"Yeah!" A short blade suddenly appeared in Ruta's sleeve, and his wrist turned, aiming at the unsuspecting level, suddenly hesitated: "Yeah!"

"Uh-huh!" Guan Heng only felt that his soft underbelly hurt, and under the natural reaction of his body, he quickly tightened his muscles, pinching the blade stiffly, then turned around and punched out!

"Bang!" Guan Heng saw that Luta was hurt by his hand. Of course, it was impossible to kill him. Before hitting the opponent's head, Guan Heng regained his eight-point punch. Even so, after Luta took this punch, Suddenly, his head fainted and passed out.

"Luta, you bastard, Lao Tzu saved your life, you sent me a knife instead, really good intentions did not report!" Guan Heng was so angry that he didn't yell, at this time Long Lude, the beak, didn't understand why It's all about, just continuing to fly in mid-air, looking for a place to stand under the cliff.

Guan Heng touched the hilt between the soft ribs and suddenly felt a toothache: "Abominable, the piercing is too deep. If you hurriedly pull it out, you can't stop the blood from the wound, which is troublesome."

Thinking of this, Guan Heng felt a little vague in his eyes, and the blood dripping from the wound was flowing outwards. He was secretly thinking: "Not good, not good. I didn't expect that today I encountered such a crisis. Living……"

"Hey!" At this moment, the beak dragon found a soft meadow under the cliff, and placed Guan Heng and Ruta, who was unconscious, on it, and Guan Heng waved to the beak dragon: "Quick Go to Borui, they'd better bring Zowei who can use healing directly, go! "

The bird's beak dragon howled, rising up into the air, flying straight up to the cliff, and disappeared in no time.

"Luta, confuse things, give Lao Tzu a knife." Guan Heng looked at the fainted guy in front of him, and whispered in his mouth, "Lao Tzu ate such a big loss today, but he couldn't get revenge on you, now I want to I think it's terrible! "

"Anyway, quickly take back the lingering soul of Qing Huang." Guan Hengqiang endured the severe pain of the wound, and reached out his long hair that blocked Luta's left eye. Who knows, Guan Heng was suddenly surprised: "Eyeball ... Ruta's left eyeball is gone!"

Indeed, at this moment, Ruta's left eye has a deep black hole left, and the eyeballs there have long disappeared.

"Abominable, is it what happened to Abyss Lord Pawn?"

Guan Heng only felt that his consciousness had gradually blurred. He suddenly bit his tongue and forced his mind to think: "But now that I have found Luta, it means that I am not far from the clue of Qinghuang's residual soul. I am Never give up! "

Thinking of this, Guan Heng started groping on Ruta, trying to find something of value. Suddenly, he turned to a round token, which was the token leader of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. Guan Heng was in a hurry. Pick this thing up.

Glancing at Ruta on the ground, Guan Heng murmured to himself: "In order not to let you run away and hurt me, I had to tie you up first."

Speaking of which, Guan Heng gritted his teeth and tore a few thick ancient vines near the cliff, and tied Ruta into a mule. At this moment, Guan Heng, who had done all this, felt that the sky was spinning. He covered his head and shook his body, and then, like a stake, fell down to the ground ...

"Brother Guan Heng, wake up, wake up soon." A familiar call suddenly came from his ears, and Guan Heng slept asleep, opened his eyes slowly, and suddenly saw the anxious face in front of Zuo Wei, He said, "You're here, good sister, I'm almost dead this time."

"Yeah, yeah, when I was brought over by the toucan, the ground was full of your blood." Zuo Wei said tearfully at the moment: "I was frightened, and when I was healing, I thought you weren't It was saved. "

"Isn't that exaggerated?" Guan Heng rolled over and sat up from the ground. He moved his limbs, and then said, "It seems to be recovering well, your healing skills are getting better and better."

"No, in fact, when I arrived, I found that your wound had begun to heal, and the dragon tooth blade had fallen aside." Zuo Wei said with a finger next to Guan Heng: "Well, it's there, really. It's too heavy, I can't hold it at all. "

"Let me do it." Guan Heng smiled and walked over and grabbed the scabbard of the Dragontooth in his hand. He said silently, "Kufa, did you save me?"

"Nonsense, you stupid guy was hurt so badly, who can't I save you?"

The sound of the Dragon Soul Kufa sounded in Guan Heng's mind at this time: "Before the little beauty who performed the healing art arrived, Ben Long has been using your Dragon Soul's original power to help you suppress the bleeding of the wound. Otherwise, you will be A hundred pounds of blood also ran out. "

At this moment, Guan Heng thought silently: "Thank you buddy, I have remembered your benefits and help to me."

"Hey, it ’s just a hand raise. Besides, I still need your help to get home. Hey, I just happened to find something weird. I was going to tell you that the kid who stabbed you was weird. His head was empty. It seems that something important is taken away. "

Kufa said at this time: "And because of this, his life has not been a few days. If you don't want him to die, it's better to think of a way, uh ... no, I just consumed too much original power. I want Sleep for a while and see you later. "

"What kind of head is empty, and my life will soon die ?!" Guan Heng could not help but shouted when he heard the dramatic changes in his face here: "Hey, you can make it clear!"

"Huh?" Zuo Wei asked in amazement beside him, "Brother Guan Heng, what are you talking to yourself?"

"Eh, it's nothing." Seeing Zuo Wei in doubt, Guan Heng quickly obscured: "It was just that I was in danger, I couldn't help but yelled at my two throats to ease the tension, yes, I tied it with a rattan What about that kid? Why are you missing? "

"It's over there." Zuo Wei pointed at a tree and said, "When the beak dragon carried me over, it seemed to be annoyed at that person, so he picked him up and threw it under the tree."

"Oh!" Long Lude, a beak next to him, screamed with wings and looked proud, because he saw that in the air, Ruta hurt his master with a short blade, so he gave Luta a small punishment without permission. .

"Good job, thank you for taking revenge for me." Guan Heng smiled and patted the bird's beak dragon's head, then ran to the tree and looked at him, he couldn't help but secretly fortunately, fortunately, with his punch Weak, playing Ruta has not yet woke up.

At this moment, Guan Heng turned around and asked Zuo Wei, "Where are they, Borui?"

—— [2016.5.28 second update, good noon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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