Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11769: The Last Work of the Lion King (First Update)

"Oh, you mean, a soul body suspected of being a lion king's beast soul flashed past several meters in front, but the other party disappeared immediately, right?"

Guan Heng touched the forehead of the multicolored vicious cockroach in his hand, and asked casually, "Have you noticed where the other party is heading?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing these words, Wucai Fierce Clam immediately nodded his head, and flew up suddenly, flying towards the northwest.

"Let's go, let's follow." After saying this, Guan Heng had already led the girls and other companions after chasing Zifeng, and within a few breaths, he was more than ten feet away.

"Shhhhh!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast, and the five-colored fierce cockroach suddenly landed on the surface of a towering boulder in front of it, and then stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao raised her voice and asked, "Hey, did you find something?"

The scorpion nodded towards Ruotao, and then tapped the boulder under him with his forelegs.

"Oh, I understand." Guan Heng waved his hand at this time and called, "Quick, surround this stone."

"Okay." As soon as these words were said, the devil, the old white-browed monkey, the king of the dragon, the one-horned ice dragon, and the earth palace toad all flew over, and they were able to surround the entire rock. Shi shook his left arm and shouted: "Everyone, get out of the way, let me smash it with one punch."

"Yes!" Hearing these words, the old white-browed monkey and the devil mandrilled abruptly to clear a path.

"Bang!" Suddenly, Ruo Tao rushed forward and punched straight to the rock surface, "Boom! Clap la la—" In the blink of an eye, the boulder shattered into pieces, and the demons shouted in unison: " Wow, big sister, fierce!!"

"Hahaha, of course." Ruo Tao shook her fist triumphantly and said, "You don't even look at who I am."

"Attention, that guy has come out." At this time, Guan Heng shouted loudly, and everyone's eyes swept over.

"Huhuhu!" In the flash of thunder and fire, the frightened soul body suddenly flew into the air.

"Want to go? It's not that easy!"

The moment it was about to take the road and escape, Guan Heng suddenly flicked his fingers, "Chi Chi!" Three fiery beams swept through the air like lightning, just blocking the guy's way of advancing and retreating, forcing the beast soul into a mess. Swept backwards, just back in front of everyone. "Haha, let's see where you're going this time!"

"Huh!" As soon as Ruo Tao said these words, she immediately reached out to grab the soul body. The other party backed away frantically, but just in front of Qing Huang, she said with a smile, "It's my turn."

"Crack!" As soon as the voice fell, Qinghuang had already reached out and pinched the soul body. The other party was just about to struggle to escape, Qinghuang suddenly released a wisp of ice mysterious aura. Freeze half of the soul.

At this time, Qinghuang said, "Be honest, as long as you don't struggle to escape, I will slowly thaw it for you, otherwise, wait for it to turn into ice cubes."

As if she could understand what she said, the beast soul slowly stopped struggling and stopped moving. Guan Heng waved to Qinghuang: "Come on, give it to me."

Nodding her head, Qing Huang handed the frozen beast soul to Guan Heng, and then Guan Heng said, "Let's go back to the bones of the Lion King first, let's go."

After a few breaths, everyone came to the broken rock wall, and Guan Heng approached the skeleton of the Lion King. When the beast soul saw the skeleton, it trembled a little at first, and seemed to be afraid to approach this place.

Guan Heng said casually: "Don't be afraid, the evil energy on the surface of this skeleton has been driven away by me. If you don't believe it, feel it yourself."

When he finished saying this, Guan Heng removed all the cold air covering the opponent, and the beast soul floated up and gently attached to the surface of a leg bone in front of him. After a few breaths, it automatically returned to Guan Heng's palm. Then a whine sounded.

"What do you want to say?" At this moment, Guan Heng used his forehead to put his forehead close to the soul body to counteract the opponent. Then, the beast soul passed on all the information it knew to Guan Heng.

"Well...that's right." Guan Heng looked at the beast soul in his hand, and then said, "No wonder your breath is so weak, so it's not the real soul body of the Lion King."

"Isn't it the real lion king beast soul?" Hearing this, Qinghuang was a little surprised at first, but then she understood, and then said: "A Heng, what do you mean, it is a part or avatar of the lion king beast soul, right?"

"It's smart, it's still you who are powerful, you guessed it all at once."

Guan Heng nodded and continued: "According to what this beast soul clone said, the Lion King was already unconscious when he was about to die, and even more regretted because he killed many of his fellow clan members, including the vice king, In the end, he died of depression."

"However, after death, when the soul body was derived, the Lion King did not lose his previous memory, so he began to reflect on and recall why he went wild, and even committed the evil act of killing his companions."

Guan Heng said in a deep voice at this time: "It was not until a long time later that the soul body of the Lion King realized that he had lost his sanity because of the infection of evil energy, thus causing all these tragedies."

"Oh, in fact, we already guessed the result, didn't we?"

"Yeah, evil is the root of all evil."

After listening to Guan Heng's remarks, the girls were talking about each other, at this time, Ruotao asked, "Hey, son, why is there only this small part of the lion king's beast soul left? Where are the others?"

"Yes, yes, we also want to know about this." Qinghuang and Qianxin also said the same thing.

"Don't worry, I'm about to stop here."

Guan Heng said casually: "After learning that he was infected with evil qi and was forced to commit a massacre, the Soul Body of the Lion King vowed to investigate the matter thoroughly. After that, it went everywhere to look for the surrounding area. Where there may be evil spirits, after many years, there are finally clues..."

According to Guan Heng, the spirit body of the Lion King at that time was like crazy, and went directly to the guy who released the evil energy to settle the account, but because he was defeated by the enemy and his minions, he failed miserably.

Not only that, the evil energy released by those guys was like gangrene attached to the bones, and along with it, it returned to the place where the bones were located.

In order to prevent these evil qi from spreading out and infecting other beast souls, the Beast Soul of the Lion King tried his best to shatter the bone-burying area and seal the evil qi and bones inside.

Afterwards, the Lion King Beast Soul considered that he might also be infected by evil energy. In order to prevent this, he divided his soul body into several parts and distributed them to various nearby areas to closely monitor the areas where evil energy might leak.

From beginning to end, the Lion King is struggling to protect the resting place of his companions.

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