Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11777: Detect enemy nests

"Whoo, whoo, whoo!"


In the blink of an eye, the surface of the burned evil object made an ear-piercing burning sound, and the guy's screams were still one after another, extremely terrifying.

But Guan Heng no longer paid attention to it, but turned to another evil creature and said to this guy: "Have you seen the appearance of your companion? If you don't answer the question honestly, what will happen to you? Not much better than that."

"Crack!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng snapped the neck of this evil creature, and then said, "Where is your boss? Don't say you don't know, because then you will be useless. Waste, I had to burn you to ashes."

"Ow, Haw!" Hearing this, the evil creature who only felt that he was about to suffocate had to raise his paw and point to a tunnel entrance in front of him, which meant to say: "Our boss, at the end of that tunnel. Inside the cave, it usually doesn't come out very often."

"Hmph, thank you for your answer." The corners of Guan Heng's mouth twitched slightly, a playful smile appeared on his face, and then he said to the group of beasts: "These evil things are useless, let them handle it."

"Okay, Master Guan." When they said this, the Demon Mandrill and the King Jia Yao sneered and walked towards the evil creatures with panic-stricken faces.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"


All of a sudden, the violent noises continued one after another, and the evil creatures didn't even have time to scream, and they were all killed by the demons. King Jia Yao was playing crazy at this time, and repeatedly trampled the opponent's corpse with his own hooves. Smashed into minced meat.

"Uh uh, it's dirty and fat, don't hurry up and stop." Ruo Tao frowned and said, "Xiao Shui Shui, hurry up and wash its hoofs with aura, otherwise I won't let this guy get close to me. of."

"Yes, eldest sister, I'll do it right away." After hearing this, the Water Profound Spirit Beast immediately rushed towards the Jia Yao King with a smile, and suddenly threw a ball of water, "Boom!" It happened to hit the Jia Yao King. on the door.

"Uh uh uh—" King Jia Yao cried out in pain: "Stinky boy, you took the opportunity to plot against me, the eldest sister asked you to wash your hooves, and didn't let you hit me in the face!"

"Hehehe, mistakes, mistakes." The Water Profound Spirit Beast smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I occasionally make mistakes."

"Bah, stinky boy, see if I don't teach you a hard lesson, stop!" King Jia Yao said, rushing towards the Shui Xuan spirit beast angrily, the guy turned and flew into the air.

"Damn, don't run." King Jia Yao was scolding as he chased, and the two of them ran farther and farther.

Ruo Tao blinked at this time, and then said: "I just let Fatty wash his hoofs, why did they just run away?"

"The two of them ran directly towards the area where the boss of the evil thing was, probably because they wanted to find each other's bad luck?" When he said this, Guan Hengyang said: "What are you still doing? Hurry up!"

"What I said, let's hurry up!" After hearing this, Qinghuang and Qianxin greeted the other sisters while chasing after them.


After a short while, everyone hurried to the area at the end of the tunnel, just in time to see the entrance of a huge hole in front of them, and the King Jia Yao and the Shui Xuan Spirit Beast who were running at the front suddenly stopped a few meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the Water Profound Spirit Beast turned his head and shouted, "Hey, Guan Heng, evil spirits are lingering around the entrance of this hole, so that guy is probably here, right?"

"Well, it should be right." Guan Heng walked up to them at this time, and then continued: "You two can go ahead and investigate, of course, it would be better if you can catch each other, both of you are strong. A powerful expert, it should be fine, right?"

"Uh, this..." The Shui Xuan spirit beast was a little hairy at first, and wanted to refuse, but when Guan Heng used his words to run against it and the King Jia Yao, the Shui Xuan spirit beast had no choice but to grit his teeth, and then said: "Fat, You go first, and I'll follow you."

"Uh, that means you want me to be the pioneer?" King Jia Yao shook his head when he heard this, then raised his head and said: "Look at your timid appearance, it's really outrageous, let brother I'll lead you in to make a scene and go!"

Having said that, King Jia Yao has already strode into the cave, and the Water Profound Spirit Beast followed behind it and said, "My lord, I'm not timid, don't talk nonsense."

"Hey hey, you are not timid, why don't you dare to walk in front?"

"Stop talking, I won't tell you the reason, what can you do to me?" The two of them quarreled and walked away, until after more than ten breaths, a series of noises suddenly came from the cave: "Boom! "

"What's the matter?" After hearing the voice, the girls looked at each other and were a little surprised. Guan Heng was already flying and rushing towards the cave. Well, come here quickly!"

"Oh, yes yes yes, hurry up to chase." After saying this, Qinghuang, Qianxin and other sisters, and other companions were all in hot pursuit, and rushed into the cave. At the same time, King Jia Yao and the Water Profound Spirit Beast were already fighting with several evil creatures.

"Ow, woo-" It was too late, but it was fast, two of the evil creatures howled and rushed forward, swaying their claws and attacking the King Jia Yao, it grinned: "Blind beasts, dare to take the initiative. If you provoke Master Yao, I will let you die today!"

"Whoohoo-whoosh-whoosh--" In the roaring sound, King Jiaxu threw his body forward, and at the same time opened his mouth and spewed out a large stream of original flames.

"Boom!" The two evil creatures were immediately surrounded by flames, burning them to death, screaming strangely in their mouths, and at this moment, the Water Profound Spirit Beast threw out several swirling water blades, and suddenly rubbed the evil creature's body. Necks, cut off their skulls abruptly.

"Plop, plop!" The dead body of the evil thing fell to the ground in an instant, "Boom!" At the same time, the Water Profound Spirit Beast and the King Jia Yao couldn't stop laughing, and then rushed towards the rest of the evil things. Originally, he was a coward who bullied the soft and was afraid of the hard. At this moment, when he saw the two beasts being extremely ferocious, if he dared to make a move, he turned around and fled.

Just fleeing in such a narrow area, it seems like a fly without a head. Extremely rolled into a ball.

"Pacha, Pacha!" King Jia Yao raised his foot and stomped on it, flattening the skulls of two of them, and then it grinned and roared at the last evil creature that barely got up: "Now it's time to turn around. it's your turn."


The other party shrank his neck in fright, turned his head and plunged into the tunnel, and fled straight into the distance, the Shui Xuan spirit beast stopped the King Jia Yao with a flick of its claws and said, "Fat, don't rush after it, let this one first. The guy goes to the boss of the evil thing, and then we follow..."

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