Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12265: Trash will jump over the wall

"Stupid monkey, you laugh at the fart!"

"Crack!" After saying that, the demon raised his hand and slapped the big head and the back of the head, and then scolded: "If you didn't run around privately, how could you have made this series of things, don't reflect on it!"

"Squeak, squeak!"

Hearing this, Datou Yong did not dare to speak back, but just rubbed his head with a flattering look on his face, nodded and said yes. In front of the mandrill, he indicated that this was a gift to honor your elder brother.

"Huh? The fur of this evil beast is good, very good, then I will accept it." After speaking, the magic mandrill put the dead beast into the storage clam, and then continued: "Hey, you put the surrounding Burn all these beast corpses, I'm sick of looking at them."

After hearing this, Datou Yongxiao nodded hastily, and then shook the two sticks in his hands to collide with each other.

"Pop! Hissing--" It was too late, but it was fast, and the small flaming beads in the scorpion claw twin sticks burst out of sparks, and then turned into a raging flame, burning the beast corpses around them with a crackling sound. After a few breaths, more than half of it was already burned.


"Dong, dong, dong!" Suddenly noticing something inside a half-burned beast corpse, the brown-spotted bear beast next to him roared lowly, flew over in three steps and took two steps, and took advantage of the situation to pick up this thing.

"What is it, show it to me." The magic mandrill said casually, hearing this, Xiong Zouwei nodded, and immediately did as he was told.

Immediately afterwards, the demon took the thing and looked at it carefully, then smiled and said: "Very good, it's not worth it for us to come and save the big one, the thing in this guy's body is ore, it seems that it didn't have time after it devoured it. Digestive stuff."

After that, the magic mandrill continued: "This also shows one thing, there must be a new mine nearby, everyone will look for it again, this time we must find that place."

After listening to this, the companions all nodded. At the same time, the big-headed Yongzhao rushed to the bear's back several times. Taking advantage of the opponent's height, he looked in all directions and in the distance, and after a few breaths. , the big head pointed to the northeast and screamed: "Squeak!"

"Oh, I actually found the traces of other evil beasts. You did a good job." Mo Yan said with a smile at the moment: "As long as you are serious, you can still do it, lead the way."

Hearing this, the big-headed Yong-chi nodded, and then whispered a few words in the ear of the brown-spotted bear worm. The other party immediately spewed rough air from his nostrils, strode forward and galloped forward, followed by the magic mandrill. .

In just seven or eight breaths, the magic mandrill and the others chased away the evil beast that was galloping and fleeing ahead, but because the other party ran too fast, they did not realize that the magic mandrill and everyone had chased him.

At the same time, the magic mandrill winked at the big head and the bearded monster, which meant to say: "Don't act rashly for the time being, let's just follow behind and follow this guy to its nest first." Seeing this scene, they all nodded, expressing their understanding.

In fact, the nest of the evil beast is not far from the vicinity. After a while, this guy ran to the mouth of a certain hole, and when he was about to dig into it, "Huhuhu! Boom!" Out of the hole, Kankan blocked the way of the fleeing evil beast.

These demonic beasts were the guards at the entrance of the cave, but when they saw this guy who had escaped back, their eyes were filled with suspicion. , where are the other companions?"

Hearing this question, the fleeing Evil Beast was a little nervous, and with a guilty conscience, he stood there with his head down and muttered a few times, telling them that their companions had been killed by the enemy.

Hearing this, the little leader of the evil beast suddenly became furious and slapped the opponent's face with his claws, causing the escaped beast to vomit blood. To escape in a hole.

But the ruthless and vicious little leader didn't mean to let the other party go. He raised his paw and pointed ahead, signaling the fleeing companion to get out of the way immediately. What it meant was: "A fear of death like you who is shrinking from battle. You are not qualified to enter the cave, you should just wait to die outside!"

There is no doubt that the little boss decided to completely cut off his life. The evil beast that escaped and returned was so angry that his eyes were bursting with fury. This guy's eyes were already red with urgency. He knew that if he stayed outside for a while, he would definitely be dead. .

"Since you don't give me a way to live, then I will let you die!"

Evil beasts are ruthless, selfish and selfish people. At this moment, who can care about the false affection between their companions, let alone that kind of thing does not exist at all. The fleeing evil beast deliberately looks terrified, and whimpered. Turn your head and walk backwards.

The little boss thought that this guy had already accepted his fate, and could not help but let out a smug howl, but in the next instant, the fleeing Evil Beast suddenly bowed and scurried, opening his mouth and biting the little boss's front leg with lightning speed.

"Kacha!" Huo tried his best to close his sharp teeth, and this guy actually bit off half of the front legs of the little leader who was much stronger than himself.


Severe pain hit the body, blood sprayed from the wound, and the small head with the broken leg hurt to the death. The rest of the evil beasts were a little overwhelmed. In one fell swoop, the little boss was seriously injured!


The next moment, the fleeing evil beast who decided to fight the opponent to the end rushed forward like a madman. The little leader was inconvenient to move because of his front leg injury. superior.

At the same time, the little boss was so angry that he roared at several of his subordinates, which meant to say: "What are you **** watching? Why don't you hurry up and kill this rebel and rebel guy for me."

"Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo--" Hearing this, the rest of the evil beasts reacted, and they all surrounded the fleeing evil beast, that is, the sharp-eared gray-nosed evil beast, facing this guy. He grinned, trying to block it.

"Ow, ooh!" But at this moment, the sharp-eared grey-nosed evil beast was not afraid, and instead roared loudly at several of its companions.

The meaning of this guy's expression is nothing more than: "Usually you are less often beaten and scolded by the little boss? Now that it has been bitten by me, what are you afraid of? Why don't you come with me and kill this guy? Evil is real."

Hearing these words, a trace of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of several evil beasts. There is no doubt that the words of the sharp-eared, gray-nosed evil beast directly touched them!

"Kill kill kill—kill this little leader!" This thought suddenly appeared in the minds of the beasts, and it lingered for a long time. Then, a few of them turned their heads towards the evil beast, who was shaking with severed limbs and kept shaking. The little boss walked away.

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