Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11811: Renovation of the ore spar plan (the third update)

After a brief pause, Guan Heng glanced at the blood-patterned mineral spar in his hand, and immediately said, "I don't know how much this guy will evolve after 'eating' more Evil Spirit Kings. It's not a bad thing to have something that can digest evil spirits." "That's right, before that, we had wiped out all ordinary evil spirits, leaving only the evil spirit king and the like to refine the soul power in the soul recovery urn. , but it is a pity that those ordinary things are directly destroyed." Qing Huang said: "Ah Heng, if we have a lot of blood-patterned ore spar, even ordinary evil spirits can be absorbed in the future, and we don't need everyone to directly eliminate it. , isn't it?" "Hey, that's a good idea." Guan Heng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he said: "But the blood-patterned spar is something we accidentally got from the body of the giant monster, its formation It’s still a mystery, if we want to make more, I don’t know where to start.” “It’s okay.” Ruo Tao suggested at this time: “We have a lot of spar in our hands, son, why don’t you take them out? Some of them, and then use evil energy to induce them into mutant ore spar, isn't it okay?" "Oh, little girl, your suggestion is really incredible!" Hearing this, Guan Heng was overjoyed: "This It's a good idea, especially since I didn't even expect it to be reminded by you, it's amazing."

"Hehehe, of course, after being with you for so long, I have to become smarter, right?" Ruo Tao said triumphantly at this time. "Okay, it's not too late, let's try it now." With that said, Guan Heng motioned Tugong Chan to spit out a few ore spar and pile it up in front of everyone. At this time, An Yan asked, "Brother, what's the next step? What should I do?" "Well, first of all, I think the necessary premise for the formation of blood-patterned spar is that evil energy infects them. This is the first step." With a wink, the big toad immediately said: "Yes, Master Guan, I understand." "Whuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu-" It was too late to say, but it was too soon, Tugong Toad opened his big mouth, and walked away from the toad. Several evil spirit kings were released from the cauldron, "Shuh!" It was too late, but it was fast, Guan Heng waved his hand, and the fire aura spread suddenly, surrounded a few evil spirit kings, burning the group of guys Dead and alive, screaming. The evil spirit kings thought that they would be better off after they escaped from the fire pool of Chan Ding, but they didn't expect that they would suffer even more when they were in the fire ring made by Guan Heng, but Guan Heng didn't take the other party's screams to heart. Then he grabbed an evil spirit king, took another mineral spar and stuffed it into the opponent's spirit body. "Ow!" The Evil Spirit King, who didn't understand what Guan Heng was trying to do, was frightened, and screamed and released a large amount of evil energy that enveloped the ore spar.

"Buzzing - rattling -" At the moment when it was squeezed by the evil energy, the ordinary loess spar began to tremble violently. Under the watchful eyes of Guan Heng and others, a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the ore spar. trace. Seeing this scene, Guan Heng whispered: "No, it's going to fail!" "Bang bang!" As soon as Guan Heng said these words, the ore spar wrapped by evil energy suddenly burst into pieces, and then turned into powder, with At the same time, the evil spirit king who had exhausted his evil energy disappeared and disappeared, no longer existed. "Hmph, it really isn't something that can be done casually." Guan Heng shook his head and said so. Qianxin asked, "Do you want to try again?" "Alright, we have time anyway." After listening to her words, Guan Heng nodded in agreement, and then he took out another ore crystal. Shi, an evil spirit king, let the two make do with each other, but within a few breaths, the spar could not bear the pressure of the evil energy again, and appeared in a cracked state that almost collapsed. "Oh, isn't this the same as the previous situation? It's too bad." Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao let out a low voice. "Not necessarily, with the experience I have just now, I now have a new way to deal with it." "Huh!" It was too late, but then, Guan Heng suddenly released a large amount of earth and mysterious aura, wrapping the surface of the ore spar, In this way, with the constant protection of the earth's profound aura, the degree of fragmentation of the ore spar has been greatly slowed down.

But after more than ten breaths, with a bang, the ore spar shattered and the evil spirit king disappeared. This time the experiment ended in failure again. "Damn, how could this happen?" Seeing this scene, Ruo Tao said disappointedly. "Don't be discouraged, in fact, the situation is much better this time." Qing Huang pursed his lips and smiled, and then said, "Ah Heng, am I right?" "Yes, at least the spar is protected by the earth's mysterious aura. , the time to remain unbroken has greatly increased." Guan Heng said casually: "Actually, I deliberately removed a trace of the earth's mysterious aura, so the ore spar will burst, and then I know that there is a mysterious aura to protect it. , is a great guarantee for the fusion of ore spar and evil energy." "The previous giant monster, it is impossible to have earth and mysterious aura in its body, so it took a long time to make the ore spar into a mutant type, but now, we He obviously has his own advantages." Having said that, Guan Heng weighed the other ore spar in his hand, and then said: "But this advantage is not very big, because just maintaining the balance between the ore spar and evil energy is enough. It's not easy, that is to say, it's still very difficult to make them fully integrated." "Then what should I do?" An Yan said, "It will be very nerve-racking."

"Well..." Guan Heng thought for a while, then suddenly looked at the soul-recovering urn on the back of the stone turtle beast beside him, and suddenly said: "By the way, if the soul-restoring urn is used, it may be able to release the energy of strengthening and strengthening the spar, Why don't you let it try." "That's right, the soul urn can always release some magical energy, you can think about it." Qing Huang nodded, and Guan Heng added: "It's not too late, now Try it now." After saying that, he took out a spar, placed it in front of the Soul Recovery Urn, and said, "Come on, let me see what your power can do this time." But Guan Heng said this. After the words were spoken, there was no response from the Fusoul Urn for several breaths, Ruo Tao got a little impatient waiting beside him, and said, "Young Master, it seems that even the Fushun Urn can't help us this time, beg for help. Why don't you ask yourself, why don't you try it yourself?" "Oh, little girl, you're still as impatient as ever." Guan Heng smiled and then said, "Okay, then I'll..." "Buzz buzz ——Buzzing——” Just when Guan Heng wanted to reach out and pick up the ore spar, the soul-recovering urn suddenly trembled, and then, the blue-flowered miasma spirit on the surface of the soul-hunting urn also floated. He suddenly released his strange light, covering the nearby mineral spar. "Oh, there was no movement just now. Are you thinking about what to do with the soul-recovering urn? This guy is really fine!"

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