Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11775: Snails and Evils

The lion king, who was suddenly attacked, fought hard to resist, but was beaten all over by the opponent, but those evil things that attacked it were not much better. More than half of the evil things were killed by the lion king, and the remaining evil things saw the blood-soaked lion lion. Wang chased and killed himself like a madman, and immediately dispersed, avoiding the edge for a while.

In this way, the Lion King reluctantly broke out of the siege and returned to his clan's nest with scars all over his body, but the scars caused by those evil things attached a lot of evil energy, which made the wound continue to fester and aggravate. The Lion King had no choice but to Using claws to dig out the carrion, this stopped the wound from getting worse.

If things passed like this, the Lion King would only need to recuperate for a few months, and his injuries would be almost recovered, but things were far from being as simple as he imagined.

Because when the Lion King fled back, there was already a vicious and vicious giant evil thing already staring at it, but many evil things set traps, and the guy who besieged the Lion King was also it!

The vicious giant evil creature tracked near the nest of the lion clan. This guy kept attacking and killing the lone lion, and finally alarmed the lion king who was recovering, so it went out of the nest to investigate the strange death of the same clan, Was attacked again by the opponent.

This time, the lion king was injured more and more, and the huge evil thing deliberately released its own evil energy to attack the lion king, and finally made it fall into a state of runaway runaway, but before the lion king lost his self-consciousness, he struggled to cast The last blow hit a huge evil, and it also seriously injured the opponent and suffered the consequences.

The injured giant vomited blood and fled away. After that, he never appeared in front of the Lion King again, but this guy carried two ancient conch shells with him. For this feature, the Lion King has a deep memory, so he always Did not forget.

"It turns out that the other party should store his evil energy in the snail and use it at any time, so he will take this thing."

Guan Heng weighed the ancient spirit-storing snail in his hand, and then said to the Lion King Beast Soul and other companions: "What we are looking for now is the place where the spirit-storing ancient snail is located. In this underground area, a similar place should be Not too much, Lion King, what do you think?"

"Ow, Ow!" Hearing this, the Lion King nodded, then raised his claws and pointed to a tunnel in front of him, which meant to say, "I have a vague impression of where this ancient snail appeared. Please come with me, I will take you there."

"Okay, since you know the location, that's fine, let's go." Guan Heng nodded, then said, "Let's go."

After a while, everyone followed the beast soul of the Lion King and came to a cave located deep in the ground. Ruo Tao, who was suddenly walking in front, leaned over and picked up an object, then turned around and lit up in front of everyone: "You guys. Look, it's a spirit-storing ancient snail."

"It is indeed an ancient snail, and it is bigger than the one we picked up."

Gusangnu smiled and said, "Didn't Guan Heng say it? This kind of thing can store spiritual energy, even the soul power of the soul-recovery urn. It is a useful thing, give it to me." She said, she reached out and took it.

Ruo Tao hurriedly retracted her hand, and then said angrily, "I'll give it to you. I found it. If you don't give it, you won't give it."

"Stingy, forget it, you're still a good sister. I've never seen such a stingy girl like you."

Gusang Nu shrugged and said nonchalantly, seeing that she no longer insisted, Ruo Tao was a little surprised, and then muttered: "You don't usually give up so easily, why don't you? Otherwise, I'll give it to you."

As she said that, she handed Guluo to Gusang Nu, and the other party suddenly laughed: "Haha, I know that when you say that you are stingy, you will be embarrassed, and then give me the things, it doesn't really matter, you Do you know why?"

"Uh, this..." Hearing this, Ruo Tao scratched her head and said suddenly, "Could it be in the hole in front of you, where there are ancient snail shells all over the place?"

"Hehehe, that's it." Gusang Nu hooked her fingers in the air, "Hu-" In an instant, a few Wood Lingzhi Eyes flew from near the entrance of the stone cave on the opposite side.

Ruo Tao glanced at those things, and then said: "I see, you are using them to observe the situation ahead, right?"

"Yeah, but I decided to still want this ancient snail shell, bring it to you."

"Huh!" After saying that, Gusang Nu took advantage of Ruotao's precaution and snatched the shell into her hand, she said with a smile, "It's big, round and complete, with no cracks at all, this is the perfect product. Woolen cloth."

"It was originally intended to be given to you, but I don't want to give it to you, so I have to take it away?!" Ruo Tao said with a sad face, "Really, I really don't understand you."

"Hmph, I'm happy to do this, you mind me?" Gusang girl proudly shook the ancient conch shell in her hand, and then continued: "When I get to the cave, I'll find a bigger and more beautiful one for you, Do you want?"

"Yes, of course."

"Let's go, let's look for it together."

Saying that, Ruo Tao pulled Gu Sang Nu and ran straight ahead. Looking at the backs of the two of them, Qian Xin shook her head, and then said, "Are these two girls getting too emotional? They quarrel every now and then, but they will make up again soon."

"Hey, sister, you don't need to worry about them." Qinghuang pursed her lips and smiled: "The more they quarrel, the better their relationship will be. We are all used to it."

"Hehehe, that's exactly what I said." Qianxin nodded and walked into the cave with An Yan, Qinghuang and the others.

The last ones who entered were Guan Heng, Pu Xing and other companions. As soon as they reached the entrance, Guan Heng suddenly stopped and Pu Xing asked in a low voice, "Brother, is there something wrong?"

"Oh, do you feel it too?"

"Yeah, although there is only a slight evil spirit lingering around, but this aura seems to be very unusual, like secretly peeping at us." Puxing said.

Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Actually, Qinghuang and the princess also noticed it, but everyone deliberately didn't say anything."

"Then..." Pu Xing's mouth moved, but he did not continue, because he knew that Guan Heng should have arranged everything.

Sure enough, at this time, Guan Heng opened his mouth and said, "Mother Insect, you have sent dozens of scorpions to guard near the entrance of the cave. For the evil things around, you are only allowed to enter and not to leave. Anyone who dares to escape will be shot."

"Yes, Master." The mother of evil cockroaches agreed, and immediately did as she said, calling out a large number of colorful ominous cockroaches, allowing everyone to enter a state of invisibility and secretly monitor the surrounding movement.

Guan Heng immediately waved: "Let's go too."

On the other side, Qianxin, Qinghuang and the others walked into the cave, and in front of them was the beast soul of the Lion King. This guy looked left and right, trying to find the trace of the enemy.

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