Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11800: mosquito

"This...don't be in a hurry..." The devil said so, but as soon as he saw the five-colored scorpions who were "waiting to be fed", they became more and more agitated, and he felt a little scalp numb, and he couldn't take it out. In the case of grain Gu, these living ancestors will not let them go, and the devil knows this better than anyone else. Suddenly, its eyes fell on the side of the dead Fel Bat King, and it suddenly rolled its eyes, thinking about it. Immediately afterwards, the Demon Mandrill pointed at the Fel Bat King's corpse and shouted, "Stop arguing, have you seen this guy? The flesh and blood I just killed was still fresh, what's the point of always eating fire grain Gu? Wouldn’t it be better to have some fresh meat? I’m doing it for your own good, come and come, eat quickly.” In fact, the thinking of the five-colored cockroach is still very simple, as long as there is something to eat, they will not care about anything, and will Works for you and is extremely friendly. Therefore, Guan Heng and the evil slug mother never deliberately controlled the colorful cockroaches, but just let the flow take its course. After these guys are full, they will be obedient. "Squeak, squeak!" "Whoosh!" "Boom!" The screaming cockroaches rushed onto the Fel Bolt's body and ate and chewed, not to mention that there were only a dozen cockroaches It's incomparable with the number of hundreds or thousands, but the name of "Big Stomach King" among the multicolored vicious worms is not in vain. After a few breaths, more than half of the body of the evil bat king was eaten. .

Seeing this scene, the magic mandrill frowned slightly, then glanced around, and then said: "There are many corpses of one-eyed felbats nearby, if you don't eat enough, kill them too, and then continue to give them to me. Looking for worm bones, do you know?" "Squeaky, squeaky!" The cockroaches who were just digging their heads to eat shouted one after another, which meant that they were saying, "We understand, let's go, don't disturb us here. Let's eat." "You guys will forget my goodness as soon as you eat it, bah, and don't even think about who prepared this Fel Bolt for you." While cursing, the magic mandrill used the storage mussels to put away the ones he found. Metal shiny bones, and then continue to walk forward. After a while, the magic mandrill traversed the tunnel where he was, and finally came to the entrance of a huge underground stone cave, where there were scattered worm bones everywhere. "Hey, it's all trash that's not worth taking away." "Papcha!" As the demon said, he raised his foot and stomped on it, smashing a bone in front of him, thinking in his heart: "In this cave Maybe there is something worth collecting, go in and take a look." After making up his mind, the magic mandrill went inside immediately, but at this moment, its body froze a little, it turned out to be a strange evil wind in the cave. Suddenly, it swept towards him.

"You bastard, courting death!" He knew that some enemy had set off an evil wind to attack him, and the demon was furious, and suddenly released a large amount of freezing aura to greet the opposite evil wind, "Kalala—" It was just In the blink of an eye, the few guys who were hiding in the evil wind and trying to attack the magic mandrill were completely frozen and then slammed to the ground. "Let me see, what are you guys doing?" "Bas!" While speaking, the magic mandrill flew to the front of the falling objects, and found that the other party looked like a mosquito-shaped vicious insect. , with a pointed mouth and a slender waist, exuding a suffocating aura. "Xiaozi, you want to threaten me too? I don't know how high the sky is!" "Crack, crack, crack!" As he said that, the demon raised his foot and stepped on it, stepping on the mosquito-shaped fierce insects that were frozen into ice. a smash. "Hmph, let's all die." After destroying the opponent, the demon sneered and ran towards the front again, but just after it ran out more than ten feet away, there was a sudden burst of "hum" from the opposite side. "Buzz" sounded, and the magic mandrill looked closely, and found that it was a large group of mosquito-shaped fierce insects flying with their wings. Seeing this scene, the magic mandrill began to frown slightly: "Damn it, I knew there would not be only a few of those mosquito-shaped vicious insects, so this is their nest!"

Seeing this scene, the devil did not attack with all his strength immediately, but released a large amount of cold air in an instant. Insects rushed away. At the same time, the flying mosquito-shaped worms felt that something was wrong with their bodies. After coming into contact with the oncoming cold air, these worms all began to tremble, and then their limbs stiffened, even their wings Can't move! "Suffer to death!" "Broken ice thorns!" At this moment, the demon suddenly slammed into the ground with an ice-breaker. Mosquito-shaped vicious insects penetrated as much as possible, and these guys didn't even have a chance to struggle. After being penetrated by the body, they slammed into ice crystal powder and disappeared in the air. "Hundreds of mosquito-shaped vicious insects, hum, that's just the case." The corner of the magic mandrill's mouth was slightly raised with a sneer, and then his eyes fell on the area not far in front, and he continued to say slowly: "And you, you should also I'm dead." "Buzz-buzz--" It was too late to say, but then, a sudden shadow suddenly appeared from more than 10 feet away. It was the boss of the whole group of mosquito-shaped worms. This guy was far in size. Several times larger than others of its kind, he was staring at the magic mandrill with endless anger in his eyes. Seeing the other party's appearance, the demon grinned and said: "Do you want to avenge your own subordinates? Then come here, useless waste!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing Mo Ji's words, the other party was so angry that his eyes were about to split, and he screamed hoarsely. There is no doubt that this mosquito-shaped vicious worm boss is a little afraid of the strength of the demon, and he is afraid that he will not end up rushing over to take the initiative to fight. Jump right in! In an instant, the magic mandrill also flew over to meet it, and it roared: "To deal with a **** like you, you don't need weapons at all, fists are enough!" Throw it into the ground around you, and then punch the boss of the murderous insect. "Ping ping pong pong!" "Boom!" "Crackling!" In the blink of an eye, violent noises came one after another, and the heavy fist of the magic mandrill collided with the opponent's claws repeatedly, splashing sparks, and then, the magic mandrill Suddenly, a loud roar: "Climb for you!" "Bang!" The next moment, the magic mandrill's punch with the powerful impact of the ice mysterious aura just slammed into this guy's front paws, "Crack!" The front paws suddenly shattered. "Hahahaha!" It screamed miserably, and fell backwards immediately. After slamming to the ground, it continued to roll over and over, and finally hit the nearby rock wall, spraying blood mist non-stop!

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