Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11776: A group of ghosts capture evil things (third more)

But soon, the Beast Soul of the Lion King was disappointed, because no matter how it looked, it didn't see any traces of evil things, and could not help but sighed: "Woooooo..."

"Hey, don't be disappointed." At this moment, Ruo Tao Yang said: "Let's walk inside, we will definitely find something, anyway, there are so many helpers around us, we will definitely be able to find each other."

After speaking, Ruo Tao raised her hand and said, "Da Tou Wei, Ghost King, you two will also take the ghost brothers to search around. If you encounter any evil thing, you will immediately capture it for me."


"Wuwuwu——" Hearing this, the group of ghosts roared away immediately, and Guan Heng said casually: "Big ghost, you also go over to help, remember, capture it alive, don't take it hard. The captives are slaughtered."

"Squeak, squeak!" After hearing this, the baby white ghost in the air smiled, and Guan Heng said, "Don't laugh at you, it's you who make mistakes every time, remember! "

But when Guan Heng said this, the naughty baby white ghost had already waved at the hustle and bustle beside him, and immediately took them to the front galloping away.

Sure enough, it is easier to do things with helpers. After counting the breaths, the baby white ghosts and the hunchbacks who flew out found the traces of a few evil creatures.

Suddenly, the other party also found the traces of the baby white ghosts, and then made a sharp cry: "Ow woo woo-"

"Whoosh whoosh!"


The next moment, the baby white ghosts and the hooligans hurried down with the wind and surrounded a few sharp-mouthed evil creatures with lightning speed. These guys were covered in gray and white thorns and looked hideous and ugly, but they only saw a group of ghosts. Ferocious, aggressive, and a little panicked.

From this, it can be seen that the evil creatures with sharp mouth and burr are all guys who bully the soft and fear the hard. Seeing that they will definitely not be able to beat the opponent, they turn their heads and run away.

"Squeaky!" Seeing this scene, Yingbaigui threw out more than ten fiery blood blades without hesitation. He fell to the ground with a thumping sound.

"Ow, Ow!" Seeing that the baby white ghost had killed most of the evil creatures, the four hulks looked at each other in dismay, and then whispered a few times to it, which meant: "You kill all the prisoners that should be caught. Now, how do we go back to meet each other?"

Hearing this, the baby white ghost shivered in a cold war, and immediately reacted, and then looked at the front, more than half of the more than a dozen evil creatures died, only three were still trembling and wanted to escape.

It rolled its eyes and said in its heart, "The master's order is to capture them alive, but he didn't say they couldn't chop off their legs, hehe, then..."



In the blink of an eye, the baby white ghost threw out more than ten fiery blood blades, severing all the legs of these burr monsters, causing these guys to scream and roll around in pain.

At this time, the baby white ghost waved to the hustle and bustle, which meant to say: "Guys, take these beasts and give them to the master."

Seeing the arrangement of the baby white ghost, the scorpions screamed and scolded, and picked up the broken leg evil thing and flew forward. Otherwise, it is quite possible to rush the prisoners to the past.

But the baby white ghost deliberately turned his face to the side, pretended not to hear, and flew away whistling.

"Ouuuu-" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and suddenly there was the roar of the big ghost not far away. Hearing this, the baby white ghost was refreshed, and immediately rushed over there. swept away.

At this time, the big ghost was fighting with a few tall and strong evil creatures with the blade of the ghost tooth. The other party screamed and kept attacking the big ghost.

It's a pity that the difference in strength is too far. Before three or two face-to-face encounters, the blade of the ghost tooth slid through the air like lightning, and just hit one of the evil creatures' claws. , knocked down half of its cheek.

This broken-claw evil creature collapsed to the ground immediately, whining and screaming.


The next moment, the remaining surviving evil creatures fled in panic and fled in all directions, but two just happened to meet the oncoming baby white ghosts.


"Pfft, puff!"

In the blink of an eye, these two unfortunate evil creatures were scratched and bruised all over by the fiery blood blade of the baby white ghost, and then fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the big ghost ghost not far away gave the baby white ghost a thumbs up and praised it. Then, it used the blade of the ghost tooth to throw out several slashes. In a split second, he slashed on the backs of the remaining three evil creatures, and two of them were immediately headless and died tragically on the spot.

The remaining one was lucky, but only had one arm cut off, and at the same time as it screamed, the big ghost had already rushed forward and kicked the opponent to the ground.


At this time, the giant bee of Qinyuan flew from not far away. At this moment, the giant bee also used its own ghost poisonous haze to transform into several air claws, clasping the three evil things that were captured, shaking it. Come over leisurely. The giant wasp also chirped to two of its companions, which meant, "Look, I've caught several."

Seeing this scene, the baby white ghost and the big ghost ghost looked at each other and suddenly laughed in unison. After counting the breaths, the Qinyuan Giant Bee struggled to grab a lot of evil things with the haze and fog claws, followed behind the two ghosts, and hurriedly returned to Guan Heng and his companions.

"It seems that this time, the baby white ghost and the big ghost are coercing the giant bee to help bring the captives back." Guan Heng glanced at their condition and said to the insect mother.

"The giant bee is very powerful." The evil slug mother laughed.

"There are a total of eight evil creatures caught by the hunks." Guan Heng touched his jaw, and then said, "Now let's see what these guys are useful for."

After saying that, Guan Heng walked up to one of the evil creatures. Although the other party was tightly wrapped around his limbs by the worm mother with fiery filaments, he saw Guan Heng approaching him, and he immediately bared his teeth and grinned. When he called out, he looked a little sullen.

"Beast, you still dare to be presumptuous in front of me? Well, let's kill the chicken and warn the monkey."

"Shuh!" In the flash of light, Guan Heng threw out a ball of fire aura, which just landed on the top of this guy's head, "Boom!" The fierce and fiery fire aura immediately burned on it.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Like a sieve.

However, the flame of Guan Heng did not immediately burn the evil things to ashes, because that would not have the effect of deterring other evil things.

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