Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11799: Kill Fel Bolt (First Update)

"Squeak, squeak." Hearing the words of the magic mandrill, he made a cry for the first mutant cockroach, meaning to ask it: "What's in it for us to help you help you find things?" "Eh? How dare you say that now?" The demon replied angrily, "I gave you so many fire grains before, but they were all for nothing? You still want to ask for benefits?" "Squeaky..." Wen He heard After saying this, Mutant Zixuan shook his head and tweeted, which meant to tell the devil: "Those fire food Gus, you let us come out to run errands, but if you want us to take action, you have to pay an extra sum. "Uh, you dead bugs, you are getting more and more greedy!" Hearing these words, the demon was so angry that he rolled his eyes, but the mutant bug was still squealing relentlessly, making its forehead blue veins burst from the noise. He became more and more annoyed, but the magic mandrill did not dare to offend the dwarfs completely, because if these guys went on strike, it would be even more troublesome. "Alright, alright, if anyone finds a worm bone, give them three fire grain Gu alone. The more they find, the more rewards they will receive." Mo Man shouted at this moment, "Hurry up and let the other companions finish finding everything. , I won't give you anything at that time!" "Squeak, Haw!" Hearing these words, the cockroaches immediately became alive, screaming and jumping into the air, rushing towards the surroundings. .

"Well, I'll also look for it along the road ahead, maybe I'll gain something." After making up its mind, the magic mandrill stepped forward, but it didn't take long for it to feel that something was wrong around him, and he was in the Although this tunnel is said to be getting wider and wider, there is a strange and demonic atmosphere spreading. With the feeling of the magic mandrill, it thinks that there is something nearby secretly watching it. "Strange, why didn't the cockroaches find anything unusual when they flew out just now?" This question appeared in the magic mandrill's heart. But then, it shook its head and said to itself: "Maybe the scorpions were eager to find worm bones, and then came to me to exchange for fire grain Gu, so they didn't pay attention to any unusual places nearby. A group of gluttonous guys, as soon as they hear the food, they forget everything." "But I am different, you beasts, you dare to ambush in the vicinity, you must be uneasy and kind, and that's just right, the scorpion will not be polite to you. "Shuh!" It was too late, but it was fast, and the magic mandrill that pulled out the ancient gold ice-breaker slammed towards a rock wall in front of it. "Come out for me!" "Bang!" The ice-breaker slammed violently against the wind, and in the roar of the magic mandrill, the soil and stones on the rock wall flew and splattered, and it collapsed in an instant. "Ooooooo!" "Hahahaha!" In the blink of an eye, several swift shadows shot out from the gap in the rock wall. This is a one-eyed fel bat that lives in the underground area. They live by absorbing evil energy and various spiritual energy. , of course, occasionally eat some living creatures, as long as they are able to move, they all want to take a few bites, and it is not the first time that the devil has encountered such a guy.

"A one-eyed felbat? It is indeed a good player who can hide his own breath, but it's a pity that you met me, all of you should die!" "Huhuhu!" "Ping ping pong pong!" Quick, the magic mandrill's ice-breaker flew up and down, and immediately hit the front three one-eyed felbats with broken bones. Immediately afterwards, the demon bat swept out again with its weapons, "Bang bang bang!" In an instant, the flesh and bones of the fel bat turned into a series of fierce attacks with ice energy, penetrating the bodies of other one-eyed fel bats and annihilating them all. . "Hmph, it's really a bunch of rubbish, Mandrill is serious to deal with you, that is to kill chickens with a bull's knife." He slapped the ancient gold ice-breaking knife in his palm, and the demon sneered, and was about to turn around and leave when it suddenly frowned: " Why is there another one?" "Get out!" "Swish!" In the flash of lightning, the magic mandrill threw three ice thorns with shaking hands towards the front left area. In the corners of the ground and rock walls, the extremely cold air suddenly spread out. "Squeaky!" At the next moment, a shrill scream suddenly sounded, "Shu la la—" The one-eyed evil bat king, who had been hiding in the corner of the rock wall and wanted to avoid the search of the magic mandrill, suddenly felt the surface of his entire body freeze, making this The guy was in so much pain, he fluttered his wings in a hurry, and planned to run away.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!" "Boom!" It was too late, but the time was fast, and the demon sprinted forward, raising his hand to three ice picks, "Boom!" These attacks were not concealed by lightning. The momentum of the ear soared towards Fel Bat King, and the other party had no way to avoid it, so he had to flap his giant wings vigorously, "Crackling!" The ice pick was barely smashed into the air. "La La La—" But the next moment, a harsh freezing sound suddenly sounded, and the left wing of this one-eyed Fel Bat King had been completely frozen, and it could not spread its wings to escape now, and suddenly fell to the ground. "Bang dang!" A huge evil bat king fell to the ground, and the guy was smashed, bones and tendons were broken. "Crack!" Immediately after, the demon walked over and stepped on its head with his feet, and then said viciously: "Beast, aren't you very good at hiding? Now hide and watch." "Squeak, squeak... "..." The evil bat king was in so much pain at this time that he let out a wailing and low-pitched cry, wanting to beg for mercy, and the magic mandrill sneered: "Hey hey, unfortunately, grandpa didn't commit the enemy's habit, you should go to death." "Bang!" The moment the voice fell, the magic mandrill had already smashed down with the ice-breaker, forcibly shattering the guy's head.

"Plop!" The next moment, the corpse of the one-eyed evil bat king fell to the ground, and the demon kicked the guy, and then scolded: "Damn, it took my uncle's work for a while, so I didn't have time to look for the worm bones, You really deserve to die!" "Squeak, chirp, chirp!" But at this moment, a sharp chirping sound suddenly came from the opposite side, and the demon raised his head abruptly: "Hey, it's the cry of Zifen, it's something What have you gained? Hurry up and take a look." Thinking of this, the magic mandrill sprinted forward, and after a few breaths, it rushed to the area where Ziyu screamed. "Haha, I found it, you guys are really amazing." Seeing a few worms stacking the found worm bones in front of him, the magic mandrill smiled happily, and immediately took it into his arms: "I will immediately put the fire food Gu. Here's to you... eh?!" But in the next instant, Mo Ji's hand and expression were frozen at the same time. It kept shouting in its heart: "Damn it, the fire grain Gu has been used up, **** it, I should have thought of this just now, it's over, the scorpions hate those who deceive themselves the most, they can't eat food. , maybe it will bite me!" Cold sweat kept coming out of the demon's forehead, and this guy was constantly thinking about countermeasures, but the hungry multicolored scorpions couldn't wait, they whispered one by one, urging The devil cooks a meal for himself.

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