Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1215: Miracle Fountain (first)

At this moment, the red dragon's breath crystals in Guan Heng's body suddenly jumped more and more violently. There seems to be a tendency to burst suddenly. Guan Heng's heart tightened, and his mouth almost bleeded under severe pain. The lingering soul of Qinghuang, who was entangled in the crystal of the red dragon's breath, tightened suddenly, and his life rested on the restlessness of the crystal of dragon's breath.

"Tongtong!" Guan Heng knelt down on his knees, breathing with the dragon's tooth blade in his hands, and he vowed secretly: "Pang, it won't be long before I will kill the demon palace, retake what belongs to me, etc. Come on, by then you will regret everything you did !!! "

"Boss Guan Heng, are you okay?" Borui hurried to ask two steps forward: "Are you injured?"

"Huh ..." Guan Heng spit out a stale breath, and he whispered to Borui: "I'm fine, I just thought of some tricky issues, and now I'm much better."

"Hey, Guan Heng, come and see." At this moment, the fat old man Sanqiu and Mrs. Jiang Ge walked to Ruta lying on the stone platform, and Sanqiu said, "The demon domain on your friend's body is dark, as if all It has disappeared. "

"Yes, I think so too." Madam Jiang Ge checked it closer and said, "The black gas may have been refined by the flame just now. To be honest, Guan Heng's" bright dragon flame "is indeed better than Yan. Demon's fury is much sharper. "

"Oh, that's what it is." The fat old man quickly flattered, "Mrs. Jiang Ge's judgment has always been 100% accurate."

Guan Heng then retracted the dragon's teeth into the sheath and strode over. He looked at Ruta who was unconscious and asked: "Do you know when my friend can wake up?"

"Well, it's not clear." Mrs. Jiang Ge slowly shook her head. "After the evil spirits were removed, the side effects of the Cerebral Essence basically disappeared, but if there is no memory, the person's head is still just an empty shell Like a walking dead, I can't tell when he will wake up. "

"Well, this is difficult. I must not leave Ruta in this place. Otherwise, the demons of the Demon Realm or the Dragon Army will come over and it will affect Mrs. Jiang Ge."

Guan Heng was thinking of countermeasures. His hand, subconsciously touched the piece of arms in the arms, which was obtained not long ago, and belonged to Ruta's Iron Dragon Knight Regiment Token. "Now I have four orders The two cards are in the hands of Tivilo and Cohan. If you match them, you can learn the whereabouts of Otrow, the young master of the dragon race. That guy must know the specific location of the "Devil's Palace". "

"Hey, what is going on here?"

At this time, Shaharu led his wife, Jolie, to the beach. When he saw the ground here was full of black holes, there was smoke and gas everywhere, and he asked, "Are you fighting here? I'm in the bark house. When I was inside, I heard that it was going upside down. "

"Well, that's it," Guan Heng explained briefly. "We're treating a friend, but he's still unconscious, and there was a little accident during this time."

"Someone is unconscious ?! Let me see."

Shaharu stepped up to the stone platform and turned around Ruta three times. He saw that the other eyeball disappeared, leaving only the black hole. Shaharu was secretly surprised. He thought about it with a crooked head, and immediately Guan Guan said, "I know a way, maybe I can wake up your friend."

"Really?" Guan Heng now, as if the drowning man caught a life-saving straw, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Shaharu, what is the method? Please tell me the truth."

"So, isn't there an abandoned fortress near the forest where I live? You've been there."

Shaharu went on to say, "Go out four or five kilometers northward along the periphery of the abandoned fortress. There is a mountain spring there is a spring called Miracle Spring. It is rumored that if you drink the spring water of Miracle Spring, any disease will be cured. And more, you can get some spring water to come back and try to see if you can wake up your friends. "

"The fountain of miracles? Does that kind of thing work?" Just a hint of doubt raised in Guan Heng's mind, the voice of the Dragon Soul Kufa came out of his mind: "Guan Heng, this man said the fountain of miracles. I knew that. After fighting fiercely with the Dark Dragons, I was wounded and rested near the Miracle Spring. That kind of spring water does have magical effects. You can try it. "

"Since Kufa said so ..." Guan Heng nodded: "Well, Mr. Shaharu, I'm going to the Miracle Spring now."

After saying this, Guan Heng winked at Borui. The latter immediately understood. He said, "I will go with the boss and use the teleportation spell when I return. This will definitely save a lot of time. "

"So Guan Heng, is your friend Luta? I'll take care of it first." Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "You and Borui can rest assured."

"Okay, Borui and I will set off right away." Guan Heng said this sentence, and immediately released the beak dragon Lude, he and Borui stepped on the beak dragon and flew up and flew straight to the distance.

The beak dragon Lude had previously been to the forest where Shaharu lived, and had also been to the abandoned fortress, so it took no more than twenty or thirty minutes to fly there. At the gate of the fortress, the beak dragon landed, Guan Heng and Borui turned over. And then stood there.

At this moment, Borui asked: "Boss, Mr. Shaharu said, go north around the fortress, right?"

"Yes." Guan Heng agreed, and suddenly remembered that there was a soul-absorbing beast Yabu beside him who could act as a guide, so he quickly released the other party from the magic pet's tube: "Yabu, there is something to trouble you. "

"Hum, Guan Heng, did you tell me to come out to eat?" Fat Yabu tilted his head and looked at Guan Heng, then turned his head toward Borui, and asked, "This guy is Who? "

Guan Heng deliberately grinned and said, "This guy is called Borui. Although he doesn't want to admit it, it is now my companion."

"Boss, what is this?" Borui said with a sad face. "Is it humiliating to admit that I am your companion?"

"Stupid, it's just a usual joke, don't take it too seriously." Guan Heng gave Borui a glance, then said to Yabu, "You are familiar with the abandoned fortress, and took us to a place called the Fountain of Miracles. Well, I will give you a few dragon soul stones as a reward. "

"Dragon Soul Stone?" Thinking of the wonderful taste of the Dragon Soul, Abu's Harako almost came out, but it hesitated a little hesitantly: "I haven't moved outside the abandoned fortress in case I can't find what do?"

"It's okay, I won't let you run away for nothing." Guan Heng smiled and patted Yabu's head: "Dragon Soul Stone still rewards you."

—— [2016.5.30 first change, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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