Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1203: Tentative (first)


In the hands of Guan Heng, the double-edged dragon tooth suddenly turned, and in a split instant, four invisible ice-magic blades wrapped in cold air passed across the dragon's neck, leaving a narrow red line there, and then frozen. He lived in the wound and didn't even spray a drop of blood. The dragons had already glared at their eyes full of fear and slowly softened, completely dead.

"The four-headed dragon ... was just a wave, and it was very easy." Guan Heng whispered: "I don't know my skill now, and Otrow, the master of the Dark Dragon tribe, and Pawn, the master of the abyss. What a gap? Is it comparable to them? "

"Brother Guan Heng (brother Guan Heng)!" Ymila and Zuo Wei ran in the distance, and they called out, "The evil dragon over us has been resolved."

At this moment, Guan Heng wasn't far away, and a buzzing sounded, and Borui had already appeared. Since he had just left from here, he could use the teleportation spell to return.

"Boss, I have also solved some evil dragons, haha, it's easy." Borui never missed any chance to brag about himself, he raised his thumbs to Guan Heng: "How? Brother I am terrific?"

"Guan Heng, Imila, Zuo Wei-" At this time, A Jin also ran back from the people's refuge in the west of the city, and beside him was a night elf boy, and A Jin ran to the crowd and laughed panting. "Did you know? My sister cooperated with this child just now and killed a dragon."

"All said that I'm not a kid. I'm fourteen years old. My name is Dorie!" The night elf boy muttered angrily, and said unhappyly: "In fact, I can be independent without Sister Akin's help Kill that dragon. "

"What are you talking about? Really arrogant kid." Akin smirked with two fists against Dole's left and right temples, and slammed hard. Dole screamed suddenly: "Let me go, hurt pain!"

"Well? Isn't this little ghost carrying the bow of the dragon wing?" Borui suddenly cried out with a finger, "How can it be in your hand?"

"You really mean it, at this time, Sister Akin bought it for me from a fat businessman." Dorie spit out his tongue at Borui: "Who asked you to do nosy, grin."

"Did you feel that today is a bit strange?" Looking at the surrounding companions, Guan Heng suddenly uttered a sentence: "I always feel that the attack by the Dragon Army Corps was aimed at a few of us, I wonder if it was an illusion."

"Brother Guan Heng said it makes sense. If it was to attack a city, there would be fewer evil dragons appearing today." At this time, Imila said touching her chin. "I think the Iron Dragon Riding Team is near the card. The presence of the Linlun Mountains cannot have such a little strength. "

"Hey hey, it's really a group of strong intuitionists." A sneer sounded suddenly: "You guessed it well, today's Dragon Siege is just a small test, the purpose is to look at a few of you. To what extent can it be achieved. "

"Who's there?" Borui turned suddenly and began to glance around warily, but found nothing.

At this time, the mysterious voice continued to say: "To be honest, I did not expect that your strength has reached the top level on the land of St. Lomplon, and you can kill the dragon in two ways in a short time. Yours He is comparable to the commander of our army. "

"Our army? You are from the Dragon Army Corps-here!"

Guan Heng's ears were extraordinary. His eyes were like a torch. He yanked the dragon-tail cone around A Jin's waist beside him, and hurled it towards a brick wall seven or eight meters away. With four splashes, a dark hand suddenly gave a flick, and immediately shook the dragon's tail cone back towards the closed horizontal door.

"Slap!" Guan Heng took back the dragon tail cone, and at the same time, several other people had surrounded the black shadow in front of him, and even the night elf boy Dorie draped an arrow with a dragon wing bow. Targeted and ready to go.

"Who the **** are you?" Guan Hengshen asked, "Is it the head of the dragon clan?"

"Hey, are you Guan Heng? Sure enough, he's a wise and glorious guy."

The shadow-like guy was full of black mist and couldn't see the true face at all. He slowly said, "Yes, I am the captain of the Phantom Dragon Army, and the horrifying dragon accompanied by death-Cohen."

"Kou Han? I heard it." A sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of Guan Heng's mouth. "You have curated this farce today? You used the trick of the dragon siege to test our fighting power. Only cold blood and heartbrokenness were tested That guy just wanted to figure it out. "

"Now you're surrounded." Guan Heng said immediately, "Give up your legion token, otherwise, I can look for it from your corpse."

"It turns out that the rumor is true. You really want to collect the tokens of our six army commanders. Presumably you are looking for the whereabouts of Mr. Ottro?"

The death dragon, Cohan, smiled and slowly took out a token. He said, "I really want to give this token with both hands, but unfortunately today is not the time for you and I to fight. You should go to the Iron Dragon Riding Team first. It's embarrassing, because all of you killed them today are their steel dragons. Presumably, the Deputy Head of Newin's Corps will be thunderous. "

"Shao Luo, Master Ben is going to bake you today!" Borui could not hold back at this time, he waved the dragon magic wand at Kohan and shouted, "Furious fire spell!"

"Oh!" Cohen, who had been forced to the corner of the wall, suddenly disappeared strangely. "Bang!" A large wave of fire blasted directly on the wall, and the entire wall was burnt to black.

But Cohan's voice still echoed in the air: "Good-bye, if you can find the place where the Phantom Dragon Army is stationed, I will wait for you, hahaha-"

"Abominable, let this guy run away." Borui stomped angrily: "Coward, don't you even have the courage to fight us directly?"

"Berry, calm down," Guan Heng said in a deep voice at the moment. "I think this guy named Cohan is quite cunning, and it's almost as tricky as Tivilo."


At the same time, the Karinlun Mountains, the site of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment, and the deputy head of the army, Newin, were anxiously pacing around the room.

Shaking his head, Newin thought to himself: "The guy Cohen, by virtue of being familiar with Master Otrow and His Majesty Pawn, has always been in contact with several other legions of us, but this Suddenly said that he would borrow some dragons to test the group of strong human races. What does this mean? "

—— [2016.5.26 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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