Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11771: The Great Beast Soul Shows Its Power (Third)

"Buzz-buzz!" It was too late, but it was fast, the evil spirit avatar held by Guan Heng kept trembling, struggling desperately, and the worm mother beside him whispered: "Master, this guy It seems to be very resistant."

"It doesn't matter, I can handle it." Guan Heng smiled slightly and said calmly, "This time, let me refine the evil energy that has infected you."


The moment the words fell, Guan Heng's palm suddenly burst out with a fiery breath, which wrapped the soul avatar, "Whoosh ... hiss ..." The sound of burning the soul came one after another, the struggle of the soul. But it is getting smaller and smaller, and it seems to be gradually gentle.

The evil cockroach mother's eyes lit up, and then she said: "Is the master using the blue flame of the earth?"

"That's right, the temperature of the blue flame is soft, and it does the least damage to the soul body, but it can quickly refine the evil energy. It is a fire aura that is very suitable for these soul bodies." Guan Heng said.

Hearing this, Insect Mother nodded again and again: "Yes, you are so right."

"Okay, Beast Soul, come and fuse with this clone." Having said that, Guan Heng waved at the other party, and the Lion King Beast Soul immediately flew to the front, touching and merging with the other party.

"Hey, A Heng, have you asked how many clones it still has that haven't merged?" At this time, Qinghuang asked.

"I asked, it should be five or four, but the years have passed, and the memory of this beast soul's incomplete memory is not very clear, so we can only look at the situation while collecting." Guan Heng said.

"Oh, I see." Hearing this, Qian Xin and the other sisters nodded. At this moment, Guan Heng went on to say, "Let's go, keep looking forward."

While everyone was talking, the beast soul that merged the two clones appeared to be a lot more energetic. In addition, the related horizontal aura nourished its soul body, making the energy of the beast soul stronger than before. Soon, the big beast soul led the way. Guan Heng and everyone came to the hiding place of another clone.

"Woo, ow!" At this moment, the big beast soul whispered to Guan Heng twice, which meant to say to him, "This time, no matter what the situation is, can I try to solve it myself?"

"Okay, I'll let the three insects be there to protect you, let's go." Guan Heng nodded and said so.

Seeing Guan Heng's answer, the big beast soul immediately rose into the air and flew towards the entrance of the stone cave above the rock wall in front of him.

At the same time, the Evil Slug Mother, the Golden Sting King, and the Ancient Desolate Roar all flew to the left and right areas, following the big beast soul not far or near, preparing to fly over to rescue any emergencies.

"Whoohoo—whoosh!" It was too late, but it was fast. As soon as it approached the edge of the entrance of the rock cave, the big beast soul swirled in the air, causing the wind pressure in the surrounding area to change suddenly.


"Ping ping pong pong!" Then the impact force immediately hit the rock wall, causing a series of violent noises.

"Hey, this is a good move." Seeing this scene, Gu Huang Houlu widened his eyes and said casually, "Could it be that this is the ability tempered by the soul body itself?"

"In my opinion, it should be the ability that the Lion King had during his lifetime." King Jin Qi said: "When the soul body was derived after death, due to the preservation of memory, it left this ability."

"Boss, what do you think?" "Well, I am more inclined to agree with Xiao Jin's judgment." At this time, the mother of evil slugs said so.

"Dong Dong Dong!"



Because the impact of the spirit power of the big beast soul is very fast, within a few breaths, half of the entrance to the stone cave collapsed. Looking for a chance to escape, but was stopped by the big beast soul.

"Dong Dong Dong!"

The big beast soul and the clone kept colliding with each other for a few breaths, almost bursting out of sparks, but the power of the clone was not as strong as that of the big beast soul. , The guy let out a whimper, and suddenly slammed into the rock wall with a bang.

"Insect mother, give that guy a light to ignite the spiritual energy." Guan Heng saw the evil slug mother watching the battle nearby, so he issued an order, and the insect mother screamed at this time: "Yes, master, leave it to me."

"Huchi!" It was too late to say, but it was fast, the mother insect suddenly spewed out a fine light of fire aura, and hit the surface of the soul avatar on the rock wall. The other party suddenly screamed and shivered all over, obviously because of Suffering from the burning of fire aura, I felt extremely painful.

"Don't worry, soon those evil spirits won't be able to make things difficult for you."

"Swish swish!" As soon as the mother of the worms said the words, the evil qi inside the soul avatar could not withstand the high temperature pressure, and Huo Di rushed out of the soul with the wind and fled towards the sky.

"Want to go? It's not that easy."

The evil slug mother sneered, and flew her wings high in an instant, rushing straight towards the evil qi, "Chi chi! Crack!" The worm mother spit out several fires in an instant, and these attacks penetrated the evil energy one after another. The air erupted violently, directly swallowing all the evil energy.

And the soul avatar that got rid of the evil qi shook a few times in the air, the big beast soul saw the opportunity and immediately flew forward, incorporating the opponent into its own soul, and quickly fused.

"Well done, it looks like you can handle some demonic beast soul clones." Guan Heng glanced at the big beast soul and continued: "Then what we have to do next will be much easier."

"Let's go, continue to look for other soul avatars." After saying this, Guan Heng waved to everyone. When everyone and other companions gathered around, the big beast's soul wailed and flew towards a fork in the road ahead. go with.

At the same time, the worm mother led the golden sting king, the ancient desolate roar, and a beast bead flying skull behind them, all of whom were responsible for guarding near the beast soul, because its safety was absolutely no problem.

Not long after, Guan Heng and his companions followed the big beast soul to another area. Different from other areas of the lion cemetery, this place was covered in a dim gray-white mist within a radius of several dozen meters.

"There is fog in this cemetery, it's so weird." Ruo Tao said, and said to the other sisters: "You are right?" "Well, it does seem to have a strange meaning."

Qianxin said: "Hey, you guys said, will there be a guy like a lion zombie suddenly jumping out and biting you viciously!"

When she said this, Qianxin suddenly grimaced at Zhenwen, causing the little girl to scream, "No, don't eat me!"

"Hahaha, little boy, are you really frightened? You're too timid." As Qianxin said, she stroked the other person's forehead and said with a smile, "Oh, oh oh, I'm not scared. "

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