Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1202: Steady advantage (third)

"Hey, fat, you wake up." Akin screamed, grabbing the collar of the fat businessman and shaking it: "If you don't wake up, we will leave you and leave, I can't carry it like this Weigh a fat pig! "

"Uh ... it hurts!" At this time the fat man was finally woken up, and he grinned and said, "Aunt Grandma, take it lightly, my leg ... hey, it seems to be broken."

"Uncle, there's a broken tree branch here, you can hold it first."

Dole did a good job, and helped the fat man to stand up and let him pick up the simple crutch. But when the stupid businessman looked at the bow and arrow on Dole, he yelled, "Hey, this is not the dragon I just bought. Wing Bow? Why is it on you? Are you a thief ... "

"Slap!" At this moment Akin gave the fat man a slap: "Shut up, if this child hadn't shot an arrow just now, you would have been trampled by a evil dragon already, would you dare to be wronged ?!" Then again, we really leave you here. "

"Don't do it, am I wrong?" The chubby businessman covered his swollen fat face at this time and muttered quietly: "But I ... spent hundreds of thousands of gold coins ..."

"It's really a pighead who sacrifice his life." Akin yelled angrily: "To tell you the truth, my old lady is the queen of the kingdom of Gajira, and some of it is money. I will buy this dragonwing bow Yes, how much money do you want? Go to the Kingdom of Gajira and ask my royal prince, Prince Suai, to ask for it. Can you hear me? "

After hearing this, the fat businessman no matter whether it was true or not, he said in a hurry: "I see, I understand, thank you for your generosity."


On the other side, the evil dragons wantonly destroyed in the city of Zhande were blocked by Guanheng.

"Flame Spell."

"Frozen spell." Two ice and one fire magic elements suddenly gathered in Borui's hands. At this moment, his heart suddenly flickered what Sanqiu and Mrs. Jiang Ge said to himself that night. The power of Wen is indeed powerful, but in terms of the strength of the human body, that is a huge burden.

There is no way to use compound magic multiple times in a row. If you ignore the iron rule for a limited number of times, it will be crippled, and it will be dead on the spot, but at the moment Borui thought: "It is only a primary compound magic spell. If you use it twice more, there should be no Question, after all, I can control it proficiently. "

Thinking of this, the two magic elements of ice and fire flickered, and Borui suddenly threw the two evil dragons forward. He shouted, "Complex magic, flame ice cone!"

This time, the flame ice cone is completely different from the one used in the Battle of the Coral Island. This time it is a raindrop-like scattering pattern. This time, two ice cones of several meters with a rising flame on the surface fiercely slammed into the giant. Long.

One of the dragons was outrageous in the face of the flaming ice cone. "Bang!" He stretched out his two claws to hold the ice cube, but at this moment, the flaming flame rushed to it.

"Oh ?!" The dragon was panicked for a moment, hesitated for a few seconds, this was already hit by flames all over the body, it wanted to pull away and extinguish the fire, his feet suddenly tightened, and the foot-bound stone demon summoned by Borui suddenly Big hand grab.

The situation of the other dragon was not much better. The tip of the ice cone penetrated into the front of the heart for a short time, and the frozen dragon quickly frozen and sealed the spot on the spot. The flames ran into the dragon's heart's wound and slammed into it. In the body, burn all the internal organs.

"Haha, do you know how terrible I am now?" Borui laughed proudly, but he didn't realize that he had used compound magic last time and was exhausted. This time, it didn't appear. It was obviously him. Caused by a huge change in physique.

In the east of the city, a three-headed flying dragon kept exhaling the dragon's breath toward the dark shadow that was walking around him, but the three dragon's breath did not touch the corner of Yimira's clothes. A low whisper: "Hammer of light!"

"Woohoo--" A sacred sledgehammer flashing with dazzling light, suddenly smashed into one of the three dragon heads.

"Bang! Click!" The dragon's head in the middle was severely smashed, and it smashed on the spot, causing the dragon's other two heads to scream in pain. At this moment, Imila saw the opportunity. "Oh!" A few steps reached the dragon.

"The ancient martial arts, the fierce tiger sharpens the teeth!" This trick is based on the characteristics of the claw-type gloves, which is performed by Yimera. Destroy the interior of the enemy's body.

"Yeah!" Ymira's fist hit the dragon's front heart fiercely, tearing the dragon scale and dragon skin directly. "Yeah!" Only two heads of the dragon were miserable, but Yimira's The attack did not stop there.

"Yeah!" Imira's figure rushed upward, and immediately jumped to the bottom of the neck of a dragon head. "Bang, bang!" It was like a quick punch that poured down the rain, and the flying dragon was discounted in a matter of seconds. On the neck, only a click sound was heard, and the evil dragon's head suddenly slanted down.

"A dragon's head remains!" Imira and Zuowei shot at the same time. The former flew a punch and banged on the jaw of the remnant dragon head. Zuowei's sacred light arrow also shot between the electric light and flint. Into the mouth of the dragon head!

"Oh!" The three-headed flying dragon, whose blood was dripping from the sky, fell down without any sound: "Tong!"

"Yeah!" Zuowei and Imila clapped each other, shouting happily: "Successful, kill another three-headed dragon."

At this moment, Zuo Wei said, "Okay, hurry up to Central Street and meet with Brother Guan Heng, Borui and Sister Akin."


At the same time, in the center street of the Kingdom of Zhande, the four dragons with teeth and claws are demolishing all the buildings in front of them. "Oh!" A figure appeared in a distant place, which was the rushing Guan Guan.

"Wow, these lizards who like to destroy are really too much. They all like to demolish a house so much ?!"

Guan Heng reached out and held the shoulder of the dragon's tooth blade handle, holding the double blades in his hands, and the crystal of the red dragon's breath in his heart suddenly jumped, and a powerful and violent violent pressure was suddenly sent around him. , The four dragons swept across the scene.

"Oh ?!" The dragon that was tossing in place suddenly felt like a sense of despair that fell into the abyss, covering its whole body, "Tong Tong, Tiao Tong, Tiao Tong, Tiao Tong!" The moment when powerful coercion swept around the body, four The dragons all fell on their knees and fell to the ground.

"Hey, that's right." Guan Heng walked forward easily, as if walking in a quiet court, he whispered: "Be honest and die, so there is absolutely no unnecessary pain."

—— [2016.5.25 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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