Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11815: The stalker's target

"Hehehe, our spirit-absorbing spar is perfect."

"It's not bad, it's just normal."

"Hahaha, brothers are of the same mind, their profits cut off gold!"

The evil slug mother, the golden sting king, and the ancient Huanghou scorpion were talking while controlling the three absorbing ore spar and rushing towards the remaining evil spirit kings. He turned around and flew into the distance, trying to escape.

"Encircle them!" The evil worm mother screamed, and she and her two brothers immediately controlled the spar of the sucking ore and rushed away.

"Swish swish! Swish swish!" In the flash of lightning, three ore spar spun sharply in the air, and frantically released the earth and mysterious aura. These auras were quickly connected together, and they were able to surround the evil spirit king's path. .

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Dong Dong Dong!"


The next moment, the earth Xuan aura released by the absorbing spirit spar hit the evil spirit kings viciously, causing these guys to suffer a lot, and the pain was excruciatingly painful.

"Hey hey, he deserves it." Seeing this scene, Guhuang Houshou saw that he was elated and beamed, and at the same time, the evil slug mother shouted: "Don't be stunned, absorb these evil spirit kings, rush over!"


As soon as the worm mother said these words, the three spirit-absorbing ore spar swooped in the wind and flew to the front of the evil spirit, and then released an incomparably powerful suction, "His, hiss!" The next moment, these few The screaming evil spirit king was torn to pieces by the suction of the mineral spar.

"Hey yo--" Then, the three ore spar absorbed the pieces of the evil spirit king respectively, and then flew back to the three insects swayingly.

"It's a good job." King Jinqi said: "Boss, it seems that these spirit-absorbing spar spar are really suitable for training."

"Of course, this is an imitation of the blood-patterned spar made by the master himself." With a bit of reverence for Guan Heng, the evil slug mother said so.

Hulu next to him whispered: "Boss, the three words for imitation are a bit redundant."

"Hmph, I know, I wouldn't say that in front of the master." The mother worm coughed and said, "Don't mention this kind of trivial matter, it's time for us to go back and report the situation here to the master. Now, let's go."

"Boss, wait first." At this moment, King Golden Sting quickly flew to the Insect Mother and whispered two words to it.

"Oh, is that so? Well, then leave a few scorpions and black stings that are stalking here, let's go." As soon as the mother worm finished speaking, the king of golden stings immediately did as she said, and then, The evil cockroach mother led the two brothers to rush to the place where they came.


After a short while, the mother of evil slugs returned to Guan Heng and everyone.

"...that's how it happened."

After briefly narrating what happened just now, the worm mother praised again: "The spirit-absorbing ore spar you made is really useful, and I think the effect is no less than the real blood-pattern ore spar."

"Well, as long as you are satisfied." Guan Heng smiled and nodded, and then, the mother insect whispered to Guan Heng's ear again: "In addition, we also found..."

"Oh, this is an unexpected harvest, very good." Guan Heng heard these words, his eyes lit up, and then said: "It's not too late, let's hurry over and have a look, but we can't let the prey escape."

"Yes, master, everyone, please, we are responsible for leading the way."

"Shhhhh!" It was too late, but the time was fast, the mother insect, the king of golden stings, and the stingers flew into the air, leading Guan Heng and the others to swept forward.

Not long after, the three insects led everyone to the place where the battle with the evil spirit king had just occurred.

"It's here." The Evil Insect Mother said, "After I cleaned up the Evil Spirit King, I also left behind the multicolored vicious cockroach and the shadowy black stinger to monitor the surrounding area."

"Well, you did a good job." Guan Heng said, and began to glance around, then suddenly raised his finger and pointed to the path in front of him and said, "Are they all wandering over there?"

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Seeing Guan Heng's expression becoming serious, the insect mother asked in surprise.

"You and Xiao Jin can feel it carefully. There are only a few black stingers in front of you, but the colorful stingers are gone."

"What?!" Hearing Guan Heng's words, the mother of evil slugs and the king of golden stings looked at each other and looked at each other, looking a little surprised. Then, they did as they said, and it was just like what Guan Heng said. The breath of the scorpions disappeared completely.

King Jin Sting said with a look of surprise, "What the **** is going on here?"

"The reason is very easy to guess, Insect Mother, it is estimated that they chased after the target you said." Guan Heng said to the Insect Mother at this time.

"It is indeed possible, please wait a moment, master, I will contact the brothers and ask about the situation."

Saying that, the mother of evil scorpions closed her eyes slightly and released her mental power to investigate the dynamics of the colorful scorpion.

Just after a few breaths, the mother insect suddenly opened her eyes and said: "Yes, I found them, it turned out that the other party really noticed something was wrong, so they hurriedly fled. In the past, they also left black stings here waiting for everyone to come."

"Well, I expected it a long time ago." Guan Heng said casually: "You ask them where they are now."

"Yes." Mother Insect nodded, and immediately started contacting Wucai Fierce Bitter. After a few breaths, it raised its head and said to Guan Heng and everyone, "It should be in a certain area dozens of feet away, but go there. There are quite a few fork in the road.”

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and chase it."

"Yes, please come with me." Said, the insect mother immediately flew forward, the golden sting king, the ancient wild roar, the mad poisonous ant queen and the bat-winged owl-faced bear, they all followed, saying they were accompanying to help.


After a short while, the evil cockroach mother led everyone, and finally caught up with the flying cockroaches in front of them. It suddenly swept to the other side and whispered: "Hey, you are leaving in a hurry, why didn't you tell me? me?"

"Squeak, squeak!" Hearing this, the headed Zixuan leaned over to the insect mother to distinguish the low voice, which meant saying: "The other party fled quickly, we didn't have time to inform you, so we followed him first. Now, didn't he leave a black sting to give you a message?"

"That's right. Forget it, it's all trivial matters, and you don't have to worry about it."

The worm mother asked casually, "Where is the tracked target?" Hearing this, the mutant child cockroach raised his claws and pointed to the front. The worm mother and everyone looked up and noticed that there was a black shadow not far ahead. Save and move.

"Hmph, it really is this group of guys." After taking a closer look, the evil slug mother grinned: "This is really a big gain, hello, little bear."

"Come here, what's your order?" The bat-winged owl-faced bear flew forward and asked.

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