Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11794: Weakening tactics (first update)

"All in all, now we've figured out the origins of the poisonous bees. Now we should talk about how to strip the toxins off the bones, and then let the giant bees, the queen ants, and the scorpions divide the spoils in a down-to-earth manner." Guan Heng said so. Hearing this, Hulu scratched his head, and then whispered awkwardly: "Master Guan, can you stop saying it's so ugly as 'splitting the spoils'?" "So, you're quite embarrassed?" Guan Heng The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and then he said slowly: "Since this is the case, I won't give it to you for a while. Queen ants and giant bees, you can share more later, are you happy?" "Hahaha, thank you Guan Ye, it's just right for me. "Squeak, squeak!" After hearing this, the Mad Poisonous Ant Queen and the Qinyuan Giant Bee immediately expressed their satisfaction. Seeing this scene, Guhuang Houjia's face changed greatly, and he immediately pleaded with a sad face: " Master Guan, I was wrong, can you also give me a little bit of spiritual poison, oh, I'm just joking, don't take it so seriously?" "Hmph, we're actually joking to scare you." Guan Heng's mouth curled slightly, He smiled and asked, "How is it, it's exciting enough?" "Please, don't irritate me." Gu Huang Houcai's lips trembled when he spoke: "I'm scared to be so timid, I almost jumped. It exploded." "Hahaha, isn't it?" Hearing this, the Demon Mandrill and the King Jia Yao winked and smiled, and each said, "Then you are too timid, Brothers will look down on you from now on."

"Okay, okay, don't grind your teeth there, don't you think it's noisy?" Qianxin frowned and said angrily. "Yes, I'm sorry, princess." Seeing her a little displeased, the demons immediately lowered their brows and pleaded with their eyes, and whispered, "We'll shut up right away." "Hmph, it's almost the same." Said: "Guan Heng, how do you strip off the spirit poison on the worm bone? Hurry up and show it to us." "Princess, you are really impatient." Guan Heng smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, then I will immediately Let me show you the performance." "Giant bee, try to touch the spiritual poison on the worm bone with your ghost poison haze." Guan Heng ordered at this time: "But be careful, you are not facing this poison now. When it’s time to fight recklessly, so you want to stop until the end, and then let the haze go back.” “Squeaky!” Hearing this, the Qinyuan Giant Bee agreed, and then fluttered its wings and rushed forward. At the same time, the spirit poison floating on the surface of the colored worm bones seemed to realize that the giant bee was approaching, and suddenly turned into a multi-colored poisonous mist, flocking towards the giant bee, trying to devour it. What Spirit Poison is best at is to devour all kinds of heterogeneous toxins, fuse and refine them, and use them for their own use.

Therefore, the moment he saw the Qinyuan giant bee, the spirit poison locked it, so Guan Heng said that the giant bee should not easily approach each other, otherwise even the powerful Qinyuan giant bee would be affected by the spirit poison. . "Swish swish!" "Swish swish!" In an instant, the Qinyuan giant bee moved with all its strength and scurried in the air. In an instant, more than ten afterimages were formed. Although the spirit poison also derived a little self-awareness and low level Wisdom, but it is impossible to capture agile giant bees at this time. "咻咻咻!" It was too late, but it was fast. The Qinyuan giant bee suddenly released several smog airflow, and rushed towards the colorful spirit poison. The spirit poison was not to be outdone, and wanted to spread and swallow it. The ghost poison, but in an instant, there was something wrong with the colorful spirit poison. "Huh—" Just a few steps away from those ghost poison smog airflow, the spirit poison suddenly stopped castration, and then, the guy retreated to the surface of the worm bone like lightning. At this moment, Guan Heng sneered. Said: "Okay, it seems that its attack range has been tested." "Giant bee, according to this distance, keep teasing the opponent with its own ghost poison." Guan Heng said at this time: "If it exceeds that range, The other party will definitely not be able to touch you, not even the ghost poison haze, try to make it weaker." "Squeaky!"

Hearing this, the Qinyuan Giant Bee immediately screamed triumphantly, and then flew towards the worm bone. "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" In an instant, the trickle of countless ghost poison mists rushed towards the colorful spirit poison. The spirit poison originally wanted to absorb all these breaths, but the moment it got closer to the other party. , the haze and mist all flew into the air like lightning, almost avoiding the capture of the other party. "It looks very interesting." "Giant bee, try harder to tease this spirit poison, hahaha!" Seeing this scene, both the mad poisonous ant queen and the ancient wild roars laughed, Guan Heng this Shi opened his mouth and said, "If you two find it interesting, let me distract the spirit poison together in the past. In this way, it will fall into a weak state faster, which is good for everyone." "Okay, then we will also take action. Let's go." "Hehehe, I can't wait, come on, brother!" The moment the mad poisonous ant said this, she suddenly flew into the air. In mid-air, "Shhhhh!" In an instant, the queen swayed the bone staff, and the worm-bone sword was swung by the roar, and suddenly released more than ten different beams carrying highly poisonous rays, which flew straight to the colorful spirit poison. "Ping ping pong pong!" "Dong dong dong!" In an instant, these auras hit the surface of the spirit poison mist, and when they were hit, the spirit poison wanted to quickly absorb these toxins, but in an instant, they were in Under the control of the queen ant and the roar, it collapsed and disappeared without a trace.

In this way, the spirit poison was constantly entangled by the roars, queen ants and giant bees, and eventually became weaker and weaker, and then gradually became smaller and covered the area of ​​​​the colored worm bones. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng's eyes flashed with joy, and then he said: "Very good, now is the time to capture it, the three of you go back." "Yes!" "Whoosh!" It was too late, then Time is fast, the Qinyuan Giant Bee, the Mad Poison Queen, and the Ancient Desolate Shouter instantly flew to Guan Heng's side. "Bas!" Immediately after, Guan Heng was already walking towards the colored worm bones, and the poisonous aura realized that another stranger was approaching, he wanted to fight back, but Guan Heng suddenly stretched out his hand, "Huhuhu——huh咻咻——" A large stream of wood mysterious spiritual air appeared, covering the remaining spiritual poison aura like a huge air mask, constantly nibbling away the remaining part of the opponent. "Buzz-buzz--" Under the seal of Mu Xuan's spiritual qi hood, Lingdu felt extremely uncomfortable, even very painful, Guan Heng sneered slightly: "Yes, yes, that's it, you probably don't know it, right? , Mu Xuan Aura is the nemesis of all poisons, the more violent your poison is, the more damage Mu Xuan Aura will do to you, if you don’t want to continue to be hurt, it’s best for me to leave the surface of the worm bone immediately.”

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