Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1227: Attacking the mountain again (fifth more outbreak)

"This is the new cross gun head ?! Good subtle design of the blood tank, and the sharp edge of the gun is also much sharper." Ma Ze, the master of the gun art, saw the new design of the keel spear, and he praised involuntarily: "Great, amazing."

At this moment, Borui and Dorie have ran to wake up Akin, Zowei and Imila. When several people came over, they were seeing Ma Ze looking at his keel spear.

"Guan Heng." Akin hurried over a few steps and said, "You're back, where did the person you took away from?"

"I left him with Mrs. Jiang Ge." Guan Heng replied, "It will take a day and a night to wake up my friend named Ruta. We can take this opportunity to find a way to deal with the Iron Dragon Ride group."

"Guan Heng, this time you will let me do it alone." Ma Ze took the holster on his back at this time and said a step forward. "This is a good opportunity to collect debts from the Dragon Army. Besides, my gun skills have already been It has been silent for too long, and we must find the feeling of killing the enemy. "

"I'm going too." Dorie suddenly cried at this time: "Brother Guan Heng, let me go, and I want revenge."

"Honestly, I don't want to let a young child like Dole get too involved with killings."

Guan Heng's brow frowned suddenly, and his heart began to hesitate. At this moment, Ma Ze whispered to Guan Heng, "Even if you stop Douri, he will follow him secretly. It is better to bring him, I will protect him well of."

"Well, I can take care of myself without your kindness." Duo Lie's ears were keen, and after hearing Ma Ze's words, he obviously did not appreciate it.

"Guan Heng, did some of us follow suit to attack the Iron Dragon Riding Team's station?" A Jin said at this time: "If only you are three, will the manpower be too thin?"

"No, I want you to stay here and help me draw a map."

Guan Heng then said his plan: "After the annihilation of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment, we are almost facing stronger enemies. I want to prepare some necessary measures for everyone to resist the black gas of the magic domain. Before that, we must Travel to four places in St. Lompland. "

"Akin is the queen of the Kingdom of Geguira and must be familiar with the native geography of St. Lomplon." Guan Heng continued: "So I will now name the four places, and you will mark them on the map for me OK, when the Iron Dragon Riding Team is leveled, I immediately set off, and the others will temporarily go to Mrs. Jiang Ge and wait for me to return. "

When everyone heard this, they said in unison: "Okay, we understand." From the next moment, everyone broke up, and Akin began to prepare a map for Guan Heng, while Dorie, Maze and Guan Heng began to move towards a dozen Kilometers away, the Iron Dragon Riding Team advances in the hinterland of the Carlinlun Mountains.


After a while, Guan Heng, who was on the way, met the patrol team of the Dragon Knight of the Demon Sphere. Several dragon knights swarmed up on the flying dragon and surrounded them.

"唰-噗!" Dole's keel and arrow took the lead in nailing a dragon's neck, and then the horse yelled, "Extend, keel spear!" 挟 The wind-wrapped gun pointed and drilled out. , Immediately turned the Dragon Knight to the ground.

"Oh!" Said time and time soon, the dragon's teeth and double-edged swords in Guan Hengzhang swept across the waists of the three dragons, and immediately opened them.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! With the shouting dragon knight staring at the red eyes, regardless of the life of the mount, he flew straight at Guan Heng. He was also polite, one by one, and lost his account .

At this moment, ghosts of two dragon knights appeared in the corpses, and Guan Heng immediately revealed the devouring beasts, turning them into the soul stones, holding in his hands and searching for memories. A few seconds later, The corner of Guan Heng's mouth flashed a sneer.

"The Deputy Chief of Newin's thought that our entire army was covered by the explosion in the Grand Canyon." At this moment, Guan Heng said to Ma Ze and Dorie: "But that's fine, let's just kill it directly , Hit him by surprise, don't give these guys breathing time. "

"It makes sense to annihilate the enemy. It's expensive." Ma Ze nodded and said, "Here we ..."

Before Ma Ze finished this sentence, Dorie, who was on guard in front of him, shouted, "Brother Guan Heng, there are four dragons coming with the dragon knight."

Guan Heng and Ma Ze glanced at each other, shaking the figure swiftly and leaping forward, and the electric light and flint had soared to the evil dragon that had rushed over, saying that time and time later, the keel spear in Ma Ze's hand was straight ahead. The dragon's heart nest was pierced by it.

Guan Heng tiptoeed, leaping from the gun lever to jump up, the two dragon tooth blades suddenly crossed and split, "噗嗤!" The dragon knight's head flew into the air, and it suddenly sprayed a thick red mist.

There was no gap between the rows of bows to draw the string, "Papapa-嗖, 嗖, 嗖!"

The three dragon bone arrows were wrapped in the strong wind that tear the air. In a short time, they hit the eye sockets of the three flying dragons. The flying dragons were in great pain and rolled tumblingly. The dragon knights on their backs also fell down. Guan Heng With Ma Ze's feet, the wind blew up, and the three guys were immediately knocked to the ground.

Looking back on the memory of the Dragon Knight just now, Guan Heng cried, "We don't have to kill directly from the front of the Legion's station. A few hundred steps north from here, there is a mountain stream around the corner, where there is a steel dragon riding group. A dark castle inside the station. "

"Don't ask me how I knew it, it's too troublesome to explain it now." Guan Heng glanced at Dole and Ma Ze with confusion in his face, and then said, "Let's move faster, through this tunnel's tunnel, in a few minutes Will be able to break into the command post of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment. "

The next moment, three people rushed to the dark castle near the corner of the mountain. Guan Heng took the lead. He jumped forward and waved the dragon's tooth blade in his hands. "Yeah!" There is also a turquoise scale dragon in charge of monitoring nearby movements. At this moment, roaring and spurting blood, he died instantly.

"There are no other people in it." Due to her short stature, Duolie slipped into the dark fortress first, then poked out her head and shouted, "I found the entrance to the passage."

As soon as Dorie waved out to greet the two, Guan Heng heard Ma Ze roar: "Be careful!"

"Booming--" From the dark castle that had collapsed halfway, another terracotta dragon was rushing out. Obviously, this guy has been hiding in the rubble just waiting for the opportunity to attack.

"Ah ?!" Dorie saw the fierce monster dragon open his blood basin and rushed over, and it was too late to avoid it.

"Oh!" Ma Zhe, who was closest to Dole, slammed on him. Between the flashes of light, he quickly stretched out an arm and blocked Dole.

—— [Fifth more in 2016.6.1, good evening everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets (⊙o⊙)] ——

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