Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1211: Disputes and hatred (third)

"Oh, they are all waiting in the canyon on the cliff, ah no, it has exploded into a large basin."

Zuo Weixi laughed: "It's too deep under the cliff, everyone can't come down, and when the ornithosaurus appeared, he couldn't help telling them, they just grabbed me and flew, and they probably waited very anxiously."

"Bright, Brother Heng Heng." Zuo Wei remembered one thing, she said: "Tell you that when the Canyon exploded, an unexpected person saved us, and that person was Maze!"

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Guan Heng's brain froze for a moment, and the corner of his mouth twitched and said, "Mazze, isn't he dead ?! How could this be, I watched him swallowed by lava. of."

"I mean he wasn't dead, and it's not quite right." Zuo Wei hurriedly passed Ma Ze, and told Guan Heng carefully.

"So, Ma Ze has turned into an undead creature. It seems that his desire for revenge is really strong." Guan Heng sighed in a low voice: "Well, when I thought he was dead, what I thought Regrets are always difficult to heal, but now they are relieved. "

At this time, Zuo Wei asked carefully: "Brother Guan Heng, I think Ma Ze wants to follow us, would you agree?"

"Of course, since he wants to find revenge with the Dragon Army, he has naturally become our ally." Guan Heng said: "And he is too reckless to act alone, and is easily isolated, so let Ma Ze follow us. Right. "

After talking about these things, Guan Heng immediately let the beak dragon hold himself and Zowei, grabbed the sturdy Luta with his two claws, and flew towards the top of the cliff with a sting.


At the same time, there was a fierce quarrel on the cliff, and the night elf boy Dorie pointed out and pointed at Ma Ze loudly, "Why are the bad guys of this dragon army legion still following us?"

Imila said, "Dollie, calm down first. Maze, he is no longer a member of the Dragon Army ..."

"I don't listen, I don't listen!" Dorie closed his ears with both hands, and he yelled angrily: "My loved ones all died in the hands of the dragon clan, how can an executioner like him stay with him? "

"Sister Akin, you heard just now. This man named Ma Ze acknowledged himself to be the leader of the undead dragon legion." Dorie twisted his face and said to A Jin, "Ma Ze is our enemy, why not kill him? he?"

"Well ... Dorie, you are too young now, and some things are unclear. In short, this Maze has been transformed."

As the Queen of the Kingdom of Gajira, she naturally has no feelings about the leader of the Dragon Army who has attacked her country or other territories. However, after all, Akin heard that Imila and Zovi talked about Mazar's experience, so Akin had Ze is less hostile.

But the newly joined Dole, the night elves who belonged to him, were completely slaughtered by the Dragon Army, and this unforgettable hatred will not be forgotten at all times.

Akin and Imira, watching Dorie finally anger can not help but yell at Ma Ze, exhausted, and even want to shoot Ma Ze with the bow of the dragon wing, the two girls can only try to stop, Those who want to discourage are really unable to explain, because the hatred and gully of the deceased family can not be healed by a few words.

"Forget it, Zuo Wei, Queen Ejin, let go of this child." Ma Ze sighed at this moment, then walked slowly to Doriel, and he actually sat down.

"Last of the Night Elves, you're right."

Ma Ze said at this time: "When I was the leader of the undead dragon legion, I was really heartbroken and killing innocent people, although I claimed that I had never dealt with women and children, but because of my family's ruined innocent people, countless."

When Maze talked about this, Imila and Akin were shocked, and grabbed Dorie's hand and suddenly let go.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I broke my gripped arm, and Dori immediately took off the bow of the dragon wing. The next dazzling keel arrow had been bowed and aimed He aimed at Maze sitting on the ground with a calm face.

The hand holding the bow and arrow trembled slightly. Dorie suddenly saw a relief on Ma Ze's face. At this moment Ma Ze slowly said: "Come, kill me, take revenge for my family and relatives, I am Deserve it, maybe today and today, I haven't died, just to come to you to pay for it. "

"Uh, huh ... why? Looking at this willing man, my fingers have stiffened ?!" Dorothy was breathing heavily at this moment, and tears were already in his eyes, letting his sight Become blurred.

Vaguely, Dorie seemed to see his relatives screaming and falling under the dragon's claws and tusks in the midst of the raging smoke. Dorie bit her teeth and thought, "Why?" As long as my fingers are loose, this enemy can die in front of me, but I am hesitant! "

"Oh!" Ma Ze suddenly ripped off his jacket in front of Dori. Dori suddenly saw something shocking. Ma Ze's flesh and skin had rotted most of the time, and the rest also appeared dead gray and flashing. Ribs with a pale golden halo are faintly visible.

"You see, I have now become an undead undead creature, and will not be easily killed, but my heart is still beating."

Ma Ze said softly: "Use your keel and arrow to pierce my heart so that I can die completely again. Come on and let me pay for your loved ones."

"嘣 ——" Hearing Ma Ze's words, the string of the dragon's wing bow in Dorie's hand tightened again, at this moment Imila whispered, "Dolie, do you really want to kill Ma? In fact, he has always been used by the bad guys of the Dragons and has become the killing tool of the other party, and Ma Ze doesn't want to. "

"Yeah, Dori." Akin also said softly. "Anyway, Ma Ze has saved everyone's lives just now. It can be seen that living people are always useful, but that's just the shot Hell, you'll get nothing but hatred for yourself. "

"DaDa Da--" At this moment, there were running footsteps in the distance. Borui, who had just gone to the canyon to investigate the situation, ran back. He shouted, "Hey, what are you doing?"

When he got closer, Borui also guessed the situation was eight or nine, but he saw Dole firing Maze with an arrow, so he pretended to say easily: "You devil, you don't really want to kill him Come on? Look at the unlucky look of this undead monster, killing him is really dirty his hands, I think it's fine, save some energy to kill those evil dragons. "

—— [2016.5.28 third more, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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