Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1182: Deliberations (first)

Immediately afterwards, as if in a reckless world, the violent momentum suddenly spread around the dragon's blade.

"Well." Borui stepped back three steps at once, and then let out a sigh of relief: "Whoo ... how depressing murderous, terrible."

Zuowei and Imila were also stunned in their hearts, and they murmured to each other: "Good, so scary blade."

Guan Heng glanced at the three soldiers who were paralyzed on the ground. These people shuddered and looked scared to pee. Guan Heng laughed secretly in his heart and quickly retracted the dragon's blade from the scabbard. He said: "Some of the older soldiers with labor brought the Dragontooth Blade over. It's hard, some of you please come back."

"Yes, yes, Mr. Guan Heng. Good-bye." If the three soldiers were pardoned by Tianen, they struggled to get up, ran away and ran away. They did not dare to look back.

"This dragon's blade is indeed the strongest destroying blade among the thirteen types of dragon-destroying weapons." Borui came to look at the scabbard at this time, and asked, "Boss, why is this thing like one in your hand? That's as if it doesn't matter much? "

Hearing this, Guan Heng grinned: "Borui, would you like to try it for yourself, how heavy is this Dragontooth Blade?"

"Try it, do you think I dare not?" Borui refused to lose face in front of the two girls. He rolled his sleeves to Guan Heng and stretched out his hand to get the scabbard of the dragon's blade.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh an good way if Borui made his whole body strong, his face was flushed, his forehead twitched, he could n’t lift the scabbard in Guan Heng ’s hand.

"Huh, huh, huh ... I gave up. What strange weapon is this? It's much heavier than my dragon magic wand." Sweating Borui said gasping, "It's good to say less. Hundreds of pounds of weight, if ordinary people can pick it up, it's not surprising! "

"Well, the weak magician stands back." Zuo Wei glanced at Borui and said to Imila, "Sister, haven't you been doing strength training recently? Try it."

"Well, I really ca n’t do anything with your little girl. You just like watching the liveliness so much?" Yimi said on her mouth, but she was eager to try. She came to Guan Heng and said, "I'll try it too, Guan Heng. Brother. "

"Okay, in fact, the three of you can try it together. It should be able to lift it, just like the three soldiers just now." Guan Heng said with a smile, "Come on, Imira."

"Okay, I'm here!" "Hello!" Imila took a deep breath, and the muscles in her arms suddenly tightened and thickened, and she suddenly grabbed the scabbard of the dragon's blade: "Hi ! From-- "

Imira's strength was not small, and with frequent exercise, she was still able to barely grab the scabbard of the dragon tooth blade. Who knew that her hands were suddenly loose for only two or three seconds. The sheath fell back into Guan Heng's hand.

"No, it's too heavy." Imila frowned, shaking her weak hands. "This dragon's tooth is a bit weird. I just could barely grab it, but it left your palm." Suddenly, the scabbard seemed to be heavy again. "

"Perhaps, Dragonfang's Double Blade only wants to be held in the hands of its own acknowledged master." Guan Heng smiled and said, "So it's not surprising that you can't pick it up." Now. "

Borui turned away at this moment, he asked, "Boss, didn't you and the fat old man visit Coral Island again yesterday? Are there any gains?"

"Father Sanqiu said that the magical strength of the Coral Island was reversed, which is similar to that of the Titans."

Guan Heng then used the oblique shoulder **** the scabbard to carry the dragon's blade on his back, and then he said, "Let's go to the fat old man and ask. He studied overnight, and he should have gained something."

The four turned around and walked downstairs. Sanqiu's guest room was just around the corner of the first floor. Borui rushed up first and knocked on the door. Who knew that at this time, the door opened suddenly.

"Bang!" Borui's fist clenched because he was about to knock on the door, hit him right on the face of Sanqiu who opened the door.

"Oh!" In the painful cry, Sancho threw away the things in his hands, plopped down, and sat down on the ground. He looked up and immediately cursed: "Miscellaneous things, I have nothing against you and you, you How dare you hit me? "

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding ..." Borui was dumbfounded when he saw the situation, and immediately stepped backwards: "I didn't really see it, sorry!"

After saying this, Borui turned around and ran away. At this time, the fat old man showed an unusually agile skill. He fluttered suddenly, aiming at Borui's heir was a kick: "Sorry your sister ! "

"Yeah!" Borui, who had been kicked, flew straight up. "Yo-yo--" A face gliding against the ground and ran out all the way, and finally slammed into the wall at the end of the corridor.

"Bad boy, Master Sanqiu doesn't show his authority, you treat me as a sick cat?" The fat old man sighed sharply at Borui, who had fallen awkwardly in the distance. is you."

"You three dolls, quickly pick up the things on the ground for me." Sanqiu pointed to the paper on the ground: "This is a map of the Coral Island Magic Realm's reversal array drawn by me based on my memory. . "

"Mr. Sanqiu, what's the use of this drawing?" Zuo Wei picked up things and said, "Can you help us defeat the Dragon Army?"

"Well ... presumably." The fat old man said vaguely: "To completely destroy a thing, you must understand its roots and then disintegrate from the core."

"Everyone comes in, I want to explain to you the principle of reversing the array." Sang Qiu said, leading everyone into the guest room.

"Slam!" Sanqiu threw a stack of drawings on the table in front of him, and he shouted at Borui who came in last: "Who told you to come in like this? It's ugly to bring everyone's breakfast. Lazy hands, immortal kid! "

"Smelly old man, do you think Master is your messenger?" Upon hearing this, Borui was furious: "I don't ..."

"Shut up!" Guan Heng, Zuo Wei, and Imila said in unison: "If you make a mistake, you will be punished. Hurry and do as Mr. Sanqiu said."

"How can this be the case, all of them bully me." Borui knew that the anger was hard to come by, so he turned to go to the kitchen to serve food, and whispered in his mouth: "You bullies, wait, I put a few on the bread Nose, sputum on the ham, stare at you then! "

After a while, Borui, who was carrying food, entered the room. Because of a guilty conscience, Guan Heng saw a flaw. Guan Heng threatened him to eat all those dirty things. Finally, Borui, who was swollen and swollen, Had to bring clean food.

—— [2016.5.19 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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