Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1206: Kill him by hand (first)

"We were instructed to come out to find the whereabouts of the strong and his party, and Lord Newin, the deputy commander, told us that if he was arrested and blocked, he would immediately explain everything he knew."

One of the dragon knights said: "Our station is the main peak of the Carlinlun Mountains, not far from here, and you can only see if you continue to walk a few kilometers."

"Please spare us," said another Dragon Knight. "We are all new recruits who have just entered the battlefield and have not yet killed anyone."

After listening to these words, Guan Heng didn't immediately believe. He winked at Borui. The two took one of the dragon knights to the distance and questioned again, and then they questioned the other individually.

"Throw it into the ravine by the road."

Guan Heng waved to Borui, and the latter immediately kicked the two dragon knights into the mountain stream. At this time, Guan Heng said to everyone, "These two guys are little pawns and can't ask for reliable information. But one thing is clear now, that is, the deputy commander of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment, the guy named Newin, is looking forward to us rushing over. "

"Brother Guan Heng, is this a trap?" Zuo Wei asked a bit worried: "The other party may set a trap and wait for us."

"Hey, what does this matter?" Borui said indifferently at this time: "Are we still framed by the Dragon Legion design a few times? Which one is not based on strength to defeat, and I want to say that it is most appropriate to kill the past directly In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy or scheming is nothing more than a wall of paper. "

"I agree with Borui's words. Everything is good in terms of strength, so don't worry too much." Guan Heng said lightly. Since he got the double teeth of the dragon tooth, he began to take initial control of the crystal red dragon's breath in his body. getting bigger.

At this moment, Guan Heng confessed that a guy with the ranks of the Dragon Army Corps appeared in front of him. It was only a matter of three or five rounds to kill them. Therefore, from the perspective of others, Guan Heng was experiencing unshakable arrogance. The momentum, let alone the leader of the Dragon Army, stood in front of him. Even if he is the master of the evil and mighty Demon Realm, Guan Heng dares to fight with his sword!

"Then let's go. The Iron Dragon Riding Regiment is located in front of them. Placing them early, I believe that it will be good for the nearby people's residence." Imila said, "After all, these dragon legions who kill and don't blink are all There is no human cold-blooded demon, and it is always good to destroy more. "

How far can it be for a few kilometers, Guan Heng and his party could have walked in a few minutes, but as they thought, there were too many ambushes along the way.

At this time, the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment was almost set off. Hundreds of all kinds of evil dragons and their dragon knights were killed from both sides of the road, and they attacked Guanheng madly.


At the same time, several subordinates hurried into the room of Deputy Chief Newin, and they reported anxiously: "Master Newe, the strong tribe Guan Heng and his party attacked fiercely. Our army has already lost three With more than ten dragons and countless dragon knights killed, you must think of a way. "

"Junk stuff, hold me up hard!"

"Slap!" Newin slammed his opponent's mouth with anxiety at this time: "Send all the reserve Dragon Cavalry troops immediately, and must stop Guan Heng's group from moving forward."

"Yes, yes, obey." The men saw the deputy commander look like they were going to choose someone to eat, and they were so frightened that they rushed out and ran away.

"Abominable, Milo's **** thing," Newm murmured and muttered: "The jerk, and said that he was ordered by His Majesty Pawn to kill Guan Heng himself, and now he was running without a trace. I wonder where I went, didn't it embarrass me? "

"Oh!" While Newin was defamating his mysterious boss, Milo, the other figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was startled by Newin: "Hello Lord Milo ?! Where have you been?" Now the strong human race Guan Guan has been killed! "

"I know, so ... I went to find an unmanned canyon nearby ... ready to kill Guan Heng there ..."

Still a grim icy cold, intermittent slang-like voice, Miluo slowly said, "Your Majesty Pawn said ... I must do it myself, and I must not let others do it ... I must kill Guan Heng. "

"Eh? This guy looks more and more like a thread puppet," Newin thought to himself, "but he said he chose a canyon to meet Guanheng, which saved me a little trouble."

"Newin, check Guan and his party ... to the canyon west of the station ... I, I'll be there."

Miluo dropped this sentence and turned away, no longer looking at the other side. Behind him, Newin's eyes flashed viciously and fiercely: "Huh, that canyon is not just Guanheng's grave , And it ’s also a buried place for you, wait and see, I have a big surprise gift for you. ”

"Slap!" Newin snapped a snapping finger, and three black shadows suddenly appeared behind him.

A shadow, headed by a black voice, whispered, "Master Nein, what do you tell me?"

At this point, Newin asked with a somber face: "Are the people sent out before returning? How many 'things' have they collected?"

"Except for the eight-man squad sent to the vicinity of Bingmai Volcano, the others have returned." Heiying, headed by a careful reply, said, "After the items brought back by everyone have been counted, each team has collected about Hundred kilos. "

"Oh, isn't it? It's enough, even the **** of luck is helping me." There was a cold smile on Newin's face, and he waved, "Get everything to the station immediately. The canyon to the west was buried in batches. "


"Oh!" Another dozen or so evil dragons with fan-like wings flew from the sky.

At this time, a few cold lights flashed away dozens of meters away, and two dragon bone arrows suddenly burst into the air, "噗, 噗!" In the middle of the necks and heart sockets of the two dragons, the dragon wailed and fell to the ground. The local wolf howled and rolled, but it was not noticed that it was frozen into a moraine by a sudden freezing of cold.

"Brother Brother, you are doing a good job." Duo shouted at Borui with a list of dragon wings at this time: "Ice magic is very powerful."

Borui answered with a smile: "Haha, your kid's keel and arrow are also very fast and sharp."

"Hey, don't patronize your chat. The situation in front seems a bit wrong." Zuo Wei pointed at the air in front of her, she cried, "Brother Guan Heng, those dragons are flying to the west, should we chase them?"

—— [2016.5.27 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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