Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1225: Replenishing grass seeds (third)

"Well, now the essence of my magic water has stabilized." Qi Yushou said: "Although there is not much original power growing at this moment, I think I will gradually become enlightened."

"Since the matter here is over, I should go home." The strange beast Kam spread his wings at this time, shaking a few times and said, "Pray for the rain beast, come to my house to play when you have time, Guan Heng I leave first. "

After Kam said this, he fluttered away with his wings flapped, and circled in the sky, saying "goodbye" and left.

"Then let's go back quickly." Guan Heng made a "please" gesture to Qiyu Beast, and then said to Borui, "Let's go and return to the unknown island."


After a moment, on the beach of the unknown island, Mrs. Jiang Ge and Sanqiu said to Guan Heng, who had just teleported back, "You are finally back."

"How's the situation of my friend?" Guan Heng's first sentence was to inquire about Ruta first, and Mrs. Jiang Ge replied: "It's still unconscious, just like when you left, but there is no deterioration."

"Well, Guan Heng, what's behind you?" The fat old man Sanqiu suddenly caught a glimpse of the rain beast behind them, so he said, "A beautiful fur."

"Thank you for your compliment," Qi Yuju stepped forward. "But this fat man, shouldn't you also plan to use my fur as a bitch?"

"He ... I ... Um ?! Another talking beast!" Sang Qiu reacted, and he cried out, "I said Guan Heng, you're lucky too, right? Get back a talking soul-sucking beast, what's going on today? Not long after you go out, you'll get another one. "

"Mr. Sanqiu, don't make a fuss." Guan Hengwei smiled. "This is the rain beast we met near the Miracle Spring. It can heal my friend. That ’s why I brought the rain beast to me. of."

Hearing this, Madam Jiang Ge and Sanqiu nodded slowly, "That's it."

"What about Mr. Shaharu and Mrs. Jolie?" Guan Heng glanced around and said casually: "Why didn't you see them?"

"Do you think all of you are the same as you, staying up late for so long?" Mrs. Jiang Ge said, "they have long been resting."

"Guan Heng, gossip less." Qi Yushou said loudly at this moment: "Now take me to see your friend, I will try to cure him."

The next moment, Mrs. Jiang Ge led Guan Heng and Qi Yuyu into her residence. Unconscious Ruta was still lying on the soft couch.

Praying for the rain beast, he walked over and looked at Guan Heng, then said: "He ... One eye is missing. It seems that this is not an ordinary injury, but a magical cult of the clan, the Eclipse of the Brain, right Right? "

"Yes," Guan Heng replied, "Before that, I was worried that the black gas from the Demon Sphere brought by the ecstasy spell would be harmful to him, so I have helped him get rid of the black gas."

"You are doing right." Praying for the rain beast, "The black gas of the demon domain has a corrosive effect on human life, and must be curbed and eliminated."

"My friend, Ruta, is still unconscious until now." Guan Heng asked with some worry: "Pray for rain beast, can you wake him up?"

"It should be okay." Qi Yuju looked at Ruta on the sickbed again, and then said, "My exorcism and healing can restore him, but he did not get back the captured eye and no memory. He is always an empty shell. "

"I will surely regain Ruta's eyeballs," Guan Heng said firmly. "But now I hope he can wake up, even if he loses his memory, at least he can live healthy."

"It seems that this friend named Ruta is really important to you." Qi Yushou thought with a crooked head and suddenly said to Guan Heng, "I have an emergency solution, do you want to hear?"

"Emergency measures?" There was a hint of doubt in Guan Heng's eyes, and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"That's it. Although your friend named Ruta lost her memory and eyes. But I think there is room for remedy."

Qi Yuyu said, "You can" weave "new memories in his mind, so that he won't be ignorant of all past events until the old memories are retrieved."

"Weaving new memories?" Guan Heng suddenly remembered the gramophone that the goddess of darkness Dalavier gave himself, and he asked, "Is this approach feasible?"

"Of course it is credible." Qi Yu beast said with a smile: "I know that there is a magical plant called 'Replenishing Grass Seeds'. This thing can automatically help him absorb scattered pieces of memory. As long as it is collected, it will temporarily replace the lost eyes. , And then when he is awake, tell more about the past and tell him that new memories will gradually form under the effect of the grass. "

"Although this memory cannot completely replace the real past, it has certain benefits for the restoration of Ruta's spirit and physique."

Qi Yushou continued: "Only in this way, when he wakes up, he will not face a collapse because he can't recall the past at all, do you understand?"

"I see." Guan Heng nodded and said, "This is indeed a good emergency method. Where can I find this kind of remedy grass seed?"

"In the southwest corner of St. Lomplund's mainland, there is a vast swamp with an abandoned temple there." Qiyu Beast said: "Only in the temple there are very few medicinal grass seeds, you can only I went there looking for it. "

"You mean ... the swamp temple southwest of St. Lomplon ?!"

A strange look suddenly appeared on Guan Heng's face, and he secretly said, "This is quite a coincidence. There is a curse stele that seals the big soul demon. It is also there. , By the way, get the seeds of replenishment grass. "

"Guan Heng, I've told you what to look for tonic grass seeds. As for what to do, you can decide for yourself."

Praying for the rain beast, he said to Mrs. Jiang Ge: "Madam, it will take a day and a night for me to perform healing and demonic magic for this patient. Then he will wake up. During this time, he can find me A quiet place? "

"Certainly." Madam Jiang Ge agreed, "I will go to Shaharu later and ask him to clean up the cave near the cliff on the north side of the island. Can you see where it is?"

"Just do it." Qi Yushou turned to Guan Heng and said, "Look, the rescue has been arranged."

"Then Borui and I will return to the Karinlun Mountains first to see the situation of the companions." Guan Heng said, "After a day, I will return to visit you and Ruta."

—— [The third update of 2016.6.1, good afternoon everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ↖ (^ ω ^) ↗] ——

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