Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 1228: Trap by mistake (first)

"Ka-cha!" The fangs and fangs of the terrapin scale dragon suddenly closed, biting on Ma Ze's arm, and Dori yelled, "Ma Ze, you ..."

"Yeah!" Ma Ze didn't even glance at the bitten arm, and suddenly pierced the keel spear. "Well!" He pierced the dragon's forehead without bias.

"Dangdang!" The turquoise dragon with a red and white substance sprayed on the ground fell to the ground, biting Ma Ze's arm and opened his mouth.

"Hey, are you two okay?" Guan Heng asked beside him.

"It's okay, I'm already an undead monster, I don't know the pain, and I won't bleed." Ma Ze shook his arm and said, "You see, even the bitten place has healed quickly."

"Oh, this is quite convenient." Guan Heng smiled slightly, walked over and patted a bit of silly duo: "brother, don't be dazed, hurry up."

After saying this, Guan Heng swept away the gravel and rubble, found the entrance to the passage, and drew himself in.

At this moment, Dorie suddenly asked Maze aloud, "You, why do you stop in front of me?"

"I said it, and do my best to protect you." Ma Ze glanced duo Li expressionlessly: "Don't care." After that, Ma Ze also got into the passage.

"Huh, who wants you to be bothersome and hateful." Dorie was angry for no reason, and gave a serious glance at Ma Ze in front of him. Although his mouth was stubborn, if he was grateful to the other person, only this kid knew Already.

A moment later, Guan Heng, who was in the forefront of the road, rushed into the huge fortress of the Iron Dragon Riding Regiment first. He shook the dragon's teeth and greeted a dragon knight coming forward.


"Hoo--" In the low roar, the dragon knight waved the riding rifle in his palm and stabbed towards the closed horizontal gate. A dark mist was attached to the riding rifle, which seemed to be breathtaking.

"The senior dragon knight here can indeed use the magical black gas to enhance the weapon's attack effect." Guan Heng saw the opponent's dragon riding rifle, a sneer flashed from the corner of his mouth, and the dragon tooth blade in his hand suddenly rose up with a red breath : "Blazing sword, kill!"

The dragon knight only felt that there was a flash of light in the air in front of him. The dragon riding gun in his palm was light. It turned out to be cut into two by the blade, and then fell to the ground, as well as the arms of the dragon knight!

"Wow, yeah!" A heart-shattering roar had not yet fully yelled out, the dragon knight's great head suddenly soared into the air, and when he hurried forward in the horizontal direction, he had banged the corpse.

From Guan Heng's slaying of the enemy to the present, but after a few seconds, at this moment, Ma Ze and Dorie also came here through the tunnel, the two of them rushed straight ahead under the leadership of Guan Heng.

Guan Heng searched the soul stone memory of the killed dragon knight before, knowing that the interior of the huge fortress has been facing west, which is the room of the deputy legion leader Newin. He led the two people behind and dashed along, slashing and killing the dragon knight and Countless dragons finally arrived at the door of Newin's room after a moment.


"Oh!" In the low roar, Ma Ze took the lead and hurriedly flew across the door of the room. At this time, Guan Heng saw Newin standing in the room. The guy's face was not only scared but scared. Instead a flash of treacherous sneer flashed.

"Be careful!" The inexplicable warning sign flickered through Guan Heng's heart, but it was too late for his warning sound to be heard. Only a loud bang, Guan Heng and Dole and Ma Ze's feet appeared at the same time. Deep in the huge hole, three people caught off guard and fell together!

"Hahaha, the Scout came to report this morning, saying that a few of you are still alive, and I have started to prepare for the trap here."

Seeing Guan Heng giving them a trick, Cunning Newin couldn't help but laugh proudly: "I've prepared countless surprises for you below, so enjoy it slowly."

Talking, Newin turned the machine in the room and heard only a click, and there were countless huge black rocks falling to the two giant holes. For a while, the sound of rumbling was endless, and the stone blocked the entrance of the hole. real……

"Uh-huh!" When Dorie fell, she couldn't help but make a series of screams. Just then, "slap!" Someone suddenly grabbed his arm.

"Hold my hand." It was Maze who spoke.

"Huh, huh, huh ..." At this moment, Dorie whispered, "Maze, won't you give up?"

"Yes, but you have to wait until it's safe to give up." Ma Ze said, "You slowly climb up now, ride on my back, I will carry you down."

After a while, the two finally managed to fall from the surrounding stone wall to the ground.

"What is this place? Where is Brother Heng Heng?" Dorie murmured involuntarily, watching the dark surroundings, "The deputy head of the Iron Dragon Riding Team, Newin, is really not a thing. This trap pits us. "

"Don't complain, find a way out of danger before you talk."

Ma Ze stepped forward with the dragon spear at this time, and walked to the front of Dori, he said without looking back: "Your dragon wing bow is sharp in long-range combat, but in this environment where you can't see five fingers, you are still good at it. Melee, let me go ahead. "

"Uh ... that's fine." I wanted to refute a few sentences, but couldn't find any reason, because Mazer really made sense.

"Well, don't look down on me." Dorie still whispered unconvinced: "Even in such a dark place, the people of our night elves can still see clearly."

At this moment, Ma Ze didn't speak, but strode forward in front of him, and Dorie took a deep breath, followed closely behind.

The grotto on the ground was deep, dark, and full of weird atmosphere. The two had not gone out for three or four hundred meters. Ma Ze suddenly found that there were a lot of unevenness in the ground in front of him. He suddenly reached out and stopped the row that he wanted to walk past "Wait, there's something wrong."

Dory frowned, and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

After taking a closer look, Ma Ze took a breath of cold air, and he said softly, "The land in front is full of magic spar!"

His voice had just fallen, and a murmur of crickets rang from the nearby rock wall, as if something had crawled over. At this moment, Dorie heard the sound look up and suddenly cried out, "What kind of monster is that? ! "

Time and time passed, and five or six dark monsters with a length of several feet quickly crawled down from the rock wall, and hurled at Ma Ze and Dori in front of them.

"Eh!" A keel spear in Ma Ze's palm suddenly penetrated one of them, then flung away behind him, at this time several other ones had already come one after another.

Due to his night vision ability, Dorie saw clearly behind him: the monsters gave birth to four sharp claws, with long eyebrows and eyes, and a red letter vomiting in his mouth. Yalong.

—— [First update of 2016.6.2, good morning everyone, Lao Sha continues to seek subscriptions and monthly tickets ~ (≧ ▽ ≦) ~] ——

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