulfill you." Guan Heng chuckled wantonly, and stretched out his palm to welcome those evil spirits. It wraps its hands.

"Boom!" The next moment, Guan Heng's palm released a large stream of fiery fire aura, surrounding all the dark aura, and he sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Things who don't know whether to live or die, when you come to me, don't even think about leaving. "

"Buzz!" As soon as Guan Heng said these words, the flames began to devour the dark evil energy. In an instant, they first surrounded the skeletons in Guan Heng's hand, and then completely shrouded the whole set of bones. The burnt remains of the Lion King.

A few feet away, the long-mane lion staring at it was almost dumbfounded. Seeing the skeleton of the last lion king crackling in the flames, it had no choice but to lie down on the ground and shiver.

Originally, this guy wanted to beg Guan Heng to stop, but after thinking about it, he left these bones with evil spirits, and I was afraid that more beast souls would suffer and be infected, so he didn't dare to intercede, but that's all. Looking at it, I felt very painful and unbearable. "Well, it looks almost there."

"Take it!" Guan Heng waved his hand when he said this, and the flames covering the bones disappeared in an instant.

At this time, he turned his head and glanced at the long-mane lion, and then chuckled: "I heard your sobbing just now, do you think I will burn the bones of the lion king? Impossible, my flame can be used at any time. By adjusting the temperature, you can only refine the evil energy without burning the bones, so don’t worry.”

"Dong dong dong, dong dong dong!" Hearing this, the long-maned lion was ecstatic, and kept kowtowing to Guan Heng to express his gratitude.

"It's nothing." Guan Heng said lightly, while scanning the skeleton in front of him, he said to himself: "Now that the evil qi has been expelled, let's see when the beast soul of the lion king is found. Or show up yourself."

"Squeak, squeak!" In an instant, the area where the skeleton was found was a few meters to the left, and suddenly there was the sharp cry of the colorful cockroach. It seemed that they should have made a new discovery. Guan Heng turned around and immediately Go there with your partner.

He rushed to the scene in three steps and two steps. A multi-colored fierce cockroach flew towards Guan Heng. He hurriedly spread out his palm and let it fall into his own palm. At this moment, the fierce cockroach used his tentacles to lightly Lightly tapping Guan Heng's palm, he was sending various messages to him.

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