Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11795: Refining time

"Shu!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the piece of spiritual poison that was covered by Mu Xuan's spiritual energy really floated up from the surface of the worm bone, and then slowly and continuously flew towards him. "Okay, the young master has already conquered the spirit poison!" Seeing this scene, Ruotao cried out happily, and the other sisters and companions also smiled reassuringly, but at this time, Guan Heng shook his head and said slowly. : "Don't be too happy, everyone, it doesn't look like it has been surrendered now." "What?" Hearing this, the girls' faces showed stunned expressions, and An Yan asked loudly, "Brother, what's the matter? What happened?" "The specific situation, let's see for yourself." "Huh!" It was too late, but at that time, Guan Heng waved his hand. Withdrawing the Mu Xuan aura that wrapped the other party, the spirit poison thought that the moment was a good time, and suddenly gathered up the courage to cover Guan Hengtou face's body. "So bold!" Guan Heng's face suddenly sank, and then he grabbed the poisonous aura in front of him with his bare hands. Seeing this scene, the girls all screamed: "Be careful!" "Bang!" The five fingers contacted the opponent, and they clasped it like lightning. The spirit poison gas frantically wrapped around Guan Heng's wrist, trying to invade his whole body. But even at this time, Guan Heng's face still had a look of indifference.

"Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The poisonous breath was covered by the flames, and it kept making a piercing sound when it burned. "It tastes good, right?" Guan Heng sneered slightly, then said: "I already guessed that you would not surrender easily, because you have already derived a little wisdom and made you a lot more cunning, and you still want to take advantage of the opportunity to get close to me. Sneak attack, I think you are overthinking your ability, so let’s enjoy the feeling of being burned by the flames.” “Boom!” When he said it, Guan Heng suddenly released a large flame again to cover the spirit poison, and Its crazy to suppress. "Master Guan, be merciful." Seeing this scene, the mad poisonous ant queen whispered: "If you continue to toss the spirit poison like this, maybe it will burn up, and then we will get nothing." "Don't worry, I have a lot to do." Guan Hengyi glanced at the queen ant, then said: "Don't be so nervous, I just used the mildest blue flame of the earth, I just let this spirit poison suffer a little, but feel free to do so. Let it be annihilated." "Also, it's not useless to use the flames to refine the spirit poison breath now." Guan Heng said slowly at this time: "This guy's unnecessary wisdom must be wiped out now, You can absorb its breath."

"Eh? Is that so?" "I think what Master Guan said is very true and reasonable." "Well, I think so too." When they looked at each other and made eye contact, Guan Heng had already pinched the group of spirit poison that had been tormented by the flames, and then violently tore it into three pieces. Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng said to the queen ants and the others: "Don't be dazed, come over and refine these spirit poison breaths, while they are very weak at this time, otherwise the spirit poison will return to normal after more than ten breaths. If you want to absorb it again, it will be very difficult." "Yes, thank you, Lord Guan." "Squeak!" Hearing this, the three immediately rushed forward, and the Qinyuan Giant Bee poked it with its own tail stinging needle. A piece of poisonous breath, the bone staff of the mad poisonous ant queen, and the worm-bone sword tip of the ancient barren roar are also tied together at the same time. "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" In an instant, a circle of ripples suddenly appeared around the Qinyuan giant bees, which was a sign that their own aura was constantly refining the spirit poison. "Well, it seems that the steps of refining spirit poison have been gradually implemented." Seeing this scene, Guan Heng nodded, and at this moment, the ancient donkey Shuangmei whispered towards him and everyone: "Ah! "I understand, you can go with the worm."

With that said, Guan Heng waved at the ancient donkey, and the other party immediately trotted towards the colorful worm bone. Guan Heng said to his companions at this time: "The ancient donkey is now carrying the worm embryo to refine the bones of the Biyun Lingling. Poison, the time consumption is about the same as bone refining." "Let's not be idle, go around and see if we can find more useful worm bones." "Yes, what Guan Ye said is right." Mandrill nodded, and then said: "Then I will go to the left area with Chubby and Toad." "Then I will take the girls and other companions to the right." After Guan Heng finished speaking, he reminded: "I don't know. There will be unexpected situations around here, all kinds of possibilities will happen, you have to be careful yourself." "Knowing Master Guan, brothers, let's go." The devil said, and waved to King Jia Yao and Tu Gong Chan. , the three of them immediately hurried to the left. The reason for choosing the left is because it is uneven, there are black soil and rocks everywhere, and there should be a lot of worm bones, so the shrewd magic man thinks that there is more harvest here. "Hey, walk slowly." Seeing the wind blowing under the Demon Mandrill's feet, and wishing to jump up and down, King Jia Yao said, "If it goes on like this, I may not be able to catch up with you again." "Don't. Just kidding, who are you?"

The demon shook his head at this time, and said, "The dignified Scud King, how could it not catch up with me? What you said is too mysterious." "I'm serious, no matter how you run on the flat ground, it's fine. , but the roads here are bumpy and bumpy, and it’s easy to cramp your feet when you walk, not to mention speeding up, so I have to be careful, right?” Hearing what King Jia Yao said, Tu Gong Chan next to him nodded. Immediately, he said, "Well, what Chubby said makes a lot of sense." "Oh, it's just messing around. Toad, you are always wise, why are you confused?" Hearing these two words, the magic mandrill was not angry. He said, "Stop chatting with you guys, hurry up, let's try to find useful information as soon as possible." "Even if you say that, I glanced ahead, and it's land or land, what good things can we find?" King Jia Yao pouted and said, "If it was really such good luck, the prey should have been discovered early in the morning. You see now, there is no trace of Master Guan and everyone." "Haha, that's because we It's because of running too fast." The demon said angrily: "But I tell you, running fast doesn't mean that you can quickly find your prey." "If we want to gain something, we have to start here more. "

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