Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11780: Deadleaf Blood Beetle

"Well, what A Heng said makes sense." Qing Huang nodded, agreeing with what he said. The other sisters and beasts nearby also echoed: "It is true."

"Okay, pack up these ancient snail shells, we should leave here too."

After Guan Heng finished speaking, he motioned Tugong Chan to quickly collect these things with the cauldron. Sting King and Hulu went to investigate, how come they haven't come back yet?"

"It should be because it was the first time to go through that passage, so it took some time." Guan Heng said lightly: "They should be back soon."

At the same time, in the middle of the secret passage, the location of the three insects.

"Well, that's a real hassle."

"You're right, we can't get away without getting rid of 'it'."

"It has to be done before the master and everyone come over."

While discussing the matter with the two brothers, the evil worm mother looked at the things blocking the passage in front of her, then shook her head and muttered: "Damn it, there is no gap at all, it is so tightly blocked!"

It turned out that what was blocking the passageway was a huge "sarcoma", not so much a sarcoma, but a nest. They belonged to a kind of carrion-evil, the dead leaf blood beetle.

This kind of evil worm has been seen with Guan Heng before, and its body size is only the length of an index finger. s things.

However, the dead-leaf blood beetles crawling around the sarcoma nest in front of them, coming in and out, are a little different now. The body size alone has reached nine feet long, which is huge and exudes viciousness. Evil Qi should be the zerg that mutated after being infected by evil Qi.

"Boss, it seems that these guys are not so easy to deal with, how do you think they should be solved?" King Jin Sting asked next to the mother of insects at this time.

"Does it even need to be said?"

Before waiting for the worm mother to reply, Guhuang Houlu pulled out the fierce poisonous worm bone sword, and then roared: "Let's kill all the worms in one go, slaughter all the evil worms, and burn the nest with fire, this is the easiest way. Directly, eldest brother, second brother, don't you think so?"

"Well, Hulu's suggestion is good."

The Evil Insect Mother nodded her head at this time, and then said: "Originally, we didn't have much time to waste on the dead leaf blood beetle, and these **** things are blocking our way, naturally we must kill them, but we also have to investigate the other party. It's never too late to take action on the situation in the nest."

As soon as I said this, the colorful cockroach that was sent by the worm mother to investigate near the sarcoma nest on the opposite side flew back in a hurry.

"Shhh!" Zibi landed in front of the mother insect, and it asked, "How is it, what's going on in the sarcoma nest."

"Squeak, squeak..." At this time, Zibi chirped in a low voice and told all of his investigations in one breath. The Mother Insect, King Jinshang, and Hulu nodded repeatedly.

It turned out that the number of dead leaf blood beetles in this nest is indeed quite large. There are hundreds of giant mutant species, and there are thousands of small ones. If they kill them rashly, if they are not handled properly, let some Running away would be troublesome.

The mother of insects said at this time: "Have you heard it, so you must find a way to block all the retreats of this group of guys, and kill all of them, so that nothing is wrong."

"Well, what the boss said makes sense." King Jinzhang and Guhuang Houlu nodded after hearing this, and then the mother insect whispered in their ears for a while, and then raised her voice: "Just do it like this, roar. Cauldron, start from your side, are you sure?"

"Hey hey, boss, don't worry, this kind of trivial matter is easy for me." As he spoke, Gu Huanghou slapped his chest loudly, expressing his confidence.

Mother Insect nodded: "Well, that's good, let's get started."

"Then I'll go."

"Shhh!" In the next instant, Gu Huang Houlu had disappeared before his companions.

After a few breaths, the roars and the fire claw ape souls came to the sarcoma worm nest, and then said to the ape souls: "Now is a good opportunity, get ready to start."


As soon as these words were spoken, the roars flexed their fingers, and the worm-bone sword suddenly released several groups of pitch-black auras. These things were highly poisonous, so the ape souls were also careful when they took them. First, they wrapped the toxins with fire aura. Sphere, and then stretched out its claws to grab the object.

Gu Huang Houlu said at this time: "Go, be careful."


"Whoosh whoosh!"

It was too late, but it was too soon. The fire claw ape souls took the poison ball and rushed towards the opposite nest in an instant.


"Ping ping pong pong!"

In an instant, the ape souls shook their hands and threw the toxin **** suddenly, causing them to hit the surface of the sarcoid nest one after another. penetration into the sarcoma nests.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying scream came from inside, that is, the dead leaf blood beetles came into contact with the poisonous haze, and fell to the ground in pain and died trembling in a few breaths.

All of a sudden, the dead-leaf blood beetles that were poisoned accounted for a quarter of the total, and the rest of the blood beetles also fled the nest in a hurry, for fear that if they stayed inside, they would be poisoned to death like those who fell to the ground!



The whole group of large and small dead leaf blood beetles fluttered their wings and rushed out of the sarcoid nest. The thin wings of these guys are shaped like dead leaves, hence the name, but the wings are flapping, and the speed is really not slow. Rushed into the "encirclement" of the three insects!

"Finally out, you go to die!"


During the thunder and lightning, the golden sting king appeared first. It first ordered the shadowy black sting to spit out corrosive mucus that was as fast as a shower, and fell on the surface of the large group of blood beetles. The pain caused the other party to die. Countless pale golden awns dashed everywhere, attacking and killing dead leaf blood beetles.

At the same time, the worm-bone sword glow of the ancient wild roar, and the fire wave attack of the evil slug mother, all shrouded the remaining blood beetles, making them dead without a place to be buried!

After a few breaths, Hulu laughed proudly and said: "Hahaha, it seems that these blood beetles are all dead, boss, now as long as the sarcoid nest is burnt to ashes, we can go back and inform Guan Ye and Everyone is leaving."

"Well, you're right." The mother worm nodded, but she just said, "Boom!" The sarcoma nest in front was suddenly smashed into a huge hole, and a giant dead leaf blood beetle sprang out from it.

This guy's body is several feet tall, but because his body is too big, his wings gradually degenerate, but the speed of the giant blood beetle is definitely not slow!

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