Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11796: Adventures after falling into the pit (third more)

When he said this, the devil pointed his finger at his head. King Jia Yao pouted his lips in disdain, and said, "You don't have more stuff in your head than mine, so just blow it." "I'm blowing? Tell you, we have real materials." The magic man said angrily. "I know, if I say I don't believe you're smart, I'm guessing you'll think of some crooked tricks to plot against me." King Jia Yao snorted, then said, "So, if I don't say I believe it, if I don't say it or not, you can do it yourself. Talk to yourself." "Yo, fat, you've become smarter." Hearing this, the demon laughed: "Okay, if you've learned a lot, then I won't make fun of you anymore. It's also a big improvement, but seriously, let's use our brains and try to find more worm bones, won't Master Guan and the girls be happier?" "Well, what you said makes sense, so let's just try to find more worm bones. Try your best." King Jia Yao said, his small eyes rolled, then raised his hoof and pointed to the front, and said, "Look, there seems to be the skeleton of a giant worm there, let's go, hurry up and take a look." "Well. ." The magic mandrill and Tugong Chan agreed, and they immediately jumped on the back of King Jia Yao in a tacit understanding, "Boom!" In the flash of lightning, King Jia Yao ran with all his strength, and in the blink of an eye he reached the giant worm. The skeleton is near. "No, no."

After seeing the skeleton, Mo Xun couldn't help shaking his head, and then said: "This bone is too corrupted, even I can see that it is not suitable for being swallowed by the ancient locust king worm, alas, come here in vain to delay Time." "Really? I don't think you're wrong again, right?" King Jia Yao said, shaking his head, and hurriedly approached the worm bone to look at it, only to see that the skeleton was already full of sores Bai Kong, it raised its hoof and touched it a little, "Boom! Crash—" The broken bones and scum immediately scattered all over the floor. "Hey, it seems that you are right, this bone..." "Luck!" As soon as King Jiaxu finished speaking, he suddenly felt the ground under his feet concave, "Boom!" After a while, it appeared here Three huge deep pits, countless earth and rocks fell, almost at the same time, you, the magic mandrill, the king of the king and the earth palace toad fell into the pits respectively. After a few breaths, the three of them landed on the ground. "Hey, Toad, Chubby, can you hear my voice?" "Of course you can." "I can hear it clearly here, too." "Okay, let's climb up and meet immediately." "Wait a minute. , there is something wrong here, it's a worm bone with a metallic luster, hey, this kind of thing is very strong." Suddenly, King Jia Yao said in a low voice: "It's a good thing, I think it should be moved to the flat ground above. Okay." "The metallic luster worm bone you're talking about is only part of it, right?"

The demon asked at this time. "Hey, how did you know?" King Jia Yao asked a little puzzled. "Because I also found some scattered worm bones here, and they all have metallic luster." "Not only on the side of the magic mandrill." Tugong Chan also said in a deep voice: "I also have the same worm bones here, and only part of them. "I also found a path extending forward. It seems that something dragged the worm bones and left here." The magic man said: "They took away most of the worm bones and dug out the underground. The hollow tunnel caused us to fall into the pit, which is really unforgivable." "That's right, these worm bones were supposed to be our harvest, why did they drive them away?" King Jia Yao roared murderously. Said: "I think we should go after each other." "If that's the case, the three of us will leave in three parts, is this appropriate?" Tu Gong Toad said hesitantly. "Hey, who cares, our mission is to collect worm bones. Now some good worm bones have been taken away by unknown guys. If we don't get them back, how will we explain it in front of Master Guan?" King Jia Yao said loudly: "The big deal will be to find the worm bones later, and we'll just go back here to meet." "Well, that's true, you rarely make correct suggestions."

At this time, the magic mandrille said with a smile. "Up to now, you still have time to laugh at me." King Jia Yao said angrily: "I'm going forward, and we will definitely gain more than you by then." "Then I wish you success." When he heard this, he didn't get angry. Instead, he said lightly and happily: "If it really comes to that moment, I will be willing to bow down, and I will definitely give you a big word to go first." ——" After that, the magic mandrill had already rushed into the tunnel in front of him, and at the same time, Tugong Toad's voice sounded behind it: "Remember, if you find a huge worm bone and can't carry it back, Let the little Toad help teleport back to the cauldron." "Don't worry, we are all familiar with doing this kind of thing." After saying this, King Jia Yao also ran towards the front. Tugong Toad first put all the worm bones in front of him into the toad tripod, and then jumped towards the tunnel in front of him. Let's talk about King Jia Yao first, it ran farther and farther in the tunnel, and it was dozens of feet in an instant. "Huh?!" Suddenly, King Jia Yao twitched his nose and sniffed the surrounding breath, and then his eyes lit up: "Hahaha, this is the breath of metallic luster worm bones, and I finally found you." In the next moment, King Jia Yao kept running at his feet and ran towards the front, he didn't want anything else in his heart at this time, he just hoped to find more worm bones in a short time, or let the magic mandrill and earth Gong Chan looked at himself with admiration.

"Kacha!" But at such a time, King Jia Yao suddenly stepped on an oval-shaped object, and the moment the object was smashed, a large, abnormally foul smell suddenly gushed out. "Uh, what kind of smell is this, it stinks!" King Jia Yao suddenly stepped back a few steps, but he still accidentally inhaled some gas and let it pour in from his mouth and nose. "Cough cough, cough cough... It's uncomfortable to die." In an instant, King Jia Yao felt a little dizzy in front of him, thinking in his heart: "Is this breath poisonous? Damn it, am I going to be poisoned?" The next moment, King Jia Yao shook his head, and immediately saw a black mass of things crawling over quickly. "What, what is this?" When he inhaled the foul-smelling object, King Jia Yao felt a bit of double imagery and blurring in front of his eyes. As soon as he bit the tip of his tongue, he immediately became a little more awake, "Shhhhh! !" At the same time, a large group of earth-brown monsters on the opposite side had already rushed forward. The heads of these monsters are very similar to those of the cockroach, but they have an oval body like the turtle, and they look extremely vicious. "Squeak!" It was too late, but soon, two of the brown worms screamed and flew over.

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