Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1216: Adventure by the water

"Ha ha, Guan Heng, you are really a good man." Yabu shook his fat body happily, and said, "What are you waiting for, let's hurry up and find the Fountain of Miracles."

Speaking, the soul-sucking beast opened four thick short legs, and the fart ran trot in front of him. Looking at Yabu's back, Borui laughed: "Boss, you really have some way to deal with these little monsters. But speaking, since you conquered the soul-sucking beast, apart from feeding, I don't seem to have seen you release it. "

"Hahaha, Abu's bone-fog and soul-sucking skills are secret killers," Guan Heng said with a small smile. "I will not use soul-sucking beasts easily until the critical moment."

At this time, the sky was approaching the evening, but the sky was missing stars and moons, and the dark clouds were densely covered. It was a little dim ahead. Guan Heng and Borui accidentally discovered that Yabu trotting in front had a faint blue halo on his body, which could illuminate the square circle. The range of seven or eight, meters, allows the two to see the road ahead.

"I didn't expect that the soul-sucking beast could serve as a lighting tool." Guan Heng chuckled in his heart: "This saves us a lot of trouble."

But at this time, a black spotted python with a length of several meters sprang up from the grasshopper on the roadside. Although Abu was fat, he didn't respond slowly. He suddenly twisted his body and turned his head back. A spit of bone mist sprayed out.

"Wow!" The flesh of the black-spotted python disappeared in a blink of an eye, and a pile of snake bones were scattered in place. At this time, a weak monster python soul floated up and was sucked into Yabu's mouth.

"Well, it's not delicious, it's far worse than Dragon Soul." Abu put his mouth on his lips, eventually he couldn't bear to spit out anymore, so he swallowed the beast soul into his stomach.

"Yabu, look for the fountain of miracles." Guan Heng took the first two steps and slapped him on the head. "Don't pout like that, but time is tight and you are not allowed to eat snacks."

"Hum, that's okay." Seeing Guan Heng was a little angry, Yabu didn't dare to speak back, and suddenly his big ears moved, then he said to Guan Heng, "I heard the sound of running water far away. "

Guan Heng and Borui looked at each other and said, "Hurry up and see."

Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, led the way, and the two ran out more than a thousand meters, and they saw a thick bush on the left side, and the sound of gurgling water was endless.

"Aha, the fountain of miracles must be here." Borui muttered in a low voice, and was about to step forward, but Abu in front did not know why he suddenly stopped and caused Borui to almost hit him.

Borui was about to start yelling and cursing, Yabu suddenly said, "Guan Heng, there is something moving in front of the spring."

Guan Heng can see clearly through the faint blue halo emanating from Yabu. There is a monster beside the pool that looks exactly like a tiger and leopard, and is bowing his head to drink water. At this time, Yabu and Guanheng are still 100 meters away from the spring The strange beast was back to them again, so it was not noticed for a while.

The beast face was like a fox, with pointed ears and pale yellow fur all over the black round spots. It was only about two meters in length, but it looked abnormally healthy. At this moment, Borui wanted to take a closer look and move forward subconsciously. , But stepped on a dry branch under his feet: "click."

The drinking water of the strange animal's ears suddenly moved, it was extremely alert, and the next moment it even jumped into the grasshopper next to it, and saw the grass rushing, and the strange animal disappeared immediately.

"Oh, actually let it run away." Borui slaps and yelled, "What a beautiful beast, what a pity."

"What a pity?" Guan Heng took Yabu and stepped out of the bushes, he said, "We're not here to find it."

"Well, the boss doesn't know." Borui followed, shaking his head and saying, "The beast is so beautiful, if you take the whole skin off and make it a mule, it must be especially warm ..."

"Hoo--" Before the boy Borui said, the grass next to him noticed a movement and slammed out the healthy beast. The other man leaped forward with a lightning bolt, and scratched in his hands. Borui's face.

Doraemon, several bloodstains were left on Borui's cheek, he fell down in pain and called: "Wow! It hurts me!"

"Hum!" As soon as Yabu, the soul-sucking animal, twisted, his mouth would spray mist of bones, and Guan Heng suddenly stopped: "Wait Yabu, don't hurt it casually."

"Uh ?!" Abu was stopped by the barrier, and in such a disorientated effort, the strange animal's orthopaedic body slammed a bow and suddenly swiped over Abu's side, and immediately scratched out on its big ear A few **** mouths.

"Oh! Ahhhh!" Yabu was always very timid. After the injury, he yelled in panic, turned around and ran away, and plunged into the nearby grasshopper to stop coming out.

"How can this be true, you guy dare to scratch me with your claws, and I will grill you into yakitori." At this moment, Borui was covering his face with blood on his hands, and he was so angry that he stopped where the strange beast stayed: " Flame Spell! "

Suddenly, a group of flames gathered at the fingertips of Borui, and flew towards the strange beast, but the beast did not hide when it saw the fireball, and suddenly raised its head to the sky and howled: "Woohoo!"

Instantly, a huge water polo condensed in the sky. It was said that time and time later, the water polo and fireball collided in the air, and the sound of the temperature difference between the two suddenly formed a large water mist.

"What is this trick?" Even Guan Heng was shocked at the moment: "The strange beast can use the magic of the water system?"

"Oh!" At that moment, the strange beast covered by the mist and began to move around at high speed, which seriously disturbed Borui's sight, and the boy's eyes were dazzled.

"There!" Borui saw the dark shadow in front of him, and immediately waved his staff and smashed it in the past. No one hit him, and the strange animal shouted to his back. "Bang!" He slammed into Borui's back. It hurt so much that he almost fell forward.

"Boss, you're here to help," Borui said at this time: "I can't handle it, otherwise I'll release a high-level magic and burn it here for nothing?"

"Forget it, don't make so much noise, let me grab it by hand." Guan Heng had already figured out the behavior of the strange animal at this time, and the other party was not trying to kill Borui, but just using His own high-speed movement is just playing Borui.

At this moment, Guan Heng suddenly took a step forward, and a hurricane blew under his feet. The water mist around him was immediately blown away, and the strange beasts running around in a circle suddenly felt that they were not covering themselves. Something was startled.

"Yeah!" Guan Heng rushed towards the strange beast at this time: "Don't run!" Say, reach out and grab it.

—— [2016.5.30 second change, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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