Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1189: Emergency moment

"Um." Zuo Wei subconsciously touched the handle of the demon's guide.

"Since you don't take the initiative to attack, then look at me." "Huh—" The blue dragon claws wrapped the cold air, Zaviu yelled, "Taste my ice magic knife!"

Seeing Zaviu's hand knife attacking, Imira suddenly said, "Zowei, now!"

As soon as she said it later, Zuo Wei's wrist turned out to show the magic guide, but the moment she tried to pull the trigger, Zaviu's eyes flashed fiercely: "Little girl, you can't stop thinking about it."

"Whew!" Zawiu suddenly turned around, and the thick dragon tail had slammed Zuo Wei's wrist: "click!"

"Ehhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh been because zouwei screamed in pain, the dragon tail of zaviu was like a whip, which had instantly discounted her carpal bone.

"Zaviu, you **** thing." Imira saw Zouwei was injured, and suddenly rushed over, "look!"

Suddenly, Imira flung forward and jumped into a vertical leap, suddenly jumping near Zaviu's head, his body suddenly rolled over, kicking the opponent's face door with the momentum of an upside down: "Go to death!"

"Bang!" This sudden attack, Zaviu was suddenly kicked off guard, but Imeira had already consumed a lot of physical strength. This kick failed to achieve the desired effect. Zaviu suddenly shot with pain and slammed. He grabbed each other's ankle.

"Smelly girl, let me die!" Zaviu roared, twirling Imira as a whole, slamming on the ground.

"Ka-cha-" The ground suddenly cracked, and Imila felt only black in front of her eyes, and a spit of blood soared.

"Sister Imela--" Zou Wei exclaimed, and then flew over and hugged Zaviu's leg: "Let her go, you jerk!"

"Little girl, since you want to die first, Uncle Ben will do it for you!" Zawiu uttered a terrifying smirk, he threw away the drowsy Imila, and pinched Zuowei with the crimson dragon claws. Petite head.

"Cuck it ..." Zavi Oolong's claws were slightly hardened, and Zou Wei suddenly called out, "Yeah!"

"Hehehe, I'm going to burn your delicate little face into coke." Zaviu laughed wildly: "I believe it must be very interesting."

"Let go of my sister." Imila struggled to hold her up, she yelled, "Zowei, she is just a child ..."

"Child ?! Fare less there. Any old man, child, woman, or even a baby in babies, as long as it appears on the battlefield, that is my enemy of Zaviu."

The half-blue and half-red ugly dragon face of Zaviu suddenly appeared sullen, and he said coldly: "I will crush you without mercy. Since you dare to go to the battlefield, you should treat death as home, and ask the enemy for mercy Don't kid me! I will never allow this to happen. "

"Little girl, I'll blame you for appearing in Grandpa and My Killing Field, you **** it !!!" With that said, Zaviu's crimson dragon claws suddenly heated up, and Zou Wei's face was about to burn!

At the very moment of the blast, there was a sudden roar in the midst of the sky: "Zaviu, you bastard, let go of her !!"

"唰 ——" A terrifying sword blade stabbed through the sky, as if the flood monster that had torn through the sky showed his fangs, and swallowed towards Zaviu on the ground.

"Yeah ?!" Such as the sense of death crisis in the fallen ice cellar, suddenly covered Zaviu's whole body.

"Escape! You must escape! Otherwise it's-dead !!!" Zaviu flashed the thought in his heart, and with the fastest speed of his life, his body ran back in a lightning flash. However, he was still half a step slower.

"Oh!" Furiously brushed Zaviu's crimson dragon claws and immediately chopped it to the ground. Zuo Wei was also dragged into his arms by one person, who was Guan Heng.

"Zou Wei ..." Guan Heng patted the other person's cheek immediately, and he said softly, "Little girl, you are very lucky. If I take one step later, you will be disfigured."

"Uh? Brother Heng Heng, you're finally here." Zuo Wei touched her frowning hair and said with a weeping face, "Brother, this **** burned my hair!"

"You child, who just escaped the crisis of disfiguration, and now feels distressed again." Guan Heng sighed secretly, then he called to Imila: "How about? Can you still move? Help me support Zuo Wei Right. "

Imila ran over and ran over, stretched out her shoulders to support her, and then asked, "Brother Guan Heng, the core of the magic field's reversal, did you destroy it?"

"Well ... it can be said that it has destroyed a part of it." Guan Heng's answer was a bit vague. In fact, this is no wonder to him, but in the middle of Coral Island, Guan Heng found some weird things, so he almost delayed the time. .

Time back five minutes ago, Guan Heng found what was suspected to be the core of the array. It was a weird rock more than ten meters square. It was engraved with Guan Heng, who was seen by the fat old man Sanqiu. The mysterious texture of the picture, but there are four evil dragons guarding there, one ice dragon, one fire dragon and two magic dragons.

He had a huge disparity in strength, and Guan Heng slashed the four dragons in an instant, but at this time he found something that was extremely shocking to him. In the middle of the weird rock, there was a strange hexagonal metal plate inlaid. At first sight, Guan Yoko suddenly shouted, "Shard of the Astrolabe ?!"

On the same day, in the Temple of the Sun in Ashton's continent, the light **** Dalakander told Guan Heng that the big devil's astrolabe was originally called the 'finding object astrolabe'. It can find lost items in infinite cosmic space, regardless of those It can be found no matter how remote the plane is.

However, after the idiots of the demon domain picked up the fragments of the astral disk, they used some crooked ways to transform it into a state that can now absorb vitality and convert it into pure energy.

Darakund once said that he could use the power of the five main gods to rebuild the "searching object against the astrolabe", but there should be thirteen pieces of debris, which were held on those apostles killed in the Ashton continent, and obtained Twelve, but the last one, which is the core part of the Astral Disk, was never found.

"Haha, the thirteenth magic astrolabe, ah no, the fragments of the inverse astrolabe are on the continent of St. Lomplon. No wonder I have never found it."

Overjoyed, Guan Heng stretched out his hand to grab the fragments of the inverse star disk on the stone platform, but he never expected that he had just taken a step forward, and the stone brick inlaid with the debris sank several feet, and then, A quick bang, the shards were immediately transported away by magical energy, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

—— [2016.5.21 Second change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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