Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12264: Hard fight (first more)

After making up his mind, the big-headed Yongyou happily tied the corpse of the multicolored velvet beast to the animal skin skirt around his waist, turned around and left, but he didn't expect that he was already being targeted by some guy.

"Basashi-huhuhu--" It was too late to say, but it was fast, and the big-headed Yongxiao ran wild, but after running for a while, it suddenly stopped because this guy realized that he was lost.

It was only in the middle of the journey that the big-headed yongyu decided to separate from the magic mandrill and the brown-spotted bear beetle, and tracked the prey by himself. As a result, because he walked too fast, he forgot to leave the road marking.

"Squeak, squeak!" Because he couldn't find a way out, the big-headed young man screamed twice in a hurry, trying to contact the magic mandrill, but this seemed to be a futile move. Hear your partner's response.

Just when the big head scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks and was at a loss, "Baby Baso!" It was too late to say, but then a sudden shadow suddenly appeared behind it. Yu's back vest.

"Squeak?!" Big-headed Yongxiao is also considered to be very experienced, so how could he be completely unaware? It screamed suddenly, and swung the double-clawed stick with both hands to swipe backwards.

"Bang!" The other party never expected the big head Yongyou to fight back quickly without turning his head. He was caught off guard for a while, and this guy was immediately swept away by the scorpion claw stick.

"Crack!" The sound of bone cracks suddenly rose, and the other party spat out a blood mist, and immediately flew out, and then slammed to the ground, smashing all kinds of meat and eight elements.

"Squeak!" As soon as he hit the enemy, the big-headed Yongxiao immediately turned his head and flew towards him. Extremely annoyed, it raised its scorpion claw and twin sticks, and was about to beat the injured flower-haired evil beast to death.


But at the next moment, the evil beast that was vomiting blood turned its head up and howled wildly. Seeing this scene, the big head and Yongyou were a little surprised, but the scorpion and claw sticks in his hand still smashed the opponent's head with the wind, hitting the evil beast to pieces. Skull to death, corpse fell to the ground.

"Whoosh whoosh - shhhhhhh!" But before the big-headed Yongxiao was immersed in the joy of killing the enemy, dozens of swift shadows sprang from all around him, and they had already surrounded him.

These are all vicious guys exactly like the flower-haired evil beasts that he killed just now. It seems that they were attracted by the howls of the other party before they died. stand up.

But it's useless to think about anything else now. Only by breaking out of the siege can you make yourself safe. Thinking of this, Datou Yongxiao's eyes flashed fiercely, and he suddenly clenched his scorpion claw and rushed towards the enemy.

"Ow!" A fat flower-haired evil beast saw the opponent attack, and immediately roared and shook its claws to meet it.

"Ping ping pong pong!" But with the violent sound, this guy only touched the scorpion claw two sticks three or four times, and his arms were smashed to pieces by the shock, and the pain caused it to burst into hysterical wailing.

"Crack!" The big head didn't give this guy a chance to scream again, and suddenly he hit the opponent's head with a stick, and the beating made his brains rush. Kill the group of evil beasts to the northeast.

"Bang bang bang!" In the flash of lightning, the large-headed scorpion claw and double sticks flew up and down, and the violent noises came one after another, and the evil beasts were beaten one by one.

But even if the big-headed Yongxiao has the upper hand at this time, he can't stand the opponent's companions rushing from all directions like a tide, launching a fierce attack on it that is not afraid of death, killing more than ten evil beasts with his big head in one breath, but he is stunned. It was unable to break out of the siege, and this time, it became a little impatient and nervous.

"Kacha!" It was too late, but it was fast. One of the evil beasts, while being kicked by the big-headed Yongyao and screaming in agony, actually opened its mouth and bit the big-headed calf fiercely, tearing it violently.

"Squeak!" Suddenly felt a piece of flesh torn from the guy's leg, and the pain was so great that he slammed the club into the opponent's head, and then kicked the dead body out, just hitting the bodies of several other demonic beasts. , making those guys go backwards in embarrassment.

"Hu, hu, hu..." But at this moment, the big-headed Yongxiao also began to gasp for breath, and the successive fierce battles had made him almost exhausted.


The big-headed Yongxiao leaned on the ground with his scorpion claws and double sticks, and stared at the many evil beasts in front of him, his eyes were still fierce, and those evil beasts were also killed by the enemy's hard work, killing and injuring most of their comrades. Therefore, At this time, the siege is not attacking, and it is also waiting for the best time to counterattack.

"Hey, big head." At this moment, the voice of the magic mandrill sounded nearby: "You guy actually ran around privately, did you suffer this time?"

"Squeak? Squeak!" Hearing the other party's voice, Datou Yongxiao was instantly refreshed, and then he called out for help.

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll save you right away."

While talking, the magic mandrill walked out from behind the nearby rocks with the brown-spotted bear monster, and it continued: "You boy is lucky, we happen to be strolling nearby, otherwise you will be torn apart by these beasts, and we will also won't know."

"Ow!" Seeing the two of them coming from not far away, the evil beasts that were surrounding the big-headed scorpion suddenly felt bad, and a few of them flew over with howling, trying to stop them from coming.

"Hooooooh--" In an instant, the furious bear bear slammed towards him, waving its sharp claws and savagely landed on the heads and faces of the few evil beasts, hitting these guys instantly, breaking bones and tendons, and dying unintentionally.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the evil beasts were stunned and dumbfounded. Just when these guys were in a dilemma and were at a loss, a green light suddenly appeared beside the big-headed Yongxi on the opposite side. .


In the blink of an eye, Mu Lingzhi's eyes released a large amount of mysterious spiritual energy, covering the wound on Datou Yong's calf, causing it to quickly scab and heal. Feeling that the pain of the injury was greatly reduced, Datou Yong suddenly roared and waved the scorpion claw double stick. Go straight to the herd.

"Ping ping pong pong!"

"Boom blah blah!"


In just a few breaths, the big head slaughtered more than ten evil beasts in front of them, all of them broke their arms and legs. These guys immediately collapsed. The evil beasts panicked. You seem to have forgotten me, don't you?"

"Xuan Bing Earth Thorn!"

"Crack!" It was too late to say, but it was too fast. The demon stabbed the ancient gold icebreaker into the ground. The tip of the ice thorn, let these guys bleed to death.

"Chichichichi!" Seeing these evil beasts without exception, all of them died tragically on the spot, the big-headed Yongyou jumped up and down with joy, and couldn't stop clapping his claws to applaud.

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