Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1188: Struggling to Support (First)

"Left hand, fierce fire spell!" Borui's left hand suddenly gathered hot elements of fire.

"Right fist, frozen spell!" Suddenly, the cold ice elements suddenly gathered on Borui's right fist. He suddenly shouted, throwing both the magic of ice and fire into the sky: "Intermediate Ice and Fire Complex Magic-Fiery Fire Ice Meteorite !!! "

"Huh!" Dozens of huge ice hockey **** were formed in mid-air, and there were still raging flames on the surface, and they slammed into the magic dragon that besieged Borui. "Bang, bang! Bang!" The dragon's head cracked their brains.

Some ice hockey **** smashed into countless sharp flakes after falling to the ground, splashing around ****, smashing into the body of the magic dragon, screaming in misery, more than a dozen magic dragons were burnt all black With a plume of smoke in his nose and nose, he fell to the ground.

"What ?!" Seeing this scene, even Tivelo on the stone platform changed his face slightly: "A human being, even a human, can use compound magic?"

"How can this be, this little ghost is really too dangerous." Tivello secretly said: "Anyway, the guy who can use sharp compound magic will be the enemy of our dragon clan in the future. This dangerous seedling must continue. Cut it off before it sprouts! "

"Uh ..." Borui was using the compound magic spell for the second time today. After the magic power was exhausted, he suddenly felt a sweet throat, and a sip of blood suddenly emerged.

"Well, the intermediate magic spell has exceeded my body load ..." Borui only felt dizzy at this moment, as long as he relaxed his body, he would immediately fall to the ground, but he still gritted his teeth and stiffened, because Faced with the fierce Tivello, it was not when he fell down.


On the other hand, under the siege of the Guardian of the Ice and Fire Dragon Legion, the two girls, Zowei and Imila, have gradually fallen into hard battles, but their tactics are more sophisticated, and they fight and retreat. Attack from time to time, go away with one hit, never gluttony.

"Oh!" Zuowei's dragon-sword dagger slammed into the leg of the fire dragon in front of her, and her hand twisted immediately. "Oh!" The sharp sword sharply cut off large scale dragon skins.

"Woohoo !!" As a result of this, the fire dragon will retreat and dodge as soon as it makes a terrible cry. Who knows, Imira flickered, moved to the back of the fire dragon instantly, and uttered a fierce blow: "Tiger teeth will attack!"

Strong and powerful boxing force destroyed the dead, with the help of the claw-type gloves easily broke the fire dragon's spine, "脊 通!" The evil dragon turned over and fell down and died.

"The ice dragon is attacking, flash." Zuo Wei shouted, and threw a magic explosion spar, "Boom!" The spar's bursting power spread out rapidly in ripples!

"Oh!" In the fierce roar, the three ice dragons rushed over were blown up in the air and tumbling, and flew out. At this time, Zowei and Imila were able to gasp for ten seconds, fighting fiercely. For the two girls, it is also a very heavy load.

"Strange, these two dead girls have already attacked near Shitai just now, why are they running farther and farther now?" Above the Shitai, the sly Zaviu suddenly realized one thing: "Damn, it turned out they were Delayed time, I said why I didn't see Guan Heng, it turns out that the kid is going to find the core! "

"Huh, I'll kill you two little girls with your own hands!" Binghuo transforming the dragon felt that he was being played with, and suddenly burst into anger. He opened the dragon wings on his back and shouted loudly: " Come on, let's go-yeah yeah! "

"Whoa!" Zaviu, who was so wicked and fierce, flew down the stone platform and flew towards Zowei and Imira.

Imira watched the other's actions from a distance, and immediately yelled anxiously, "Oh no good, this guy Zaviu perceives that we are delaying time."

"Abominable, give him a taste of this first." Zuo Wei said that she would shoot the magic guide, but Imila said: "Wait, to save the magic shot, did you forget what Brother Heng Heng said? Ordinary magic bullets are not available on this island, we have two or three special explosive crystal magic bullets left in our hands. "

"Uh, I can't help it, so I have to use magic to attack it." Zowei pulled back the priest's staff from the waist and pointed at Zaviu who hit in the air: "Holy Light Arrows!"

"Oh!" The golden arrows of light flashing at a speed of thunder can't cover up their ears, and greeted Zaviu together. This sacred light arrow technique is several times stronger than the ordinary light arrow technique. , And the power of the light system is also much stronger, but because of the influence of the coral island's reversal array, it needs to save more than ten minutes of magic to use it once.

"Oh!" Suddenly, Zaviu was hit by the shoulders of several arrows of sacred light. However, the boss of the Ice and Fire Dragon Army was not so easy to lose. I saw Zaviu's wings fluttered suddenly, and the wind raged around him. Suddenly, the rest of the arrow of sacred light was blown away without trace.

"Smelly girl, dare to sneak attack on Uncle Ben, I want to make you die terribly!" A blue ice cone emerged from the blue dragon's claws, Zaviu threw the object vigorously towards Zowei: "Go Die! "

"Zuowei is careful." Imila stopped in front of Zuo Wei in a blink of an eye, and her fists moved like electricity: "Ancient martial art, meteor cut rock fist!"

"Bang, bang, bang!" Dozens of wind-wrapped boxing fighters suddenly formed a barrier of strength, and then blasted on the ice cones that rushed towards them. "Come on!" There were numerous cracks on the huge ice cones. Finally slammed into powder!

The power and speed of the meteor chopping fist is directly related, but the energy is huge. On this island, Imira can only use it once or twice at a critical moment. With a sigh of relief, his arms were trembling.

"Sister Imela, how are you doing?" Zuo Wei saw that Imila's face was a little tired, so she asked with concern: "Can it last?"

"I can do it," said Yi Mi-la, but her heart became more anxious: "What's up with Brother Heng Heng? Haven't found the core of the battle? Even if I can hold on for a while, Zowei It's already on the verge of exhaustion, and Bory's side ... it should be dangerous. "

"Well, women are women. On the battlefield, your power will never be able to defeat the real soldiers." Zaviu, who landed in the air, suddenly landed on the ground, and laughed loudly, "Guan Heng asked you to die, it was him The biggest mistake made in this battle. "

Imira saw that Zaviu was still a short distance away from herself and Zowei, so she whispered, "Zowei, get ready for the magic guide. When this guy walks in, give him a hard blow. "

—— [2016.5.21 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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