Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11801: Toad's plan (third more)

"Hehehe, I'm showing mercy on purpose, I will definitely not kill you." At this moment, the devil hooked his finger at the mosquito-shaped murderous insect boss, and said in a disdainful and contemptuous tone: "Get out, let's continue fighting. !" "Ha ha ha... poof!!" Hearing this, Boss Fierce Insect really wanted to stand up and fight to the end, but who would have thought that he had just screamed, and he suddenly spewed a big mouthful of blood mist again, and his expression immediately calmed down. "Haha, you're such a piece of shit, why did you get beaten up by Master Mandrill with one punch?" Mo Mandrill laughed wildly at this time: "I've seen people like you a lot, and they scream more fiercely than anyone else, only It's a pity, the strength is too poor, it's better to just slam into the wall and die." "Squeaky!" Hearing the words of the demon, the mosquito-shaped fierce insect boss immediately roared, this guy has understood, the person in front of him The enemy has no intention to spare him at all, no matter how hard he struggles, he will still be dead in the end. If so, then fight with each other! "Buzz!" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and the mosquito-shaped fierce insect boss rushed to the magic mandrill like crazy, using his sharp beak and sharp claws to fight each other to the death. "You've already become disabled, and you have the courage to fight with your grandfather? Hmph, courage is commendable, but..." When he said this, the magic man suddenly slammed his fists, and then roared and punched: "But Stupid!" "Boom!"

"Bang bang!" The fierce and ferocious Bing Xuan Lingqi fist of the demon directly hit the body of the boss of the fierce insect. This guy immediately smashed into countless pieces of meat in the air, and fell to the ground with the sound of "crackling". "Shhhhh!" At this moment, more than ten multicolored vicious cockroaches with metallic luster worm bones appeared around, and the magic mandrill said with a smile: "Everyone, it's just time, it's time for dinner, this vicious worm boss The minced meat is enough for you to eat one meal." "Crash!" As soon as the demon said this, the scorpions threw the worm bones in front of it, and then rushed to the pile of minced meat to eat. stand up. "Squeak, squeak!" Not long after eating, one of the cockroaches screamed suddenly. It turned out that it had eaten up the flesh and blood in front of him. He thought of going around to see if there were any other gains, but found The boss has a bone. "Hey, a giant worm skull with metallic luster? This is the first time I've seen it, not bad." After seeing this, the magic mandrill was overjoyed, grabbed it, and said to the cockroach, "You did a good job. , after you go back, I'll give you a separate meal." "Squeak!" Hearing this, the mutant cockroach jumped up and down with joy, and at the same time, the other cockroaches who had eaten the minced meat also gathered around them. Before, they were clamoring for extra meals, because the flesh and blood of the boss was simply not enough to eat.

"I know, you are so annoying." Mo Xing waved his hand in annoyance at this time and said: "Everyone will have a share after returning, quickly help me collect the worm bones in this cave, yes, other Take away the useful things." After hearing this, the Zifans nodded in agreement, and then began to work together. ...At the same time, Tugiya Toad also came to a certain place along the tunnel on his side. Speaking of which, the big toad is much more convenient than the other two companions to find the worm bones. The reason is that it has the cheating item of the ethereal toad tripod, plus countless small toad clones sent out to find things, it is easy to get the metal luster worm bones. thing. "Guqua, Guqua!" It was too late, but it was fast, and there were three or five little Toads shouting and jumping towards Tugong Toad. Although these little guys were originally transformed by Tugong Toad with mysterious aura Clone, but with the increase in the number of summons and uses, there has also been a gradual increase in spiritual wisdom, and even a mature life form. Not only the small toads of Tugongchan, but also the wood spirit warriors of Gu Sangnu and the earth spirit warriors of Guan Heng also have this similar tendency, so Xuan Lingqi is a very powerful thing. "Plop, bang!" Several small toads spit out the metallic luster worm bones they found and stacked them in front of the Tugong toad. Their storage space is now larger, although it is not as vast and boundless as the ethereal toad. , can also hold a lot of things.

"Well, you did a good job." Tu Gongchan said, nodded with satisfaction, and then continued: "Let's continue searching nearby, and try to find more metallic luster worm bones." "I just received it. King Jia Yao and Demon Mandrill used the information from the sound transmission puppet worm. They have found a large number of thoracic vertebrae, ribs, and even the skull of a giant worm. We have only found some small bones. Obviously, this kind of harvest is not enough. Tugong Toad said, waving his webbed claws, signaling the little Toads to hurry up and continue working, while it ran towards the front. As he walked, Big Toad pondered in his heart: "Based on what I feel about the situation nearby, there must be some malicious guys in ambush around here, whether it is an evil beast, an evil worm or an evil spirit, it is unknown." "All in all. , the other party is not at ease, since that is the case, then I will go with the flow and lead you out." Because the little toads gathered around me just now, the cunning people who were lying in ambush nearby refused to come out obediently, so Tugong Toad thought about it and dismissed all the little Toads to let them find the worm bones, but he deliberately revealed his flaws and wandered around alone. In this way, you won't have to worry about not being able to attract those enemies who are hiding in the dark.

"Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo--" It was too late, but it was so fast, Tugong Toad jumped and jumped, and in an instant, he moved out a distance of more than ten meters. At this time, the enemies who were staring at it in the dark were a little anxious, because the other party felt that now was the best opportunity to besiege and kill Tugong Toad. It's a 9 out of 10! Therefore, all the enemies could not wait to chase after them, and surrounded the place where Tugong Toad was. "Hehehe, I'm finally hooked, it's worth it for me to play a show to lure you out." Seeing the noise behind him gradually getting louder, Tu Gongchan was overjoyed, so he just jumped up to a towering boulder next to him, and then looked down at those ants like ants. The guy came around, and there was a hint of sarcasm in the big toad's eyes: "Hey, stupid people, you are finally willing to show up, it's just right!" "First of all, start to clean up from the ground running." The voice fell, "Huhuhu——swish swish——" In the blink of an eye, a large amount of mysterious spiritual energy swept away like a hurricane towards the evil beasts rushing over to the ground. The other party was a nimble wolf head. Evil beasts, but no matter how fast they run, they still can't escape the lock of Earth Profound Spiritual Qi. "Crackling - clucking -" The next moment, the ground beneath these wolf-headed demonic beasts suddenly collapsed, allowing them all to fall into it.

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