Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11810: Blood Vein Spar

"Hey hey, don't say it once, it's ten or eight times, and we dare to say it." King Jia Yao was quite happy to see Mo Man's frantic appearance, and continued to speak unforgivingly. "It's not reasonable, you fat fat man, I..." When the demon heard this, the blue veins on his forehead popped out, and he approached aggressively, just as he was about to open his mouth, Qin Xin said angrily next to him: "No matter what, don't say a few words." "No, princess." At this moment, the devil moan complained with a sad face: "It's obviously this guy who provoked me first, so you have to be fair." "You want fairness? Qianxin pouted and said, "But it's true that it took you a long time to kill the giant monster. In my opinion, you are also wrong." "Uh, that's not wrong." Facing Princess Qianxin The powerful aura of the mandrill suddenly softened, and he said in a low voice, "Yes, I'm a little complacent. I'm sorry, princess." Xin patted it on the shoulder and said with a smile: "My princess forgives you." "Hey, don't you guys stop chatting, okay?" At this moment, Guan Heng, who was examining the monster's body, turned his head and said: " If you have time, come to see me." "Why, did you find something good?" Hearing this, Qianxin, Qinghuang, the other sisters, and the magic mandrill all gathered around.

Guan Heng said: "This is not an ordinary harvest, it is something in the belly of a huge monster." "What? I didn't notice it just now." As soon as he said these words, the demon scratched his head, a little annoyed. Guan Heng said casually: "It's not unusual, because this thing is wrapped in the internal organs of a huge monster. If I hadn't accidentally noticed a faint breath, I wouldn't have found it." "What exactly is it?" Qing Huang Open to ask. "Here, it's this thing." Guan Heng said, spread out his palm, Ruo Tao stared at it with wide eyes, and said, "This thing seems to be a mineral spar, right? Why are there so many strange patterns on it?" If I guessed correctly, this is a 'mutated mineral spar' formed by a huge evil being swallowed by the other party's evil energy." Guan Heng weighed this thing and said, "I have never seen it before. This kind of thing, let's just call it a blood-patterned spar." "Then what use is this blood-patterned spar to us?" Ruo Tao said at this time: "You also said that son, this thing. Is it dangerous to be infected by evil energy?" "Not necessarily." Guan He shook his head, then said, "I guess after being infected, this mutant ore spar seems to have something more, but It's definitely not something as simple as evil."

"I don't understand what you mean, sir." Ruo Tao said, "Can you explain it?" "Yes, A Heng." Qing Huang next to him also said, "Tell us about it." "Okay. Well, let’s talk about my analysis of this thing.” Guan Heng explained: “First of all, I infer that this mutant ore spar is not harmful to us, because it does not have any evil energy left, although it is from a huge It was taken out of the monster's stomach." "What? There is no evil spirit left? How is this possible?" Hearing this, Qianxin said in surprise. Guan Heng handed it to her and said, "If you don't believe it, you can feel it in your hand." "Okay, go ahead and talk." said so. "The reason why there is no residual evil energy left in the spar is because it can absorb and refine evil energy, spiritual energy and other things." "Eh?!" As soon as Guan Heng said this, everyone's faces immediately showed surprise. The color of the color, asked in unison: "Is this possible?" "Nothing is impossible." Guan Heng said casually: "Including the presence of mineral spar that can refine evil energy in front of us, the reason why I have this kind of I feel that it is the result of careful consideration, if you don't believe it, we can confirm my speculation now." Qinghuang asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple." Guan Heng turned his head and said, "Toad, you still have quite a few Evil Spirit Kings in the Toad Cauldron Fire Pool, right? Just take one out, and I want to test the ability of the blood-patterned spar." "Yes. , Lord Guan." Hearing this, Tu Gongchan immediately found an evil spirit king in the cauldron and handed it to Guan Heng. "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" This Soul Eater Evil Spirit King was tortured in the fire pool, and was almost insane. He was pinched by Guan Heng. Other things can be done. "Be honest with me." "Squeaky..." Guan Heng said, his five fingers clenched suddenly, forcibly squeezed the Evil Spirit King's spiritual body into the size of a fist, and then brought the blood-patterned mineral spar close. "Cluck lala—buzz buzz—" It was too late, it was fast, the mineral spar trembled violently in an instant, and after the evil spirit king felt the breath of the mineral spar, he became more and more hysterical. The guy screamed and tried to escape from Guan Heng's palm, but he didn't want to touch the blood-patterned spar. From this, it also knows that this thing is a deadly threat to itself as an evil spirit. "Want to escape? That's impossible, you'd better go in honestly." "Gee yo—" The moment Guan Heng finished speaking, he suddenly pressed the Evil Spirit King on the surface of the blood-patterned mineral spar. The thing really began to absorb the evil spirit breath continuously, and then directly pulled it into his own interior and quickly refined it.

After a few breaths of time, the aura of the evil spirit king completely disappeared around the blood-patterned spar, and the thing returned to calm. The difference from just now was that a dazzling light appeared on the surface of the spar, and it suddenly became dark. . "Look, has the aura of the Evil Spirit King completely disappeared?" "Hey, it's so amazing." Hearing Guan Heng's words, Ruo Tao rubbed her palms and said with a smile, "Young master, this blood-patterned mineral crystal. Shi is very interesting, let me play with it." "Take it." Guan Heng handed the thing to her without hesitation, and then continued: "This thing was originally in the body of the giant monster, and it is very likely that the guy didn't. I thought that this thing has the ability to absorb evil energy and convert it into the energy of the ore spar itself." "In the beginning, the evil monster may just want to swallow the ore spar and fuse the energy of refining this thing, but I didn't expect that the ore. The spar is constantly absorbing the evil energy in his body, which makes this guy continue to weaken." Guan Heng said, and said to the demon: "When this guy was fighting with you just now, his strength could be maintained at about 50-60%. Not bad." "Hahaha, didn't it shoot itself in the foot?" Hearing this, the Demon Mandrill and King Jia Yao suddenly laughed. "It's also true that the reason why the huge evil monster died is also somewhat related to swallowing this thing."

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