"Well, think about it, how can you, a little human magician, ban the curse?" Qiyu Beast sighed and said, "I have to use the inferior mantra, 'Ice God's indifference'. This advanced mantra, should you cast it? "

"Of course, this advanced ice magic spell is my strongest trick." Borui patted his chest and said, "Let's start now."

"Wait, boy, I have to make something clear." Praying Rain Beast said, "You have to cast the indifference of the ice **** ten times in a row to barely reach the level that allows me to condense the essence of the magical water. The interval between each cast It ca n’t be more than fifteen seconds. Otherwise, my absorption of the ice element will be interrupted, but my previous work will be abandoned, and I must start again. "

"My God! Are you trying to squeeze me out?"

As soon as the rain beast ’s voice fell, Borui felt that the sky was spinning. He sighed with help: “With my magic power, if I use the advanced magic spell twice in a row, it will be exhausted. Indifferent ?! Don't be kidding, a task that is almost impossible for me! "

"If your magic power is exhausted, go and drink the spring of Miracle Spring." Praying Rain Beast pointed at the Miracle Spring in front of it and said, "This spring water can not only treat injuries and diseases, but also How about quickly recovering physical and magical power, isn't it convenient? "

"I don't do it, I don't do it!" After hearing this, Borui shook his head like a rattle. He cried, "It's almost eighteen kinds of torture. Only a lunatic can stand it."

"Boy, you promised just now." Guan Heng sank his face, and then kicked his feet on Borui's heir: "You want to repent, but it's too late."

"But I ..." Borui also wanted to argue a few words. At this moment, Praying Rain Beast came to his side, and whispered to him, and Borui's face calmed down suddenly. He murmured: "This is You said, let's just say it. "

Borui said with a smile on his face, "Boss, I thought about it. Since I promised, I can't regret it. I want to be honest."

"It's all nonsense," Guan Heng said, disdainful, and gave Borui a sideways glance. "It must be praying for the rain beast to give you any benefit, and it will make your kid tempted."

For Guan Heng's ridicule, Borui just blinked strangely, but did not refute.

"Praying rain beast, you and Borui and Kam are here to reconcile the essence of Shenshui." Guan Heng said at this time: "You told me where those invisible monsters are, I took Abu to look over and said Maybe you can take back the essence of Shenshui from the monster. "

"Yeah!" Qi Yushou suddenly shouted, "You don't say that I have forgotten, soul sucking beasts are best at dealing with intangible things like souls. You might really be able to do it."

"Not only Yabu, I can also deal with the invisible soul." Guan Heng said with a slight smile. "I will make this suggestion."

"That would be great. If I can absorb a large amount of ice elements in Borui's ice magic, I can barely reunite the essence of Shenshui." Qiyu Beast said, "If you find my water body again, It would be even more perfect. It is up to me to rescue your friend. "

Immediately afterwards, the praying rain beast described the locations of those invisible monsters in detail to Guan Heng. After everyone's discussion, Borui left to cast the ice magic spell on the rain praying beast, and the strange animal Kam was on the sidelines to maintain Guan Heng took Yabu, the soul-absorbing monster, to find the water body of the invisible monster and the beast of rain.

"Hmm ... Guan Heng, why do I feel a little scared when approaching here?" Yabu had been away from Guan Heng by a distance of more than ten kilometers with Guan Heng at this time. This guy has always been timid. At this moment in the middle of the night Walking in the woods is always a little daunting.

"Coward, isn't I here?" Guan horizontally patted the soul-sucking animal's head: "Relax, there is nothing terrible here. Maybe you can have a full meal."

Guan Hengzheng talked with Yabu, and two strange shadows suddenly appeared in the woods. Maybe nothing could be seen in the eyes of ordinary people, but both of them could see the invisible soul, so they saw each other at a glance.

"Wow, what is this?" Abu saw the invisible monster floating in mid-air, and was suddenly scared to change his color. Guan Heng also clearly saw that the two invisible souls had exactly the same appearance and were long monsters.

The multi-headed snake has no shape and floats in the air. It looks terrible, and Yabu, the soul-sucking beast, is frightened. When timid old problems occur, he will run away when he turns.

Who knows that the multi-headed Basilisk moves extremely quickly, one of them suddenly teleported to Yabu's side, and opened his mouth to bite the head of the soul-sucking beast.

"Be careful!" At the same time as Guan Heng's voice reminded, he suddenly showed the back of his hand, and the ghost of the swallowing ghost suddenly jumped out to greet another monster snake that rushed over.

"Uh-huh!" Abu screamed, it finally failed to dodge, one of his ears was bitten by a multi-headed basilisk, blood splattered out in the snoring, Abu was also red-eyed, and the electric light flickered quickly. Body, aiming at the multi-headed Basilisk is just sucking hard.

"Slowly--" For a short time, the multi-headed basilisk has been sucked into Abel by Abu. At the same time, the multi-headed basilisk entangled by the swallowing beast was also turned into the soul of the soul by the eyes of the evil eye. stone.

"Haha!" Abu shouted cheerfully after swallowing the multi-headed Basilisk: "It's delicious, this soul is really delicious."

But the next moment, Guan Heng suddenly found something wrong with the soul-absorbing beast, because Yabu began to smirk at this moment: "Hey, it's so delicious, it's so delicious ... Hey, Guan Heng, how did you become two?"

"Yabu, what's the matter with you?" Guan Heng took a closer look, and the big face of the soul-sucking beast turned red at this time, and the four short legs trembled and wobbled as if drunk.

"If you have any reason, it must be the sequelae of eating an invisible multi-headed basilisk." In anxiety, Guan Heng's head against Yabu's head was a punch: "Fool, you should be awake!"

"Oops!" The soul-sucking animal's head was taken a moment, and he suddenly shook his head and shouted, "Guan Heng, why did you hit me?"

"If I don't hit you, you will become a drunk cat."

Guan Heng saw that Yabu was sober, and immediately stopped paying attention to it, but began to search for the memory of the multi-headed Basilisk soul stone. This kind of multi-headed Basilisk was low in intelligence, and its memory was endlessly dark, everywhere. The dark mist spread, but Guan Heng was quite familiar with those mists, because he could tell that it was the dark mist of the magic domain with only one glance.

—— [2016.5.31 Second more, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets O (∩_∩) O] ——

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