Imperial Legend of the Ghosts

Chapter 12267: red eye hog



The magic mandrills were busy digging for a while, and they gathered dozens of ore of different sizes. At this time, there was a squeaking sound from the entrance of the cave. Everyone turned their heads and looked back. The mutant fennel ran in from the outside with more than a dozen barking gray-brown monster hedgehogs.

"Squeak!" At this time, the headed demon hedgehog ran to the magic mandrill, and pretended to rush into its arms to act like a spoiled man, the magic mandrill immediately shouted: "Stop, stop, now is not the time to play, everyone, let's work first, Come, come and dig quickly."

Hearing this, the demon hedgehogs nodded to each other, and then the demon reached out and patted the rock wall in front of him and said, "Well, it's here, let's dig well."

In this way, under its command, the monster hedgehogs immediately began to work hard, and the big-headed Yongxiao and the brown-spotted bearded monster next to them also helped.

Only the magic mandrill is idle now, so it plans to walk around and search for other areas in the cave. If it can find other mining areas, it will be even better.

"Uh, although it's also ore, but the quality is too bad, it's not worth it." The magic mandrill who walked to the corner of a certain tunnel picked up a piece of ore, looked at it, shook his head in dissatisfaction, and threw the thing to his head. back.

"Huh-" At this time, a strange wind suddenly wafted across the opposite side. The magic mandrill smelled the strange wind mixed with a stench, and thought to himself, "Could it be that there are other evil beasts in this cave? Just to be on the safe side. , you have to find the other party quickly."

After making up his mind, the magic mandrill rushed forward.


It rushed forward a few feet away, and the magic mandrill suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the corner of the tunnel ahead. A sneer appeared on its face, and it suddenly climbed to the top of the rock wall and continued to advance silently. Moving forward again, it saw the scene below.

It turned out to be a large-eared evil beast with a dark body, a long nose about several feet, and a mouth full of sharp teeth and fangs digging a hole in the arched ground. good stuff.

"Boom! Crash—" It was too late, but it was too late, and the red-eyed and long-mouthed evil hog slammed into the rock wall that was about to be dug through. The rock wall collapsed and fell into pieces with a series of sounds.

"Crackling!" A lot of stones fell on the body of the red-eyed evil hog, but this guy was purely rough-skinned, he shook his body nonchalantly, and went straight in.

"What this beast is recruiting is not simple, I have to go and see."

In the flash of lightning, the magic mandrill fell to the ground, fluttering and making no sound, as if four or two pieces of cotton were falling. Then, it took out the Hidden Mist Spider Pill, made itself invisible, and then stepped into the hole.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooo!" At this moment, the red-eyed evil hog walking in front suddenly roared, it seemed to be entangled by something.

The Demon Mandrill watched coldly from behind, only to see more than a dozen swift shadows swooping at a low altitude. Seeing that the red-eyed evil hog was surrounded by it, it kept hitting the guy's body, so angry that the evil hog's eyes were about to split and roared again and again. .

But just after a few breaths, the red-eyed evil hog had already adapted to the harassment of the other party. This guy opened his mouth wide and said, "Huhuhu!" In an instant, those flying things were actually sucked into his mouth, and then directly devoured.

"Those things should be the souls of evil beasts. I didn't expect that there are guys who feed on such things. It's a bit interesting."

Originally planned to kill the other party after observing, but after thinking about it, there is no need to be so anxious, first see what the other party plans to say.


The red-eyed evil hog that devoured the souls of more than a dozen weak evil beasts exhaled rough air from its nostrils, and then continued to stagger forward. With this guy's appetite, of course he couldn't fill it by eating only a few small souls. Full stomach, so this guy has to keep looking for other prey.

"Whoosh whoosh—huhuhuhu—" It was too late to say, but it was too late, and dozens of swift shadows suddenly flew from a relatively wide area ahead, which were the souls of large and small evil beasts.

Generally speaking, when the body of an evil beast dies, no soul body will be derived, because that is not in line with common sense.

However, there are places where the evil energy is strong, and the dead evil beast can be derived from the soul body, and then re-integrated with the evil energy. Their strength is usually not very strong, but they contain strong evil energy, so it is not surprising that the evil beast will stare at them as food. .

"Ouch!" The red-eyed evil hog was overjoyed when he saw so many souls with evil energy. This guy suddenly flew over, opened his mouth and inhaled, "Boom!" In an instant, more than half of the soul was ingested by this guy. In the mouth, swallow directly.

But the souls of the other evil beasts did not dare to approach. These guys deliberately fled to the sky and kept wandering, but they refused to leave, because if they relaxed their vigilance, the red-eyed evil hogs would eat them all up sooner or later.

"The souls of these evil beasts are not bad. If they were refined in the soul-recovery urn, they would convert a lot of pure soul power. It would be a pity for the red-eyed evil hog to swallow them all."

The devil who was watching from the back pondered in his heart: "Good things can't be spoiled, it's better for me to receive them."

"Huhuhu - Whistle -" Between the thunder and fire, the determined mandrill suddenly released a large amount of freezing cold air and swept towards the front. The red-eyed evil hog was busy chasing the soul of the evil beast, not at all. Watch out for a sneak attack from behind.

"Luck la la..." When the whole body was surrounded by a bone-chilling chill, the red-eyed evil hog was shocked that he could no longer move. This guy wanted to open his mouth to scream, but his mouth was immediately stuffed with ice cubes, and he couldn't come out again. No sound.

"Hum, hum, you can live a little longer. Lord Shi is kind enough. Now you still have some value, so let's start hunting the souls of evil beasts now."


As soon as these words came out, the demon immediately reached out and grabbed the body of the evil hog, tore off a large piece of flesh, and threw it to the side. Sift the chaff, but there is no way.

Now this red-eyed evil hog's body is covered in flesh and blood, and it has become the best "bait" to lure the soul of the evil beast. Recklessly rushed over.

Sure enough, just as the devil had guessed, once the **** aura spread, it would not be able to stop the tempted souls of evil beasts from coming to feast on them. Flesh and blood all over the body.

Just listening to the sound of hissing, the red-eyed evil hog's vitality is also continuously draining, and after a few breaths, this guy has fallen into a state of near death.

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