Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 11816: Fighting the Beasts (Third)

"You go to inform Master Guan and everyone and say that we have found our target."

"Okay." Hearing the words of the evil worm mother, the bat-winged owl-faced bear agreed, and suddenly rushed towards the rear. Just after counting the breaths, Guan Heng, the girls and other companions hurried to the insect mother's side.


"Insect mother, it seems that you have really found each other." Guan Heng said with a slight smile.

"Yes, master." The mother insect said with a smile at this time: "Look, there are dozens of these guys."

"Well, we have never seen a corpse with a single horn and a spine turn into an evil beast before." Guan Heng continued: "Especially, the evil spirits on these guys are particularly rich and pure, and they are very valuable. At least blood-patterned ore crystals Shi will be very fond of absorbing."

"Buzz-buzz--" Hearing this, everyone and the mineral spar floating around Guan Heng made a trembling sound, as if they were eager to try.

At this moment, Qinghuang said beside Guan Heng: "But the spirit-absorbing spar has only dealt with the evil spirit king before. If you deal with these corpse-turned-evil beasts, will you be uncomfortable?"

"Everything has to have a first time." Guan Heng said indifferently: "In my opinion, the strength of those corpse-turning evil beasts may not be stronger than the evil spirit king, now is the time to let the spirit-absorbing mineral spar try to defeat the spirit. An enemy other than body, soul and body."

"Well, it makes sense." Hearing this, Qing Huang and the other sisters nodded in agreement.

Immediately afterwards, Guan Heng opened his mouth and said, "Let the spar to eliminate the unicorn corpse and turn it into an evil beast. We only need to do one thing now, and that is to block all the nearby entrances and exits, so that the other party has no chance to escape."

"That's right." Ruo Tao said at this time: "Young Master, what can we do, you can tell me."

"Okay, everyone listen to me..." At this moment, Guan Heng beckoned and motioned for everyone to gather in front of him. He gave orders like this. Qinghuang and the other beasts nodded in unison, and everyone said in unison: "Okay, let's do it then."

"Let's do it." After saying that, Guan Heng waved his hand, "Boom!" It was too late to say, but the time was fast, and the companions immediately rushed to all directions.

At the same time, the spirit-absorbing ore spar floating in the air rushed towards the unicorn corpse that turned into an evil beast.

"Huhuhu——咻咻咻——" In an instant, the sharply spinning ore spar flew above the corpse-turned-evil beast like lightning. These corpse-turned-evil beasts heard the wind blowing above their heads one after another, and knew that something was wrong.

"Ouuuu-" A fat, sturdy, one-horned thorn-backed evil beast looked up and saw a lot of ore spar bullying him. Slip away, but unfortunately it's too late!

"Whoohoo-whoosh!" In the next instant, several ore spar swooped down with the earth mysterious aura wrapped in it, "Boom bang bang! Crackle crackle!" He was hit with holes all over his body.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of earth and mysterious aura wrapped around the guy's body and fixed it to the ground abruptly.

"嗧yo-yo--" In an instant, the mineral spar frantically absorbed the breath in the body of the corpse-turned-evil beast, and then converted it into its own energy, and the unlucky corpse-turned-evil beast's body shook a few times, and it quickly became smaller. Shrink.

After a few breaths, the guy turned into a fist-sized piece of meat, and then turned gray and white, "Clap!" Then it turned into powder and fly ash, and drifted away with the wind.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Seeing their companions tragically die on the spot, the rest of the one-horned thorn-backed demonic beasts were so frightened that their bodies trembled like a sieve. These guys wanted to escape, but suddenly found their footsteps extremely heavy. It's hard to move an inch anymore!


The sound of the swift wind continued one after another, and more than ten spirit-absorbing spar crystals surrounded the rest of the evil beasts like lightning. They continued to release their own earth and mysterious aura to wrap the opponent's body, and let the corpse turn into the evil beast. Crazy struggle, is unable to escape the shackles.

"Hehehe, these guys are finished."

At this moment, the Demon Mandrill, who was watching the battle nearby, sneered slightly and said so. The Tugong Toad next to him looked like a torch, and said casually: "If it's these guys we've seen so far, it must be over, but these guys are not all of the dead corpses turned into evil beasts."

"What?!" Hearing this, King Jia Yao asked with wide eyes, "Isn't there a corpse-turning guy nearby?"

"That's right, and there are far more of them than we're seeing right now."

At this time, Guan Heng also said the same. "Master Guan, where are these guys hiding?" King Jia Yao asked.

"Think carefully, don't always ask the son." Ruo Tao said, stretched out her hand with a smile, gently pinched the other person's big ear, and said: "Since it was discovered by Toad first, then the other party must be... …”

"That's right, Tugong Chan is the most sensitive to the enemy hidden in the ground!" Suddenly, King Jia Yao realized this, and then raised his voice: "I understand, it's underground, these guys are hiding in accomplices. In the soil under your feet!"

"Okay, Chubby, you've become smarter." Ruo Tao said, patted the other party's forehead, and Mo Mdrill also said next to him: "Big sister, this guy has changed because of your frequent knocks on the forehead. Smart, you should do this more often in the future."

"Hahaha, so that's what it is." Knowing that the devil is full of nonsense, Ruo Tao still smiled and said: "Well, it seems that we need to help Fatty improve his wisdom in the future."

"Don't, don't, I'm afraid of the pain." King Jia Yao saw that the two of them were talking more and more, so he shook his head and whispered: "The two of you don't make fun of me, you have to ask me for mercy, right?"

"Hey, you used to quarrel with us at least a couple of times. Why did you just admit defeat this time?" Mo Ji said with a smile, "Tell me, what are your plans?"

"Hey hey, I just don't have time to grind my teeth with you."

King Jia Yao grinned at this moment, then moved closer to it and Ruotao, and then said: "It's boring to chat, in my opinion, we should find a way to get the corpse into the evil beast underground and let the spar deal with them. ."

"Well, what you said is very interesting." Hearing this, Ruo Tao's eyes lit up, and then she said, "I'm very interested, hey, Moji, how about you?"

"The meaning of the eldest sister's head is what I mean." Mo Yan said at this time: "As long as you say a word, I will raise my hands in favor."

"Hahaha, as expected of my most loyal little brother." After hearing this, Ruotao seemed very satisfied, and then whispered a few words in front of the two of them, and asked, "How is it, do you understand?"

"Hehe, that's a good idea."

"As expected of the eldest sister, it's amazing."

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