Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11781: Evil spirit stealing insect eggs (third more)

"Bas!" Seeing that all his men were killed by the three insects, the furious withered leaf blood beetle king suddenly jumped to the ancient wasteland roar, raised his front claws and attacked viciously. Looking at it, he suddenly waved the poisonous worm bone sword in his palm to meet him.

"Kacha!" With a crisp sound, the blood beetle king's forelimb was cut off by a foot, and the guy screamed in pain, "Hahahaha!"

"Beast, is this cowardly?" Gu Huang roared with a grin, pointed at the blood beetle king who was madly backwards with a worm-bone sword, and his eyes showed panic and timidity, mocking the other party loudly.

But at this moment, the fire claw ape soul and the shadow black stinger have rushed over from all directions, blocking the way of the dead leaf blood beetle king, and suddenly, this guy realized that he had absolutely no chance to escape, and suddenly fell into despair. , Immediately after, the Blood Beetle King rushed towards the three insects like crazy.

"Are you going to work hard? It's a pity that grandpa doesn't bother to deal with waste like you." Gu Huanghou sneered, and then raised his voice: "Little guys, beat it to death for me!"

"Ouch!" Hearing these words, the fire claw ape souls and the black stingers of the shadows rushed forward, punching and kicking the wounded blood beetle king with a dead leaf, hitting this guy. Live and die, roll on the spot, so embarrassed.

"Enough, no need to waste any more time."

The mother insect said coldly at this time: "Hurry up and give this guy a fatal blow, we have to inform the master and everyone to pass through the passage here."


Hearing this, a few skimming black stingers immediately flew over and shredded the body of the unfortunate Blood Beetle King with their fangs and claws. For a moment, the fire claw ape souls also released a fierce and fiery fire aura, burning the corpse to ashes.

"And then there's this sarcoma nest."

"Xuuuuuu!" The moment the voice fell, three fireballs suddenly gathered in front of the evil worm mother. They spun sharply in the air, getting bigger and bigger, and then rushed towards the sarcoma worm nest.

"Boom!" In an instant, the waves of fire raged, quickly spreading to the entire surface of the nest, causing them to crackle and devour them.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" In the next instant, there was a strange roar from the worm's nest.

"What's the matter, is there any dead leaf blood beetle that we didn't kill?" King Jin Sting asked in surprise.

"That's not right, second brother." Gu Huanghuo listened attentively, and then said, "This guy's cry is not like a dead leaf blood beetle, but like..."

"The cry of the body of the evil spirit!"

Suddenly, a look of anger flashed in the insect mother's eyes, and she immediately shouted: "It must have been while we were dealing with the dead leaf blood beetle, an evil spirit body got into the sarcoid nest, I don't know what they want to do, but The whereabouts of these guys are strange, you must not let them go!"

"Go, follow me to capture those evil spirits!"


It was too late, but it was fast. The mother insect had already led the two brothers to the burning insect nest. In a flash, the three of them came to the top of the sarcoid nest. At this moment, I saw a few evil spirits. The Spirit King was holding something and hurriedly flew out of the worm nest.

"Hey, where are you going!" In the next instant, Gu Huanghou and King Jinzhang rushed over with the wind. The Evil Spirit King saw the two worms approaching and was so frightened that he shivered all over, and one of them loosened his claws. , threw the thing he was holding, and turned his head and fled.

"Squeak!" But no matter how fast this guy was, he couldn't escape the pursuit of the screaming Fire Claw Ape Soul, and he was caught in the blink of an eye.

"Crack!" The two fire-clawed ape souls clasped the evil spirit king like lightning, and the other ape souls also grabbed the thing before it fell to the ground.

"Hey, what have you got? Hurry up and show it to the boss." Gu Huang Houlu waved his hand, and the ape souls immediately did as they were told, carrying this oval object to the mother of evil slugs. , show it.

"Uh, what is this?" The worm mother looked at it carefully, and then whispered: "It seems to be a worm egg!"

"Could it be the eggs of the withered leaf blood beetle?" said the golden sting king next to him.

The evil slug mother shook her head: "Judging from the aura emanating from the surface of the eggs, it doesn't look like a blood beetle clan, probably they stole it from somewhere, and then stored it in her own nest, waiting for an opportunity to devour or do something else. things."

"Anyway, first catch the evil spirit kings, and at the same time grab the eggs in their hands, let's go."

"Okay!" Hearing the insect mother's words, the Golden Sting King, Glancing Black Sting, Ancient Desolate Roar and Fire Claw Ape Soul immediately flew over to do it. Of course a few Evil Spirit Kings could not be everyone's opponents. He was captured alive in the breath, and then was taken into the Soul Soul Orb by the Insect Mother.

"There are eight strange insect eggs in total." King Golden Sting counted, and then said to the insect mother. "Boss, there are new discoveries."

"Huh!" At this moment, the ancient wild roar flew out from the burnt-out sarcoma nest.

It said to the worm mother and the golden sting king: "There is a huge ancient worm skeleton at the bottom of the nest, and it seems that it was buried here a long time ago. nest."

"There is one more thing." Hulu added at the moment: "The breath of the worm bones is very similar to the eggs."

"That's it, I seem to understand."

The evil worm mother nodded slightly, and then said: "This worm egg may be owned by the dead ancient giant worm, and those withered leaf blood beetles are just trying to devour and refine it. I think the evil spirit kings also made their minds. On this worm's egg, he doesn't hesitate to take the risk to steal it."

"As a result, the worm eggs fell into our hands." Gu Huang Houli smiled proudly: "Boss, this unexpected harvest is not small."

"I'm not sure if it's an accidental harvest." The evil slug mother looked at the eggs, and then said: "Take these things back to the master to see and let him make up his mind."

"Okay." King Jia Yao nodded, and then said: "Boss, these worm bones may also be useful, I will leave the shadow black sting to guard them, how?"

"Okay, let's do it like this, let's go." Said, the mother insect whistled into the air: "Squeaky-"

The multicolored vicious cockroaches who were waiting around immediately gathered, and they flew straight towards the way they came along with the mother worm.

After a while, Guan Heng and everyone waited for the mother insect and listened to what happened.

"It turned out to be like this, I understand." Guan Heng stretched out his hand and said, "Bring the eggs to me to see."

"Yes, master." As soon as the worm mother took out the eggs and handed them over, Guan Heng didn't say anything, but the ancient donkey Shuangmei came over.

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