Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12263: Private tracking (the fifth outbreak)

"Yeah." Seeing that the demon was about to set off into the mine, Guan Heng asked casually, "Who else is willing to help?"

"Master Guan, I'll go." Gu Huanghou shouted with his hands raised, and he grabbed the big-headed Yongxiao who wanted to retreat, and then smiled: "Yes, there is still a big head!"

"Squeak, squeak?!" Hearing this, Datou Yongxiao was still a little unhappy. Guan Heng glanced at the other party and said coldly, "Why, don't you want to?"

As soon as he said these words, he was so frightened that his back was chilled, and he had a cold war. This guy shook his head hurriedly, and said with a smile that he was willing to help.

"Hmph, it's not too bad. You've been getting lazy lately. You're not actively fighting, and you don't want to work hard. That's not good."

The corners of Guan Heng's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile, "I'll punish you now to help the magic mandrel complete the mining mission. Hey, magic mandrill, all of you are staring at the big head. If this guy dares to be lazy, don't be polite and beat him hard. It's right."


After hearing this, Datou Yongyou still felt a little wronged, turned his head and glanced at his boss, the old white-browed monkey, who knew that the monkey put his hands on his shoulders and ignored him at all. The big-headed Yongxiao had to sigh, and walked over to the magic mandrill.

"You're not willing to ask your kid to contribute, are you?"

"Crack!" Mo Ji said, slapped the opponent on the back of the head with a slap, and continued: "Be honest, if you dare to be lazy and slippery, my fist will not spare you."

Hearing the words of the demon, the big head rubbed the back of his head and grinned reluctantly, indicating that he understood.

The magic mandrill was still a little uneasy at the moment, and said to the accompanying ice gluttonous beasts and brown-spotted bear bear monsters: "You also remember that after going down to the mine this time, the big head can help you honestly, if there is any errand Wrong, just 'that', understand?"

"Hee hee hee…"

Hearing the words of the magic mandrill, the ice gluttonous beast Little Fatty and Xiongzhuguai looked at each other with wicked smiles on their faces, and nodded in unison.

"Okay, alright, don't bother discussing bad ideas, hurry down, and hurry up to dig." Having said that, Guan Heng waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes, let's go everyone." The magic mandrill nodded in agreement at the moment, and the group of beasts immediately followed behind it and entered the mine in front of it. The entrance of the cave was a dozen meters away from the depths of the mine, and everyone reached the bottom without much effort.

"Hey, Little Fatty, let's test you." The demon turned his head and said to the ice beasts: "There should be ore rock formations nearby, but it's not on the surface, so you need to look carefully. Come on."

Hearing this, the ice gluttonous beasts nodded to each other and acted immediately.

Although the sense of smell of the ice gluttonous beasts is not as good as that of the snake head corpse dog, the Baojia dry turtle or the pure land dry catfish, they are still very keen.

Coupled with the fact that they often go into and out of the mine with the demon, the ice gluttonous beast is particularly sensitive to the smell of ore. As long as you smell it a little, you can basically find the approximate location. If you look carefully, it will be even more foolproof.

"Ow, Ow!" After more than ten breaths, the ice gluttonous beast, Little Fatty, was the first to discover it. It immediately turned its head and screamed at the magic mandrill. Then, the devil mandrill brought the gray-brown monster hedgehog, The bear and the big-headed Yongxiao approached.

"Shu la la, slap!" At this moment, Xiao Pangdun brought a few ice gluttonous beasts to dig the rock formation in front of him with his claws, and saw that the gravel collapsed and collapsed, immediately revealing a ore rock formation.

"Good, this is what I'm looking for, monster hedgehogs, let's start digging."

After giving the order, the mandrill beckoned to the big-headed scorpion and the brown-spotted bearded monster: "There are gray-brown hedgehogs and round-eared monsters here, so don't be idle, let's go, don't go and have a look. ."

In this way, the magic mandrill led a few companions and began to wander around the mine. The magic mandrill was accustomed to this kind of work in finding the mines, but the guy with the big head felt a little boring. Heck, he seems to be looking for a chance to be lazy.

Suddenly, the big head Yong You felt the wind above his head, and subconsciously ducked to the side.

"Tick... slap..." It was too late, but it was so fast that the falling object fell on a rock, and it actually made a subtle harsh sound, corroding the rock into a hole the size of a finger, and the big head shook his head in fright. , hurriedly looked up.

"Shuh!" In the flash of lightning, a swift figure crawls and moves on the top of the wall, and disappears in the northwest direction in a blink of an eye.

Since the mandrill and the brown-spotted bearded monster had already walked several meters away, they didn't notice anything. The big-headed young man made a sound to notify them, but after thinking about it, he didn't do it.

Because before going to the mine, everyone ridiculed and ridiculed Yonghao who likes to be lazy and slippery. He has not done much recently. Although this monkey usually doesn't care about these falsehoods, he was laughed at by his companions and felt a little fever on his face, so Datou Yonghao decided to be alone. Go after the guy who disappeared and got away.

"As long as I can capture the opponent alive, I can show my face, and I won't be looked down upon by my companions." After making up his mind, the big-headed Yongxiao took advantage of the fact that the magic mandrill and the bear monster didn't pay attention to him, and turned his head in the direction where the monster escaped. chase.


In this way, both sides chased me. In a blink of an eye, more than ten breaths passed, and the big-headed Yongxiao gradually became agitated. He said that if he continued to delay, the magic mandrill would find out that I was missing. At that time, I must be scolded. I must get hurry up.

Thinking of this, it looked closely at the direction the other party was fleeing, and suddenly grabbed a few small flame beads from the leather pocket around its waist. This was something Guan Heng gave them to play with, and it just came in handy at this moment.

"Chi Chi!" It was too late, but then quickly, the big-headed Yong Yu threw a few explosive beads, "Crack!" The guy who was moving and fleeing on the top of the wall was caught off guard and was hit in the body.


The fire spirit energy of the Flame Explosion Bead was released in a single burst, and the guy was covered in flames. With a scream, he fell to the ground. The big head was overjoyed. Huo Di flew over and grabbed the beast. This is a beast. Evil beasts with colorful fluff all over their bodies.

Seeing the big head grabbing himself, the multicolored velvet evil beast, regardless of the fire on his body, suddenly opened his mouth and bit fiercely. The big-headed Yongxiao didn't want to let go of his hand, so he flicked his wrist and slammed it on the side of the rock wall. .

"Pacha!" The multicolored velvet evil beast was hit hard by this blow, and its head suddenly shattered, and it died.

Although it was dead, the other party didn't bleed any blood, it stained the fine fur, and the big head shook the beast corpse, thinking in his heart: "The fur is very beautiful, you can take it back and give it to Lord Guan and the others, then everyone will definitely You will compliment me, so be it."

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