Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1204: Scheming

"He also assured me that he was going to recommend me before Pang En, so that I could become the real legionnaire of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. I suddenly believed it."

Thinking of this, the worried Anthony suddenly felt a little bit dry. He grabbed the wine glass on the table and drank the residual wine, and then looked at the empty glass mutteringly: "It seems something is wrong, A few days ago, our mysterious legion leader seemed to have been summoned to the Demon Palace by the Lord of the Abyss, would there be any hidden feelings in it? "

Newin was originally a strong man in the Demon Realm. After the Dark Dragons fled to Pawn of the Demon Realm, he was promoted to be a Knight of the Demon Realm, becoming one of the six dragon legions and one of the backbone of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment.

After that, Newin was discussing with the army leader of the early Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. When the first army leader was killed in the civil rebellion, Newin thought that he had enough qualifications to promote him to the rank of legion, who knew the abyss. Demon Lord Pawn appointed a mysterious person around him as the leader of the Iron Dragon Riding Team, which caused a great resentment in Newin's heart.

But this newcomer's mysterious legion leader did not intervene in managing the internal affairs of the Iron Dragon Riding Corps at all, so Newin secretly cultivated his own power within the legion. Of course, these are secret things. This guy has been dreaming. Hope One day, he will be appreciated by Paine, and he will become the real legionnaire of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment.

"Why the guy named 'Miluo' rests on my head, what qualifications does he have to be the commander of the army?"

Thinking of this, Newin poured himself a glass of wine, and he muttered to himself: "Wait, this time I will kill the gang of the human race strong, and then regain the appreciation of His Majesty, and squeeze away." Lo's bastard, regaining the throne of the captain. "

"But it ’s strange to say that Miluo ’s guy does n’t even say anything. It ’s like a cold, empty shell. It ’s really weird. If it was n’t for his strength, I would have secretly killed him. Now. "

Newin took a sip of wine, and said to himself: "This time, the strong human race Guan Heng will definitely attack the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. If I can find a way to make the leader of the Miluo army unfortunately die in Guan Heng, In my hand, and then I shot and kill Guan Heng to avenge the head of the army, that was a perfect plan. "

"Oh!" At this moment, a misty shadow appeared in Newin's room. It was Cohan, who was making a big noise with the dragon in the Kingdom of Zander, and beside him was a silent man. Demon warrior covered with black armor.

"Kou Han? And ... Her Lord Milo ?!" Newin was shocked when he saw both of them appearing at the same time. "How come you come back together?"

"Well, I just came back from the Kingdom of Zhande and saw the head of the Miluo army that saw the return of His Majesty the Lord, so I came here together."

Cohan said: "Who makes us both qualified to visit Her Majesty Pawn directly? You know, even Mr. Otero, the young master of the Dragon clan, has no such power."

Upon hearing this, Newin said in a hurry: "Yes, yes, the two are deeply trusted by His Majesty, which is really enviable."

"Well, not much nonsense, I'm here to tell you a word." Cohan said: "The group of strong human race Guan Heng has killed your dragons, and is about to come to Karin Lun On the mountain side, you are ready to fight. I'll go first. "

Cohen came faster and walked more swiftly. Before Waiting for Newin's reaction, he had vanished and disappeared. At this time, Newing scolded in his heart: "You bastard, borrow a dozen dragons from our army I just gave them the sharpened swords of the Terrans? !!

"Newin ..." At this time, the invisible Demon Warrior Luo Luo coldly said, wearing a veil, "When will the strong human race ... arrive?"

The voice and tone of Miluo's speech were always intermittent, cold and angry, like a walking dead or a puppet, making Newin feel uncomfortable when he heard it.

"Uh, Your Excellency, the strong human races are in conflict with the dragons of our army in the Kingdom of Champa today. It is estimated that they will come to attack the location of the Karinlun Mountains in these two days."

Having said that, Newin glanced quietly at Milo, and then whispered, "Is there any instruction for His Excellency the Head of the Army?"

"When the strong human race comes ... you must inform me ..." Miluo still said coldly: "His orders from Paine ... the strong human race, especially the man named Guan Heng ... must die in my hands on!!"

"Yes, yes, please rest assured that your commander will follow suit."

Upon hearing this, Newin was secretly pleased, and a complete trap plan immediately emerged in his mind. Not only did he have to kill the cricket that he saw as a nail in his eyes, but also introduced them to death. It was simply Two birds with one stone.

"My legion token ... has been deposited with you ... now ... to me." By the time he said this, Milo had reached out to Newin. "Want to take back the Legion Token? You bastard, that's my thing!"

At this moment, there was a flash of light in Newin's eyes. He forcibly suppressed the irritable anger in his heart and took out the legionnaire's token and handed it to the other party: "This is the token, please take it away."

"Um." Miluo took the token and turned away, ignoring Newin's expression. At this time, Newin, who was jumping on his head, banged his fist, and secretly said in his heart: "Abominable **** Something, dare to ignore me, one day I will kill you, and then ascend to the throne of the army commander, wait and see! "


At the moment at the foot of the main peak of the Carlinlun Mountains, Borui was yelling at Doulie with her hips on his hips: "You, the night elf tribe, are you bothering? How many times have I told you, don't follow us anymore It's up! "

"I don't!" Dorie said, holding her shoulders, "Moreover, I'm not following you bitch, I'm following Sister Akin."

It turned out that after resolving the crisis of the siege of the dragon of the Zander Kingdom, Guan Heng made an immediate decision, and everyone immediately went to the Carlin Mountain Range and destroyed the Iron Dragon Riding Team stationed there. The little tail is the night elf boy.

At this moment, Akin walked to Doriel with a smile: "Do you want to follow me? Why?"

"Because Sister Akin gave me this pair of dragon wing bows, I made a decision." Dorie said solemnly: "I want to make you a bodyguard for one year as a gift of bow gift. "

Having said that, Dorie paused, and then flattered, "Sister Akin is so beautiful, you will not refuse my request, right?"

—— [2016.5.26 second update, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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