Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1226: Borui's mind

A moment later, on the beach of the unknown island, Borui walked down with his head down in front of him, Guan Heng followed, and he asked, "Boru, what's wrong with you?"

"Boss, I ask you something." Borui suddenly turned to stare at Guan Heng, and he asked, word by word: "You said that you will leave the land of St. Lompren within a month. Is this true? ? "

"Yes, it is true." Guan Heng whispered: "I was originally a person from a different world, and I can't stay here for a long time, so within a month, I will finish my business and leave."

"But I don't want you to go!"

Borui's eyes suddenly turned red, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Before you didn't show up, I didn't have brothers, sisters, and friends. …, In Setia, in the castle of the Kingdom of Gajira, you made me understand the meaning of courage and justice, and gave me a chance to be strong. "

"Borui, at best, I just point you in the direction." Guan Heng said, "Growing to the point where you are today is a result of your hard work. Actually, I haven't played much role."

"No!" Borui said aloud, "It is because I have longing for and envy of the powerful you that I can go to this day. Boss, you are the most important benefactor in my life!"

"Tongtong!" Borui shouted out his own words, suddenly kneeling on the ground with his weakness, tears falling on the beach in tears, and he sobbed, "But now you want to abandon me and Go, why go? Why can't we stay with us all? "

"I'm sorry, brother." Guan Heng gently knelt on one knee, holding Borui's shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "I came to St. Lompland to save my beloved and to resurrect her. I There are many more difficult journeys, so I can't stay with you, I'm really sorry. "

Guan Heng's words were so sincere and heartfelt that he felt his sincerity from the bottom of his heart. Borui looked at Guan Heng and finally stood up slowly.

"Oh, boss, I should say I'm sorry, it should be me."

A bit of relief and understanding suddenly appeared on Borui's face. He said, "I am too selfish. I thought that if you really left, you might take away the courage I had managed to save. I have always respected you as my elder brother, so I should understand that the one who supports you must be me. "

"Thank you brother." Guan Heng was touched a bit after hearing Borui's words, and could not help but hug the other person with his arms extended: "Thank you for your understanding, but before I leave, I will try to help you friends as much as possible , Let the land of St. Lompren resume peace as soon as possible. "

"Thank you, Boss." Borui laughed. "Then we are going to make a terrible turn over the territories of the Dragon Clan and the Devil's Group in the last half month. What do you think?"

"Okay!" Guan Heng laughed. "Just do it!" The two then looked at each other and smiled, "Pop!" The two fists suddenly touched each other. The magic light flashed suddenly the next moment, and they had already used the teleportation spell. Wen left the spot.


Carlin Mountains, Grand Canyon Basin before dawn.

"Oh!" Dow Guan and Borui appeared on the dirt **** for a while, and Dorie, who was looking around there, was shocked: "Yeah, brother Guan Heng and brother Borui, you are back."

Guan straddled the previous step and touched the head of the column: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay. You didn't come back tonight. Sister Zuowei, Sister Imela and Sister Akin were a little worried." Guan Heng said, "In the middle of the night, I asked the toucan to come back and report a peace. Don't you see it? "

"In the beginning, it was Luder that Mazer found."

When Dorie mentioned Maze, he was still aloof in his tone. After all, the child was still a bit disgusted with the former leader of the undead dragon army. Dorie said: "You have read the note that the beak dragon brought back. Then, the three sisters were relieved and began to take time to rest. Maze and I took turns to whistle. "

"Guan Heng, are you back?" At this moment, Ma Ze, who was expressionless, came over, and said, "Is everything going well?"

"It's okay." Guan Heng glanced at Ma Ze, whose appearance was completely different from the old days, and he sighed. "At the ice vein volcano arena, you haven't been able to say thank you. It's my regret, and now I finally have a chance to speak up. "

"Don't say that. If it weren't for you, I would have been lost in the darkness until I was dead."

Ma Ze said with emotion: "I still remember that Tivelo was talking about his conspiracy. The first person who was angry was Borui. He even attacked Tivelo because of his indignation. No one ever did it because of my affairs. At this step, you can say that you are all my benefactors. "

"Ah, I thought you guy was always a cold guy." Borui smiled and patted Maze's shoulder: "Now it's so emotional, alas, nothing like the cool dragon spear warrior of the past."

"That's because you shone me like the sun and let me regain a touch of humanity." Ma Ze said with a smile of self-deprecation: "Unfortunately, when I realized the value of being a man, I already had Become an undead monster. "

"Hahaha, what does it matter to become an undead?" Guan Heng smiled and pointed to the position of his heart: "As long as there is mercy and justice here, it is a person of integrity!"

After Ma Ze heard Guan Heng's words, he felt relieved and grateful on his face: "Guan Heng, you are right. My thought space is too narrow. In the time that I can move in the future, I want to be a pregnant Those who are righteous are alive, so that ’s not what it means to return to earth! "

"Congratulations, the righteous dragon spear fighter has finally been reborn." Guan Henggang said here and suddenly remembered something. He immediately took out a rectangular cloth cover and handed it to Ma Ze: "I have already celebrated your rebirth gift. Ready. Open it. "

Ma Ze took it in his hands and immediately felt a very familiar feeling across his body. He suddenly cried out, "This is ... the spear of the keel ?!"

"That's right, it's your weapon keel spear." Guan Heng smiled and said, "Last night, I commissioned Mr. Shaharu, the master founder, to create a holster for you. To say that Mr. Shaharu is really interesting, and it is included. For special services, you can open it for yourself. "

"Hey!" Ma Ze was so excited that he reached out to tear the white cloth wrapped in the holster, and a spear of keel shining with cold light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

—— [Fourth more in 2016.6.1, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to ask for subscriptions and monthly tickets ┗ | ` O ′ | ┛ 嗷 ~~] ——

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