Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11772: one step late

"Uh, sister, I'm not too young anymore..." Zhenwen said at this moment with a bit of confusion.

"Hey, keep your voice down." At this time, Guan Heng put his index finger on his lips and said softly to them, "Didn't you hear a strange sound not far ahead? other side."

"What?" Hearing this, Qin Xin also felt a chill down her spine and a little hair, and then whispered: "Could it be really unfortunate that there are indeed zombies here?"

"I don't know if it's a zombie, or else, Princess, go over and confirm it yourself?" Guan Heng said, the corners of his mouth curled up, a playful smile appeared on his face, Qin Xin felt a little trembling in her hands, and then shook it. Shaking his head: "I-I'm not going."

"Alright, alright, A Heng, don't make fun of my sister." Qing Huang said beside him, "The fog around this point is really annoying, you can quickly find a way to disperse the fog, okay?"

"Okay, as long as you speak, I'll do it right away." Guan Heng shrugged his shoulders and said with a relaxed expression, and suddenly, he said casually: "Big ghost, use the wind circle to disperse the fog, and by the way, keep an eye on the front. , don't let anyone find a chance to get away."

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Hearing this, the big ghost led the other companions to emerge, and then roared into the sky, forming a ghost wind circle at high altitude, constantly spinning sharply, borrowing This creates a powerful suction.

Those grayish-white mists were drawn into the air at once, then forcibly smashed and disintegrated, and disappeared.

"Well, it's about the same." Seeing this scene, Qianxin nodded, and then smiled: "You seven ghosts are indeed experts in expelling fog. Every time you encounter such a situation, you can always use them."

"Big ghosts, they can not only blow away the fog, but also do other things, you see." Said, Guan Heng raised his finger and pointed to the air.

"咻咻咻——咻咻——" In the flash of lightning, the seven ghosts in the air suddenly dispersed into several swift shadows, and then surrounded something with lightning speed. It turned out to be a soul body trying to escape. Avatar.

"Could it be that these mists are also created by this soul avatar?" Ruo Tao was a little puzzled at this time, and said, "But the avatars we encountered before don't have this ability."

"Perhaps it was realized by itself after it became a beast soul clone, or it has something to do with its own evil energy." Guan Heng put his hands on his shoulders and analyzed it in this way: "Specifically, we have to wait for the big ghosts and ghosts to catch this guy. I'll investigate more carefully."

"Ouch!" Between thunder and lightning, the beast soul clone in the air repeatedly tried to break through the blockade of the group of ghosts, but it never did, because the blockade of the group of ghosts was too tight!

"Squeaky!" It was too late to say, but it was too soon, Yingbai Gui swayed his fists and rushed straight towards his soul avatar.

"Bang bang bang!" In an instant, the Yingbai Ghost threw a fistful of fists, and his body swayed, and the pain was unbearable. If the Yingbai Ghost didn't intend to capture him alive, he would be able to smash this guy directly with a little more effort. .

But now, it is still necessary to capture it alive, so it takes a little more thought, "Shh!" The next moment, the baby white ghost quickly moved to the back of the soul avatar, opened his arms and suddenly embraced, and immediately took this guy in his arms.

"Ooooooooooooooooooo-" The demonized beast soul clone kept howling and struggling, very dishonest. The big ghost, the Qinyuan giant bee, and the four husks immediately surrounded them and stretched out their claws in unison. hold down this guy...

After a few breaths, the group of ghosts grabbed the avatar of the ghost body, flew to Guan Heng triumphantly, and handed it to him.

"Well, everyone has done a good job. Even the evil energy in this guy's body has been almost eliminated by you, very good."

Guan Heng said, he has already stretched out his hand to cover his soul avatar, and suddenly released a ball of fire aura, completely covering the other party, and then said: "Go down and rest first, and leave the rest to me."

The big ghost and a few companions nodded, and immediately disappeared behind Guan Heng.

"Hush!" In an instant, the remaining evil energy of the soul avatar in Guan Heng's palm was also refined by him with fire energy, and then he waved to the big beast soul beside him: "Come on, also fuse it. already."

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" In the blink of an eye, the big beast soul did as he was told, completely integrating the opponent, and then nodded to Guan Heng.

At this moment, everyone gathered around and carefully looked at the large beast soul that had absorbed several clones, Gu Sangnu said: "Looking at the appearance of this soul body, it is quite complete, almost exactly the same as an ordinary lion with a long mane. , it's just translucent."

"This means that if you find the remaining clones and let them continue to fuse, the big beast soul will completely change back to the appearance of the lion king beast soul."

Guan Heng said casually: "At that time, the complete memory of the Lion King can also be retrieved, and we can also search for the culprit who made it evil and killed."

"That's right, you can't leave that dangerous thing in the world, you must destroy it."

Ruo Tao shook her fist and said so. In this way, while everyone was discussing, they followed the big beast soul towards the front, and after a few circles around, they found two other soul clones.

Fortunately, the other party was monitoring the evil spirits lingering around, but unexpectedly it was not seriously infested, so the big beast soul could easily absorb and fuse the two clones.

"There is only one last soul avatar left. I hope everything goes well and nothing goes wrong." Qing Huang said.

"Well, that's right." Guan Heng touched his jaw, and then said meaningfully: "But I always have a feeling that the recovery of this last soul avatar seems to be a little troublesome."


After more than ten breaths, Guan Heng's guess finally came true. Everyone was shocked when they followed the beast soul to the place where the last soul clone was hidden, because that remote area was completely shrouded in evil energy.

"Oops, that's the last thing I want to see."

Guan Heng frowned slightly and said: "It seems that this place has been completely occupied by evil spirits. Although they are only lingering within a radius of ten feet due to the small number of them, if we don't show up, this evil spirit will sooner or later spread to Every corner of the Leonine cemetery."

"Then, what about the soul avatar here?" Qianxin asked worriedly.

"The best result is that the soul avatar has escaped to another place and survived."

Guan Heng paused for a while when he said this, and then continued: "The worst result is that it has been completely swallowed by the evil energy. As a result, the soul of the Lion King will never have a chance to recover completely."

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