Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1208: Undead Warrior (Third)

In a moment, the men in black in the twelve directions of the canyon at the same time threw the source of fire in front of the crystal clear stones in front of them, and then flew on the dragon to fly into the air!

"Booming--" The blasting, violent explosive force swept through the canyon in an instant. The original Newin ordered Twelve's men to bury in the canyon. It was the demon he sent to collect from everywhere. Burst spar.

How amazing this spar's explosive power is, and at the same time it detonated a volume of hundreds of cubic meters. The canyon located in the center was lifted up into the air, and a huge deep pit with a diameter of several kilometers appeared in place. A scorched earth plume was rising.

"Hahaha, Milo, and others who are related to the horde, must have been killed in this energy explosion of magic spar." Newin riding on the dragon's back laughed wildly: "The legion of the iron dragon riding regiment Long throne, this is mine now, hey— "

"Go, let's go back to the army station and celebrate it!" The proud Newin pulled the reins, twisted the flying dragon, and flew towards the Carinron Mountains where he stationed.


In fact, on the eve of the burying of twelve magic explosion spar in the canyon, five people, Borui, Zowei, Imira, Akin, and Dorie, just ran near the entrance of the canyon. There suddenly appeared a figure, "Hoo!" This man acted like a flashlight, picked up and ran at the last night elven boy, and hurriedly ran towards the entrance of the canyon.

The sudden attack of this person caught everyone's attention. Dorie was pinched under the person's armpit, and screamed in shock. Borui could not stop, and turned around to chase the person.

The mysterious man clamped Duolei under his armpit, and ran out more than a thousand meters in a breath under his feet. At the last turn, he rushed into a mountain stream.

"Don't let him run away!" Borui's four feared that Dori would be hurt by each other, all of them plunged into the mountain stream, and at this time, a loud noise suddenly sounded behind them: "Boom !!!!"

The ground around the hundreds of miles of ground has cracked, and all are shaken by this powerful explosive force!

The people in the mountain stream naturally fortunately avoided this calamity. Even so, everyone also turned around because of the fall-proof, especially Borui, and even planted the onions into the soil.

Mouth and nose were blocked, unable to breathe, so anxious that Borui hand-shaved his pedals, but no one could care about him urgently. At this time, a large hand protruded out obliquely, grabbed Borui's ankle and pulled him. Come out.

"Slap!" The man pulled out Borui, and tossed him aside, slamming Borui's throat and crying, "Who is this? It's too rude."

Suddenly, a cold voice said, "You are lucky to survive, what's the bitterness of eating flesh?"

"You can't hit me like this ..." Borui turned over and sat up and pointed at the person who was throwing himself, but when he saw the other person's face, he suddenly shouted: "Mom-scared to death It's me!"

The shouting of Borui's throat was terrified, and he turned to run in anxiety, slamming into the seat with Yimila, who was upset.

"Mixed ball Borui, even taking advantage of this girl." Yimi La flushed, holding Borui's collar, "Papapa!" Is four big mouths.

"Yimira, we are alive today!" Borui covered his swollen face and couldn't help screaming. He shouted anxiously: "Look who is behind me ..."

Imila pricked Laborrie's head with her hand: "Go away, what a fuss ... aren't you behind Zuo Wei and Sister Akin ..."

"Eh ?!" Imila suddenly felt the sun in front of her very dazzling. She rubbed her eyes subconsciously, and then looked intently. She was pale and frightened. She shivered and pointed at the other with her index finger: "You, you, you are not Already dead ... dead? "

At this time, Zuo Wei stood up tremblingly holding the staff of the priest. When she saw someone appearing next to her, she felt only a stun in her head. At this moment, Zuo Wei's lips moved slightly and she spoke a name with difficulty. "You are, are you Maze ?!"

It turned out that the person who had just accidentally caught Dole and led the crowd to the mountain refuge turned out to be swallowed by magma in the ice vein volcano. The former leader of the undead dragon legion, the dragon spear fighter-Maze.

"No, right, Maze has long been engulfed in magma and died!"

Borui was suddenly vigilant, and he waved the wand of the dragon and magic in his palm and was ready to go: "This guy in front of us, although similar to Maze, must be posing by our enemies, maybe Tiverona Guy, he's best at playing this kind of ghost trick. "

In front of everyone's eyes, Ma Ze really looks a bit weird and horrible. This person's half face is exactly the same as Ma Ze, but the other half of the face is all burned, and the muscle tissue inside is completely exposed, bright red. My heart was faint.

In addition, this person not only has a weird half-face, there are many places on his body, only the bones are melted, and the flesh is fixed. It is strange that the bones exposed to the outside are shining with golden light.

"Hum, even to say that I was pretending to be Tivelo, Borui, you're still as rappy and whimsical as before."

After finishing this sentence, Ma Ze looked down at his hands, and the muscle covered by it was less than one-third. At this time, Ma Ze slowly said: "I am not a living now. People, I am, at best, an undead spirit who is seeking blood debts from the Dragon Army. "

"Maze, although you have changed a lot, but we still recognize you." Zuo Wei asked at this time: "Did you really not be killed in the lava of the volcanic ice veins?"

"I was in the magma at that time, I thought I would die like this. I did not expect that something unexpected happened at the time, but I was lucky to survive ..." Ma Ze glanced at Zuo Wei, and then experienced what she had experienced And said briefly.

It turned out that on the same day, Zaviu and Tivelo used a magic combination of ice and fire to ban the curse of the volcanic magma of the ice veins. After throwing the barrier to the cliff side, Ma Ze was swallowed by the magma.

When the hot lava red water constantly invaded the whole body, Ma Ze did not feel pain. He thought that so many innocent lives had died in his own hands in the past, and now it is a good opportunity to bear the pain and wash away the sin.

However, there was still a trace of remorse in Ma Ze's heart, and he hated that he could not kill Tivilo's demon himself because Ma De lost everything. At this time, sudden changes suddenly occurred!

Involved with Magzer in the magma vortex, and the golden skeleton warrior who was broken by Imira. Unconsciously, Mazer was melted by the magma for nearly half of his body, and suddenly merged with those golden skeletons. ...

—— [2016.5.27 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets 月 (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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