Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1218: Strange Monster (first)

"Really?" Hearing this, Guan Heng frowned, and he muttered to himself, "What on earth can I do to save Ruta?"

"Guan Heng, you might as well pray for the beast of rain." The strange beast Kam suddenly said: "The beast of rain is the legendary" healing beast ". They are also proficient in various healing and exorcism magics, if it is willing to help. , Your friend might be saved. "

"Is that true?" Guan Heng turned his head to look at Qi Yushou, but before he spoke, Qi Yushou rebuked with blame: "Kam, how can you just take my affairs casually?" Tell a stranger? You know, there are many guys who value my healing ability and are hunting for me everywhere, including those dragons ... "

"How? You're being chased by the Dragons?" Borui, who was combing the fur of the rain beast, suddenly said, "We are the deadly opponents of the Dragons. If you help us, you can breathe out."

"What do you know, little **** boy?" Qi Yushou patted Borui's forehead with his own paws: "Rather than confronting the Dragons, I might as well hide it first, at least that way, my life is safe."

"Pray for rain beasts, why don't you help Guanguan them. You have been hiding in Tibet all the time in order not to be taken away by the Dragon Army, and you dare not stay in one place for too long."

The strange beast Kam advised beside him: "This is not the way to go. Guan Heng is very powerful. Now they have defeated several dragon clan leaders. I would like to ask you to help Guan Heng just as you help yourself. "

"Yeah, yeah, help us." At the moment, Borui gently massaged Qiyu Beast and said, "Master Qiyu Beast, would you please help me catch the lice?"

"Well, you have lice on your dirty boy." Qi Yushou gave Borui an unhappy look. At this moment, Huo De stood up, walked to Guan Heng and said, "Mr. Guan Heng, not I don't want to help you to treat that person, but my strength has weakened recently, so sorry, I can only be helpless. "

The strange beast Kam asked suddenly: "Yes, pray for rain beast, I see you are very weak now, what is going on?"

"Don't mention it, I've really gotten moldy lately." Qi Yushou turned around and walked to the Miracle Fountain, bowed his head and licked a few sips of water, and then said to the crowd, "When I was resting near this place, avoiding the dragon hunt, I suddenly encountered The tough and powerful enemy was accidentally injured by the opponent. "

"Who is the other person? How dare you hurt my friend?" The strange beast Kam heard angrily when he heard this: "I will take revenge for you."

"Well, let's forget it, we, the ancient strange beasts, don't think we can help each other." Qi Yu Beast sighed and said, "My magical powers of the water system and direct attack methods can't hurt them. I suspect that I was not injured, but was vomiting blood by my opponent. "

"Magic attack is ineffective?" Borui heard a hair in his side, he looked at Guan Heng, and the latter asked, "Praying rain beast, what kind of monsters are you that hurt you?"

"It's some intangible spirits that are very evil." Qi Yushou felt a little weak at this time, and lay next to the spring again. It said, "If I didn't have the natural pupil power, I couldn't see these monsters at that time. It's like this ... "

It turned out that a week ago, the injured Rain Rain Beast came to hide in a cave near the Miracle Spring in order to avoid the pursuit of the Demon Dragon Army. Who knew that the other party was chasing after it, looking for the blood on the ground and coming over, The siege of the seven-headed magic dragon is not trivial. Although the rain beast is proficient in water and ice magic, it is difficult to support independently, and the eyes will be caught by the opponent alive, but at this moment, sudden changes suddenly occur!

When one of the magic dragons attacked the rain beast with the wind blade, he mistakenly hit a strange stone monument. After the stone monument was crushed, a group of invisible monsters appeared in the large fog.

These invisible monsters are fierce and abnormal, and start to look for targets as soon as they emerge from the mist, but except for the rain beast, the other magic dragons can't see the invisible monsters at all.

There was a horrendous whistle after another, praying for the rain beast to see that all the magic dragons in front of him had been killed by invisible monsters, some were torn open, some eyes protruded from the mouth with white foam, choked and choked, see this scene, Praying for the rain beast frightened the soul and fled.

However, the invisible monster has found the trace of the rain beast, and pursued it very much. The rain beast ran for dozens of kilometers at a stretch, but the monsters did not know what evil methods they used to find their whereabouts ...

"In the end, I was forced to helplessly, using the" Shenshui Essence "stored for many years in the body to transmute a water body, let it lead away those invisible monsters in the opposite direction, and I just got out.

Qi Yuyu said that he paused here and continued to say to everyone: "The essence of Shenshui is the source of my life. Once it is lost, it cannot be reunited within a hundred years, so my strength has fallen sharply and I cannot go. Save your friends. "

"The essence of Shenshui ?!" The strange beast Kam was surprised when he heard the words: "But you pray for the rain beast family's equivalent of life, and you even gave it up. Is there no way to take it back?"

"I have a spiritual connection with the magical water body of Shenshui." Qi Yubei said, "I feel that those invisible monsters have seized the water body, but they have not devoured it, for some reason."

Speaking of this, Qi Yushou's tone showed helplessness: "But with my current strength, let alone recapture the essence of Shenshui, even the places where the invisible monster wanders around are afraid to dare."

Guan Heng, who had listened for a long time, suddenly said, "Pray for the rain beast, can you reunite the essence of the magical water?"

"The solution is to stay around this miracle spring and bathe with spring water every day. It will take at least a hundred years for the essence of Shenshui to reunite."

Praying Rain Beast then said, "Or someone might have a strong ice magic on me that would allow me to absorb a large amount of the original power of the ice element, so that I can condense a small magical water essence in a short time, which can barely maintain me. Vitality. "

"Strong ice magic? Haha, Borui, it's time to use you." Guan Heng smiled and patted Borui's shoulder suddenly: "Hurry up, use ice magic to help the rain beast."

"Well, as long as I can help, I don't care." Borui promised without hesitation. He shook the dragon and magic wand in his hand and asked Rain Beast: "What level of ice magic do you need, just follow me. Say."

"Ice curse ..." Qi Yushou just said these four words, and Borui almost didn't fall down, he quickly said, "Ancestral, curse curse, I won't, you old man change another one. . "

—— [2016.5.31 the first change, good morning everyone, starting today, five out of five every day to recover, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions, monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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