Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1181: Leave calmly (third more)

"Abominable Guanheng, you are so bold!" At this moment, the angry voice of the leader of the Ice and Fire Dragon Army, Zaviu, suddenly sounded: "Dare you dare to strike my coral island at night and live impatiently ?!"

"Zaviu is here." Guan Heng originally wanted to go to battle, but he thought again: "Tonight is not the time for the decisive battle. Let Zaviu this guy be arrogant again, and when the heavens break the **** magic domain power Reverse the array, and then he will completely abuse him. "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng turned his head and shouted to Sanqiu: "Master, have you finished the extension? We should retreat!" "Wait, it's almost a little bit, hold on for a while." At this moment, the fat old man Sanqiu is Busy Takuma's pattern carved on the stone platform was already messed up.

"Well, why are you leaving without seeing me when an old friend arrives? Guan Heng, you are too rude!" A voice of murmur also came from the air, and the blue veins of Guan Heng's brain suddenly heard. .

"Tivelo ?! It turned out to be your cunning thing to kill a thousand swords." Hearing the insidious laughter of Devil Dragon Tivelo, Guan Heng looked extremely angry, but at this moment his strength could not be exerted normally, yes The two guys, Tivelo and Zaviu, will also struggle.

"Not done yet?" Guan Heng looked back at Sang Qiu, the fat old man was still imprinting the stone on the wall, and Guan Heng sighed: "I have to resist it for a while."

"Oh!" Time and time later, the figure of the demon dragon Tivilo suddenly appeared not far ahead, and Guan Heng gave him no chance to speak, and immediately yelled, "Go and die!"

The words didn't fall, and the keel spear in Guan Heng's palm had turned into a horrified wind, straight into the heart of the other side, and Tivelo never hit the other side to hit him. In a hurry, he used the wand in his palm to The previous wave: "Wall of the Rock Demon!"

"Bang! Squeak! Click!" The keel spear's offensive was blocked by the wall of the rock demon, and it was slightly delayed, and then a powerful force broke out. The tip of the gun smashed the rock wall in front, but Tivelo was already taking advantage More than ten meters of retreat, Kankan escaped a disaster.

"It's dangerous!" Tivilo was shocked in his heart. "It's only been a few days, and Guan Heng's strength has soared again. If the reversal has restricted his power, the shot will just run through the wall of the Rock Demon. Nail it into my neck! "

"Tivelo, if you are a fool, if you don't have this breakout on the island, I'll kill you with a shot!"

The keel spear in the palm of Guan Heng's palm said scornfully: "Don't think that in the reversal array of Coral Island, I'm not your opponent. We want to kill you like crushing a bug!"

Enraged by his opponent, Tivelo suddenly flushed with anger and shivered: "You--" "Abominable level, don't be too arrogant."

"Bang!" A huge black shadow suddenly fell from the sky, and his feet fell to the ground and cracked the crater immediately. This guy transformed Long Zaviu with ice and fire. Zaviu roared: "Tivelo, You and I joined forces to destroy the kid with a curse. "

"I can't let you join hands, just let yourself go first." Guan Heng turned his heart like electricity, suddenly slamming the dragon bone spear in the palm on the ground.

"Bang!" The fierce gun fell straight, and the ground about ten meters away suddenly cracked and subsided, and the dust suddenly rolled, and a pair of evil dragons suddenly couldn't see the scene in front of them. Guan Heng took the opportunity to stand up to the fat old man, he asked "How's it going, Mr. Sanqiu, is Dongtuo ready?"

"Slap!" Sanqiu shrugged across his shoulders, and he cried, "Success, let's go!"

"Yeah!" When Zaviu spun with his huge tail, scraping away the dust in front of him, Guan Heng and Sanqiu had long disappeared. Zaviu was so angry that he yelled, "Guan Heng, one day, I Tore you and your comrades into pieces! "

"Don't get excited, Zaviu."

At this moment, Tivelo was still worried about Guan Heng ’s throat that had just been shot, and there was a hint of viciousness in his eyes. Then he said: "As long as the magical power of this island reverses the formation, Guan Heng and him The same party came to death several times, we just have to wait quietly for him to come from the network. "

Zaviu asked with a calm face, "Hum, how do you know that Guan Heng will come?"

"My intelligence gathering work was not done in vain." Tivlosen sneered: "The news just today, the kid Guan Heng is very interested in the legion token in our hands, if he wants to seize the token , Will definitely come to the door again, rest assured. "

"Bang!" Zawiu flicked his huge tail and knocked on a rock next to him. He instantly cracked the stone. He gritted his teeth and said, "Guan Heng, I won't let you go, this magic island of Coral Island Yuanli's reversal is your burial place! "


After returning to the castle of Kolo Island, Sanqiu plunged into the guest room with the stone inscription. He said that he would study the relationship between the reversal array on the Coral Island and the Titans all night, and then closed the door tightly. Never again.

Guan Heng saw that it was only a few hours before it would light up, and returned to his guest room to take time to rest.

Time flies, Guan Heng doesn't know how long he has slept. Vaguely, someone is knocking at the door, Guan Heng frowns with his eyes closed, rolls over, and then sleeps.

The next moment, there was a sudden loud bang. When the door slammed, the collapsed door panel fell to the ground, and Guan Heng sat up straight from the bed in surprise, and he yelled, "Who is this? Let me not Make people sleep? "

"It's us." It was Borui, Zuowei, and Imilla who spoke, and Borui said angrily: "Boss, I really doubt that you will enter the automatic deafness mode when you fall asleep. These people are full Knocked on the door for seven or eight minutes, and even we woke up. You can't hear it ?! "

At this moment, Borui was still standing with a few soldiers shaking their hands and feet, because the soldiers held the same heavy thing in their hands, and they couldn't hold it ...

"That's it ?! Make the scabbard's Dragontooth Blade!"

Guan Heng was overjoyed at first sight. He didn't even wear shoes. He turned over and got out of bed and rushed to the door. He grabbed the scabbard of the dragon's blade and turned it half-circle in the palm. The luster, exquisite and beautiful production without losing the quaint atmosphere, there are countless mysterious lines on it, it seems to be natural.

"The scabbard is very beautiful. Mr. Shaharu's craftsmanship is really good." Guan Heng said, reaching for his handle, "Oh!" A pair of sharp blades were immediately pulled out three inches.

"Hey!" It seemed like a flash of light had hit all around. Except for Guan Heng, all the people had a flower in their eyes. By the way, the three of them were better, and the three soldiers were suddenly smashed. The inexplicable murderous horror fell to the ground.

—— [2016.5.18 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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