Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1207: Canyon Battle

"Of course, chase." Guan Heng has not shot in the fighting just now, but he keenly felt that today's affairs have a vague sense of danger, so when dealing with small pawns, Guan Heng didn't rush to rush. First.

Now, Guan Heng didn't panic when he saw the defeated dragon groups retreating, but went in the opposite direction to the place where the Iron Dragon Riding Team was stationed. He knew in his heart that there must be a reason, so Guan Heng took the lead and ran suddenly A few people at the front.

"Brother Guan Heng, why do you run so fast?" Imila could barely follow Guan Heng's speed, she said loudly, "Wait for me."

"Yimira, don't come so close," Guan Heng said suddenly, "beware of the traps in front of you, you can't squeeze together to act, this is too passive in the middle and low voltage."

"Uh? You're right." Imila also felt that was true, and slowly slowed down. At this moment, Guan Heng's swift and incorruptible body has already ran out of an arrow, completely leaving his companions behind, because he seems to feel that there is something in front of him that is attracting himself.

The dragon soaring in the air in front of him was also caught by Guan Heng in the blink of an eye. "Yeah!" The dragon tooth blade suddenly jumped out of the sheath, stunned, and a narrow slash cut through the sky in the blink of an eye, passing the dragon knight's back and the dragon. Neck.

"Oh!" The dragon knight's body was split into two sections. At the same time, the dragon's head soared into the sky, blinking, and the big red mist exploded. The corpse of one person and one dragon fell to the ground at the same time and splashed. Countless flying dust.

One of the dragon knights held the reins and looked back, but found that Guan Heng cut off a dragon. He hurriedly shouted, "No, the killer named Guan Heng is coming, everyone is running away!" "

In a short time, a group of dragon knights drove the dragon underneath to quickly fly away, but there were two unlucky eggs with slower movements, which had been caught up by Guan Heng from behind, falling from his hands and falling down, and suddenly died on the spot!

"Here is ... a canyon surrounded by mountains with only one entrance ?!"

Guan Heng cut off two dragons. When he landed, he found that the place he was in was an unfamiliar environment, and his heart flickered: "Nothing. This is a great place to set an ambush. You can't go any further."

But at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared in the canyon. Guan Heng looked intently, and saw that the man was a dark armor with a weird veil on his head. Only a pair of hollow wooden eyes appeared on the veil. On, staring at himself.

Suddenly, Guan Heng felt the person in front of him had a sense of familiarity, and he was shocked in his heart, so he asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"Leader of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment ... Mila ..." The cold voice of the black armor warrior slowly sounded: "My Lord ... Your Majesty the Lord of the Abyss, Pawn, order me to take off your first level ..."

"Mi Luo? It turns out that you are the one who has never appeared before, the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment." Guan Hengxi sneered sneerly: "Even if you don't come to me, I will take you one of the dragon clan leaders One came out of the cave. "

"It's useless to say more ... kill !!" The words didn't fall, and Luo Luo's wrists flipped to reveal a pair of strange short blades. He disappeared in place.

"It's fast!" Guan Heng was startled: "This person's speed has reached an incredible level, and he can completely condense his breath while moving, I ... can't even capture it ?!"

"Yeah!" Luo Luo's body moved to Guan Heng in an instant, the short blade broke through the oblique stab, and nailed directly to Guan Heng's spine.

"When!" Guan Heng's left-handed knife blocked back lightningly, the jagged ridge on that short blade suddenly caught the dragon's razor blade, and the two weapons suddenly made a rapid sound of metal friction, and countless Mars shot toward the Western Zhou Seeing that he couldn't hit it, Luo Luo suddenly retreated and disappeared into Guan Heng's sight again.

"The weird double short-edged sword, the mysterious technique of concealment and concealment ... why do I feel so familiar?"

When confronted with the other party, Guan Heng's doubts deepened. He always felt that the other party's attack method was very familiar to him, but in anxiety, he couldn't remember where he had seen it, which made Guan Heng anxious.

"Oops! Oops!" The speed of the opponent's movement can definitely be described by rapid changes. For more than ten seconds, only the sound of clanging in the valley can be heard.

However, Guan Heng can only defensively counterattack the moment the opponent approaches him, because he simply cannot capture the trajectory of Luo Luo's movement. This is something that Guan Heng has never encountered.

"Abominable guy, you are like a thief hiding in Tibet ..." Guan Heng said this sentence, and after a while he realized what he was doing. He suddenly stopped paying attention and suddenly set off a hurricane. This is the trick of the Seven-Star Sea Snake King. Although Milo's speed is fast, he was blocked to the outer wall of the hurricane in an instant, and he couldn't even reach Guan Heng.

"Wow!" Luo Luo, who responded very quickly, suddenly jumped into the sky, because the position in the middle of the top of the hurricane was unobstructed, and Luo planned to jump from there into the hurricane.

"You've been fooled!" Guan Hengji snarled at this moment: "Hurricane Scorching Flame Demon!"

The power of the hurricane and the fiery scorching flame of the hurricane gathered in an instant into a swift slash across the sky, and flew straight towards the middle of the hurricane circle.

The breath of death is coming, Rao is the indifferent attitude of Miluo who has almost lost his humanity, and a moment of fear appeared in his eyes for a while. "Hello!" The double short-edged sword suddenly blocked in front of him. Chopped frontal attack.

"Bang!" Just listening to the loud noise in the air, Miluo's inky armor was bursting because of the violent impact of Guan Hengdao, and "Boom!" Suddenly a spurt of reverse blood spewed straight into the distance.

Suddenly, he saw the pale face with blood on the corner of the other person's mouth, his eyes closed suddenly, and an incredible expression appeared on his face. He suddenly yelled, "How can it be you?"

When he shouted this sentence, he suddenly realized that it was not good, Guan Heng pulled his legs and ran wildly, chasing towards the direction that Luo Luo's body was about to fall. There was a cliff, and a vast abyss under the mountain! !!


At the same time, a flying dragon suddenly appeared over the canyon mouth, and there was a person sitting on the back of the dragon. It was really Newin, the deputy chief of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. At this time, Newin slowly raised his arm and fell down, while roaring. : "Detonate the spar!"

—— [2016.5.27 second update, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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