Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1190: Great reversal (third)

"Abominable, who dares to play Lao Tzu ?!"

Seeing that the thirteen pieces of the inverse astral plate are about to be made up, who knows that the thing will disappear in front of himself, can this not be called Guan Heng's anger, just listening to the sudden outburst of violent rage Momentum, the double-edged dragon teeth in Guan Heng palm covered a layer of violent crimson demon breath.

"Break me!" The dragon teeth stood on the stone platform with their two blades brushed together. The force of wild fury and the crimson dragon's breath on the attached blade suddenly burst out the hundred-knife knife. Become a flying powder.

"Oh!" The entire Coral Island 倏 flashed a strange magical light. Guan Heng's sword strength had completely destroyed Shitai, and by the way, also reversed the power of the magic domain and destroyed it.

Guan Heng raised his arm and pointed at the sky with a dragon tooth blade, and he swore vows: "No matter who took the anti-horse shards, I will see you hunted to the end, and then get back to me s things!"


At the station of the Devil's Dragon Army, a fragment appeared in Tivelo's palm, and his heart suddenly cried out: "Oops, the reversal array has been destroyed, otherwise this 'magic disk fragment' will not be engraved by me in advance. The circle on the stone platform teleported back. "

Tivilo, who has always been cunning, immediately realized that the group of Guan Heng was about to start a counterattack. Together with those of the two dragon clan groups in Zaviu, it was difficult to protect themselves. Today, they must retreat.

But Tiverlo glanced down at the stone platform, and Borui, who was still fighting fiercely with the magic dragon, suddenly a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Well, even if I'm going to lose, I can't go back empty-handed, After closing the life of this left arm and right arm, I took it! "

Thinking of this, Tivilo's wand quietly pointed at Borui ...

But at this moment, Borui suddenly felt something strange. He cried out in his heart: "Strange, the body suddenly became a lot lighter, is it ... Boss Guan Heng has destroyed the core of the array ?!"

"Never mind him, let's try it now, can you use advanced magic spells!"

Borui's heart turned like electricity, and the dragon and magic wand in his hand flashed the dazzling elemental brilliance. It happened that there was a magic dragon on the opposite side, who rushed forward with heavy footsteps. It was surrounded by a squinting dark yellow magic light, He was using a trick, the "Turkish Crash", to attack Borui.

"Rage of the Fire Demon !!"

"Huh-huh!" The powerful fire elements gathered suddenly in front of Borui, forming a virtual image of a fire-spitting demon, and greeted the magic dragon of the earth system. After a while, the powerful fire magic immediately swallowed this head. Evil dragon.

"Haha, it succeeded. Guan Heng's boss has indeed destroyed the reversal array on Coral Island." Borui Le jumped three feet high. At this time, the demon dragon Tivilo on the stone platform suddenly made a noise. Sharp smile: "Shit boy, you go to death!"

Speaking of time later, Tivelo was originally the top of a wand with a spherical structure, and it was broken into several petals, and a faint smell of death exuded from inside. In a blink of an eye, this black gas had condensed in the air Become a huge black snake.

"Hissing—" The evil-qi black snake rolled a few meters long body, opened its blood basin, and bite at Borui under the stage.

"My God!" Borui was startled, and hurriedly waved the staff of the dragon demon at the black snake that rushed over: "Frozen Mantra!"

"Hoo!" The overwhelming freezing cold suddenly greeted the black snake, but this weird black snake was an intangible thing. The cold didn't work for it. I saw the evil black snake's body bowed and stunned in the air. Swinging away from the attack range of Frozen Mantra, he rushed to Borui again.

"The magic spell is invalid?" Borui ran away when he turned around, and shouted in his mouth, "Go to you, Master Ben will not be with you."

At this point, Borui's feet were windy, and he flew out of the air. The evil black snake was chasing after him in the air. Borui turned around under the stone platform, and he could not help cursing: "Tivelo, this bastard, why do you play this trick? If you fall in the hands of Boss Guan Heng, see if he does not cut you in half!"

When he ran away, Borui looked coldly at Tivilo on the stone platform. However, at this moment, the demon dragon was more anxious than Borui. The evil black snake was originally a killer made by Tivilo with great efforts. He I thought that once the show was performed, Borui could be slaughtered three or two times. Who knows that the kid's feet are too slippery, and the evil black snake chased and killed for a long time, it turned out to be futile!

Borui saw the other party watching the evil Qi black snake chasing himself and concentrated, he didn't hit one place, he waved several fireballs and hit Tivelo on the stone platform: "Taste this!"

"Bang, bang!" The flames hit Tivelo in front of him, but did not cause any substantial harm to him, but a burst of thick smoke suddenly appeared.

"Abominable boy, playing this kind of blinding in front of the uncle." Tivilo waved his claws and dispelled the thick smoke three or two times. I saw only the evil black snake swinging left and right in the air, but Borui was gone. He yelled, "Where the **** kid has gone? Damn it!"

"Oh!" At this moment, Borui suddenly climbed to the stone platform three times from the other side, and Hu Yi fell not far from Tivilo, he shouted: "Ugly Bagua, Ben Master is here. "

"Oh!" Dragon Wand pointed forward, and Borui yelled, "Ice God's indifference!"

It was said that time and time quickly, the virtual image of the giant ice and snow suddenly formed in the sky, but Tivelo sneered: "The eagle worm trick! This uncle is also the leading magician of the dragon clan leader, do you think I will not do this trick? Ice God's Indifference! "

The same imaginary image of the giant ice and snow was also formed instantly, and two behemoths exuding endless cold suddenly collided fiercely in the air: "Boom!"

The imaginary image of the giant ice and snow battered in the air, causing Shitai to tremble slightly, almost to collapse, and for a while, the two sides were in a deadlock.

But Tiverlo's cunning glance stunned the wicked black snake in the distance. Borui had just escaped the pursuit of the black snake, but at this moment, under the control of Tiverlo's spiritual power, the black snake rushed forward. ...

On the other hand, Zaviu, who was cut off by Guan Heng's dragon blade, saw Guan Heng descend from the sky like an angry god, and was frightened slightly.

Zaviu's heart screamed badly: "Well, the reversal must be destroyed by Guan Heng. At this time, I have no chance of working with him, and the pair of sharp blades in Guan Heng make my heart throb. This feeling It's really bad, for the sake of today, let's withdraw before talking. "

—— [2016.5.21 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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